Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blog Anniversary - One day to go

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The first posts on this blog were made HERE on the 13th of August 2009. I started out with excerpts of AHTM, then known as Not the End of the Road. I had no idea I would publish, until I found out after a few months that sharing the story online ruled out conventional publishers. I was also really encouraged by how all those who read it reacted, both good and bad. Their feedback led me to brush up my writing and to really polish the manuscript.

It has been a roller-coaster of a year and I can honestly say that Myne Whitman today is just because of this blog and everyone that supports me. So for my blog anniversary, I plan to do something special for the followers of my blog. From today on until August 13, 2010, you can enter my blog anniversary giveaway and also invite others to take part. You can copy the HTML under the button on the right and put on your sidebar.


Five lucky winners will each win an ebook copy of A Heart to Mend. All five will also get $10 gift cards on or


1. You must be a follower of Myne Whitman Writes.

2. Leave a comment starting with ENTRY and let me know what you'll like to see more of here on Myne Whitman Writes.

The winners will be selected via a widget which I will put up here on the blog on blog anniversary. I will also publish the names of the winners on August 13 and they will then have one week to email me so I can forward their prizes.

To have your name put in the draw more than once, you can do the following for extra points;

+1 if you are a Facebook fan (leave a comment on the page)
+1 for spreading the word (Twitter - @Myne_Whitman or Facebook @Myne Whitman)
+2 adding the giveaway button to your blog sidebar
+2 blog post on your blog.

Please leave the links to your extra entries through the last two ways so I can check them. Links will be verified for the extra entry.

Good luck to everyone!


  1. Nice one myne. Congratulations! Happy anniversary!

  2. Congrats on your blog anniversary (how you guys manage to remember these dates, i wonder)

    alas, i am never lucky with these raffle draw things so if you dont see my entry, know the reason why...

  3. Happy blog anniversary Myne. Wish you the best from here on.

  4. Happy Blog anniversary. You will definately see my entry. I must win o

  5. Happy Anniversary Myne. Time flies o, we just have to be the pilot :)

    - LDP

  6. Congratulations on the success of your year! Wishing you many more!!!!

  7. Yay!!! Congrats Myne wish you many more!!!!

    ENTRY...I would like to see more interactive stories ;)

  8. FĂ©licitations. joyeux anniversaire

  9. Thank you all so much! The coming year will be even greater for all of us.

  10. Congrats Myne! keep the good work coming.

  11. congrat o! what other prize do u have apart from the novel becox i don read am o! ...hhehehehe

  12. Thanks all.

    @Nitty Gritty, you've read it? That's great. I'm also giving $10 gift cards to five winners.

  13. Congratulations Myne!!!!
    Its been great following your blog

  14. yes o!....burnt the midnight torch light [not candle o...too risky...hehehehe]to finish reading it...ok , i would prefer you convert the 10dollar to naira & send to my account IF I WIN O! blame me o! 9ja wahala cause am o!..*grinning*

  15. Congratulations Myne... keep on keeping on

  16. AW Congrats on your blog-versary I hope you have many more!

  17. Congrats, Myne...yeah, i remember that first were almost like right behind then everywhere...

  18. COngratulobia!

    Within a short time, you have left very strong footprints in the sands of blog ville.

    Many more great achievements in the years to come.


  19. Thanks all, looking forward to your entries.

  20. just in case you are referring to the fact it starts now...

    Entry! you'd better keep on writing, I love your stories.

    Congrats on your blog anniversary, I love the giveaways you do, they are so much fun!

  21. Congrats all the way!
    I'm honored knowing you!
    These try your luck things don't favour me oh.. but still..

    ENTRY! I love what you're doing yet and the skills you've sharpened since you started blogging.. Please don't stop

  22. Happy Anniversary Myne. It's been a year already huh? May the next ten years bring you more success than you can handle:-)That's meant to be a good thing.

  23. oh great.. i've really been absent from blog ville

  24. Happy anniversery Myne!I love your blog. I became a Facebook follower, but I am not so good a linking, yet. I looks like you have made a splash with 300 followers in year.
    Malika Bourne ( author)

  25. Thank you Malika, that will be counted too.

  26. Entry

    Congrats on your anniversary :) I think that your blog flows really well, and is very entertaining.


  27. Congrats on ur anniversary and award.
    I love cupids risks. Oh Em Gee. U've completely won me over. I'm posting on ur next season :D. Cupids risks is what actually brought me over here. Actually after reading 'A Heart to Mend' (16pages), I had to read Cupids Risks, which then brought me to Myne Whitman Writes.

    ENTRY. I wanna see more books(work in progress) only because I cannot wait to read...I'm sorry, a lil selfish here. Take ur time, to bring out the best.

    MORE, MORE...Keep it coming..

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. In 365 days 332 followers? Nwanyi kedu ogwu inyere anyi? Congratulations! and may the ink never dry in your pen..abi should I say may your keypad never fade/become unresponsive and may the stories keep flowing!

  30. #Entry: try doing a story collabo that can be used by Nollywood. Emphasis on characterisation and location.

  31. Entry:

    Happy Anniversary Myne!

  32. p.s: would like a repeat of those interactive stories u ha don a while back where your readers got to write.

  33. ENTRY: First I love ur blog! I think I'd like you to feature upcoming young talents...just saying.

  34. Entry.. I want to read A Heart to Mend. I have enjoyed the reviews. Keep it up

  35. congrats to you, you have come a long way and you are an inspiration to others. keep up d good works and waiting to read more from ypu..xx

  36. Happy Anniversary Myne. Your blog is awesome.

    - LDP


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