Yesterday, the photos above surfaced showing 2face having a good time and kissing another woman, whom some say is one of his other baby mamas, Pero Adeniyi. One could easily wave this off as old news, except that 2 face
can be seen wearing his wedding ring in the photos, proving he was already married and this happened in the last 2 years.
Neither 2Face nor Annie Idibia have released official statements on the photos, but the mom of two hinted
in a recent interview that it was not a bed of roses being married to a man with other women in his life as the mother of his children. Several of her posts on Instagram a few days ago also talk about the devil using some "born again Christians" to distract her, saying; "may their "2faces" "2lives" not b exposed.." Is she referring to 2Face himself or any of his babymamas? See the full posts below...