Saturday, August 14, 2010

Picture Weekend - The Animal Shelter

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Hi everyone, thanks so much for making it with me this far, one year into my blogging.


Do any of you have a cat or a dog? I hope you're treating them well sha.

Last weekend, Atala came up with this idea. He's been toying with getting a pet, a dog and a German Shepard in particular. I'm not big on animals living in the house, maybe a hamster or a fish I suggested. Anyway, he decided we go check out the animal shelter and see if any of the animals was calling our name. Calling our names? See me see wahala. OK o, we carried our kaya and went. Thank God none was calling HIS name, as for me, certainly no cat or dog will be calling my name in the forseeable future, lol. But the visit made me think about what brought the animals there in the first place, some even had battle wounds. Pity! At least the Humane Society is taking care of them and there were lots of people there willing to adopt.

Enjoy the pics my people and have a great weekend. Love you guys, Mwah!


  1. Blessings....
    Don't do the pet thing since I've been in this country, not condusive to it at least in my way of thinking. Back home (Trinidad & Tobago) our pets live outside in their own houses. Here people have them sleep in their bed and such, am not really down with that, so I just enjoy them from afar.

    In the Islands we had dogs, monkey, parrot, cat, iguanas. My only pet now is my lovelable and totally irresistable 1 year old God son. I call him "Man Man". A heart stealer that one.....

  2. The last dog is so cute. *Sigh* For I and hubby this is the reverse, I want a pet (preferably a puppy) to call my name, he doesn't want any such thing. Lol.

  3. I am not a fan of "live in pets". These pictures are CUTE! I think Standtall should see these cats! meow!

    I really envy people who have pets, considering all the effort one IS expected to put in to give these pets the best!

    Stay blessed!

  4. I love the white cat....I can hear it meow-ing my name.

    For hubby n I, the issue is, I'm more of a cat or bird person, while he's a dog person, anyways, no one is talking pets for now :).

    Enjoy the weekend Myne

  5. oh my...I want a puppy sooo bad....
    but i dnt have the time or patience...
    heck i'm not even patient with humans not to talk of a

    i like the brown dog with his adorable eyes!!!

    I HATE CATS!!!! freaky things like this!!!

  6. I am not a fan of animals myself, though I like cute things like gerbils and those tiny dogs you can fit into your monkeys dressed up look cute too lol! I wouldnt want any of them in my house I dont think so I am happy with you myne that none of them called out to either of u haha

  7. LOL...all these people that love puppies cos they're cute, you do know they'll grow up into big smelly dogs right?

    @Miss N, it's not our fault, maybe next time, hehehehe...

  8. That puppy is so cute...those eyes!

    Lol@Myne, So true!

  9. cuteeeee!!!! congrats on your one year.....i have no pets, i do want a rabbit though

  10. Awww, the cats and dogs are adorable. I've never owned a pet but have no objections to keeping one as long as someone else does all the work! lol.

    BTW, happy blogoversary.

  11. Thanks all.

    @NaijaLines, that is part of my aversion to pets o. Beyond the cuteness, they're a big responsibility.

  12. I have a giant massive dog,that eats 3 plates of rice,yea someone tends to it,he even drinks whiskey and is both nice and cruel,tongue always stuck out with a permanent growl.
    Myne I envy u and Atala,I have a long way to go before settling,Mtcheww,(hand under chin)wish I could fast-forward my age.
    Happy weekend duh

  13. I am in "like" with the pets in 2,3 and 6.

    You are so funny - hampster or fish, ROTFL....

  14. Err stick to the hamster MW....hehe. Nice photos tho'.

  15. we had 4 dogs growing up...will definitely get one when i get my own 'compound' he can stay & play outside, & eat any intruders

  16. LOL @ Gretel, everything will come in it's own time duh...

    @Rita, I like that cat 2 also but will I keep it in my house?

    @Blog, I prefer the fish, smells less I think.

    @Baroque, intruders eh? That's why Atala wants a GS too..

  17. I adore animals. Has several cats when i was growing up. I don't have a pet anymore because there is no time to feed or cuddle. Hmmm, maybe one day.

  18. awww, that's such a cute idea. I fear the thought of adopting a grown dog because I have issues with training (pooping, biting, barking). Do you know if these dogs have been re-trained or pre-trained by the pet store?

  19. @Tetekai, maybe it's cos I didn't have any pets growing. I was scared of dogs at a point.

    @AP, you have a point there. I believe the animals have been retrained, the staff say there's a routine.

  20. Gosh i soo hate pets too but the cat in the 4th picture looks cute.


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