Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Love That Changed My Life - Real Love Story

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This story is from Rita of ERO Inspirations. One of the things that was confirmed for me as this month progressed was that as we're different, so are our stories. But no matter the story, love is real, love is for everybody. Age ain't nothing but a number, and neither distance nor money is a barrier to love.

Do you consider yourself hard hearted? Love will find you. Think it's too late to get that Tall, Dark and Handsome? He's right there. In this story we find that even when you have a history that makes people turn up their noses, there is forgiveness and someone for you. Enjoy!

When he asked me if what he heard from “The Scandal” was true, I denied vehemently. He was nothing more than a classmate to me, so I felt there was no point in opening up to him. He took my words, and defended me anytime people made mention of “The Scandal”.

He was a great friend. He was the “middle-man” trying to help mend my relationship broken by “The Scandal”, so we met often. He was very easy to talk to. I told him things about me (except the truth about “The Scandal”). He was not judgmental. With time I began to like him, for he is very easy to love. After a while I realized we had become very close. We had shared secrets, pains, joys, and used our strengths to help each other in our weaknesses. I had started feeling something for him but was haunted by the secret I kept from him. I decided to tell him the truth about “The Scandal”. I knew the truth could make us separate, but I could not go on with the lies and deception. For his openness and love, he deserved to know the truth.

He was far away and we communicated via phone at specific times. When I could not take the guilt of my lies anymore, I quickly seized the opportunity when he called me to break the news.
“Remember ‘The Scandal’ and those things you heard about me?” I started, “they actually happened. I am sorry I lied to you and I am sorry I have kept this a secret from you for over a year!”

The silence that followed was deafening. A minute later, he hung up on me. Surely that night was going to be a sleepless one for me. There was no way I could reach him. I did not know what he felt, what he thought, or what his decision could be. I put myself in his shoes. It was an unforgivable act. A combination of lies, deception, betrayal, destruction of ego and reputation. If I was the one, that would have ended the relationship.

When I had not heard from him the next day (because he is a consistent caller), I concluded that the friendship was over and I accepted my fate. He did not deserve someone like me, even as a friend. A day afterwards, I received an email from him. I expected to read of my faults, my mistakes, what I had done wrong and why we can never be friends again. To my astonishment, what I read was “God loves us all, we wrong HIM but He still forgives us no matter what. So who am I not to forgive? I may hate you for a minute, get angry for a second, but I will remain the man who wants to walk in GOD's image and purpose and will learn to forgive (as per to forget..hmmm dat one na shock therapy I go need sha)”

I had gone into relationships hoping to find love and acceptance – these I never found. Worse still, I had been told by many that I was not wife material – maybe at best a concubine or mistress. But what He did made me feel accepted and loved. When we met face-to-face, I said, “Tell me more about your God. Does He love me and has He also forgiven me of my sins?” (I did not have a Christian/godly background so I did not really know who God was). That began my journey of getting to know the grace and unconditional love of God. The more he taught me about God, the more I was falling in love with him and His God.

We did have some challenges with our relationship that made us stay apart for a while. It came as a surprise to me when one morning, after all our ups and downs, he challenged me to a game of scrabbles. He knew I like Scrabbles but he was not always keen on playing, hence my surprise. He was to play first but he “cheated”. He peeped into the scrabble bag and took more than 7 tiles. While I was trying to tell him he must return the tiles and pick the right way, he spelt something on the board that read “Pearl, will you marry me?” I was so shocked yet excited at the same time. I had to “cheat” as well and picked letters E and S to add to one of the Y’s in response. Nine months later, we got married.

His act of forgiveness, and accepting me for who I was despite my past, mistakes, flaws, weaknesses, secrets and heartbreaks made me a whole, different woman. It drew me to God, taught me to love myself and others, helped me let go of self-condemnation and helped me step out into the future God had in store for me. He remains a man whose love makes me love him more with each passing day.

It is my prayer for ladies waiting on God for Mr. Right, that they meet the man of their dreams, who understands that no one is perfect, and who will love them for who they truly are.


And I say Amen.

Do you want to be inspired in your own relationship? Want to know more about Rita and her Mr. Right? CLICK HERE.


  1. Woah Love is a Beautiful thing. Thanks for sharing this. Pls can we make Feb have 40days? lol. Loving these love stories. Pls keep them coming. Good Job.

  2. Awwwww Rita!!!

    Wow LOVE conquers a multitude of sins for real!!! It's a beautiful thing!!!

  3. Awww, I'm so happy for you, Rita... Your love is truly pure and unconditional...

  4. Awwww!! This is lovely Rita! Good luck girl!


  5. Awwww, tis got my eyes teary, I love rita soooo :)
    Its so hard to find the right one to love u perfectly in your perfectly I mean loving you the 1corin13:4 kind.

  6. I really love this story.....n I am happy she allowed herself to be loved.......may their love wax stronger n stronger.....n February grow longer n longer....:)

  7. A really lovely love story.
    This is how love should be - unconditional!

  8. We true are different and have different stories to tell...This is a lovely story

  9. this is soo real..
    lol...I liked the part of "shock-therapy", lol...that was funny.

    Love is indeed a beautiful thing

  10. This is my BEST love story(I can relate to it) like ​​​am the man...

    L♥√ุน covers a multitude of sins,the more ‎​​We see L♥√ุน thro the eyes of God, the more forgiving ‎​​We are. Am so awestruck! God bless you two amen

  11. This just made me feel love.....:)

  12. Thank you all for your comments and prayers :-)

    @Myne, I really like the way you packaged this story...makes it feel very special :-)

    And I agree that February should be longer so we can have more of these stories but since that is not happening, what can you do for us?

  13. Blessings.....

    There are those who are capable to walk the talk and accept people as they are, not an easy thing as we live in a very judgmental society. May the blessings of the Divine walk with them always.

    Thanks for sharing and visiting.
    Have a wonder filled weekend

  14. Unconditional love, warts and all. Heart-warming story, I like.

  15. I am SO loving all these wonderful stories! Yay for love!

  16. Very moving story!
    Thanks for sharing, Rita.

  17. Love is just amazing... it looks beyond imperfection and says, "you're the perfect one for me". It looks beyond weaknesses and says, "I'd be your strength wherever you're week". It looks beyond deficiencies to say, "come what may, I'd always stand by you". Oh, I love Love. Thanks for sharing with us Sis. I enjoyed reading.

    - LDP

  18. such an amazing story....!
    may your love for each other never grow cold

  19. This may sound a bit sexist...but it is refreshing to read a story of where a man bends over backwards to make a relationship work (cos its usually women who do that easily) , sweet story

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