Sunday, November 7, 2010

Picture Weekend - The Writing Circle

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With my writing meetup group on one of our critique nights. I haven't met with them in a while as my WIP and more recently NanoWrimo have been taking most of my time. But they are awesome! I got the push to start a public blog from one of the members and I know I have improved a lot in my writing through feedback shared during our meetings, both for my writing and for others. One of us, present below, is also a tank of inspiration and I follow his blog for writing tips. The group has also been very supportive since A Heart to Mend came out. Let's just say, they're a big part of my writer's journey.

Thank you all so much!


  1. finally I'm first,where all those russians?
    MW,lovely pics though I didn't see you there,shoulda been one with you,are all ur team pple whites :x?
    Have a great week.

  2. I was busy taking the pictures so that's why I'm missing. And yeah, that's us.

  3. Must be good to have valuable support when embarking on a major project, particularly writing which some have described as a solitary occupation.

    Have a good week, Myne.

  4. That's so nice...nothing like encouragibng words to boost ones morale...keep it up.

  5. Myne...
    Shebi they hired you to take pics abi?
    How you?
    Have a blessed week!

  6. lol myne was looking for you too but now I read ur comment so I get it. haha there's nothing like a support group!!! Here's to you achieving all ur goals IJN!

  7. LOL...yes o, I was the professional photographer. Thanks for the prayers, as always, I appreciate.

  8. You weren't listening at this one oh! You were just taking pix. Neeways, maybe you bought the tape after, lol. Your group loox well knit!

  9. LOL at Imisi, I agree with you, lol. But I was listening with one ear.


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