Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to get more comments for your blog - 2

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You can read the first part HERE where I list the first rule as leaving comments on other people's blogs. Making your posts interesting,  ensuring your comment system works, and removing the word verification will also go a long way. More things you could do include;

Respond to your own comments. Blogger makes this a bit hard for us but I think it's only polite, especially when someone asks you a question. I personally go back when I've asked a question on a blog to check if the blogger responded and I try to do it on my blog. In fact, I put in comment moderation on my older posts so I can check and respond if necessary. Ginger asked about comments on old posts on her blog, and I have to say I find them extra interesting.

Cut your posts short. I'm still learning on this one. Being the novel writer I am, please forgive any lapses if I tend to go on and on, lol. But hey, when I start sharing my new WIP, I won't apologize o so be warned. Some use the long post alert at the beginning of their posts and that can be helpful.  I then know to come back for it depending on whether the topic seems interesting or not.

Put a question of the day. This is like a call to action, and most of us respond very instinctively. The question should be related and summarize your post for those who are in a hurry, like me when I'm on my blog rounds. They also help the reader to gather their thoughts as they start to comment.

Make rules for Blogfests/ Memes/ Giveaways less difficult. I may have been a victim of these since I do a lot of such posts. The truth is that as much as we love blogging and giveaways, it can become a chore. Like when a blogger asks you to leave a FB status, tweet, write a blog, and then bring ten people to follow them and comment on their giveaway post, all for a $5 Amazon card. Hello? LOL...the easiest giveaway rule is to ask those interested to leave a comment. H of His and Her once had a giveaway of my books with some very long strings attached, even me I fear.

Put some commentary on your picture posts. I learnt this the hard way. I love taking pictures and I decided to share them with my blog readers over the weekends. I had to review this when I observed that while traffic did not drop, I was getting less than 10 comments on the posts. Interestingly, things improved when I added some commentary, either at the beginning, the end, or in between for each picture. Nikkisho latest FOTD comes to mind on this point.

And so we come to the end of today's post. Not too long I hope? Do you have any other pointers?

ps, to H and Nikkisho, not calling you girls out o. You know I still gbadu your blogs, right?


  1. On point and tres helpful! Thank you!

  2. Very insightful Myne. I also try to respond to comments left on my blog as that was the one of the first rules I learnt when I joined the train. Thanks for sharing

  3. Great words, ma.

    I must confess, short posts are indeed a way to go. I try as much as possible to ensure my posts are not more than 3 paragraphs or 4 the most so people can digest easily what I am trying to say and leave their opinions or questions.

    I learned something new today.. I think I should do a give away too.. haha

    Thank you so much ma :)

    I'd not go without saying you are indeed a blessing to us...

    - LDP

  4. I fond people are more likely to leave you comments if you leave them on their posts. But not always. I like it when a dialogue devlops, even if it's a contentious one.

    Moody Writing
    follow me!

  5. *covers face* ....guilty!!! but i always respond to comments....lol.

    Note taken ma :)

  6. I'm learning. Thank you Myne.

  7. Myne, you are indeed a blessing to us just like the professor has said...

    ...now I know better on "short post", i had wrongly thought that "long post" was a symbol of expertise...anyways, considering the fact that my blog is more of a religious one, i write what i am inspired to write about or what the holyspirit lays in my heart to write so at times i am not borthered about the length.

    I am also learning how to go back and respond to people's comments on my blogposts...

  8. Great points you've touched on Myne.
    You got it right about responding to comments on Blogger; It isn't very attractive. I want to move over to Disqus or intense debate but I am scared of losing my old cherished comments..sigh

    Cut my posts short/writing loong posts. I think this boils down to your purpose for blogging and how good a writer you are. Personal blogs should be all about you and if writing long posts is therapeutic for you, go ahead. Those who will read will read, those who will skim will skim.

    Wow, you really take note of the details. Commentaries on pictures are great; especially personal pictures. It helps the reader understand what touched you about the scene.
    Nikkisho didn't need commentary na. I thought her 'Pretty in Pink pictures' said that in less than 10 words :) Isn't that what pictures are for? lol

  9. Thanks for the tips Myne. :)

  10. very wise tips.
    Feel free to write one up on how to get more followers...:D

  11. Thanks for the comments guys, remember that these are not rules, but some guidelines, and my thoughts.

    @LDP, please don't cut those wonderful posts, some are worth the time.

    @Mood, I know! LOL...that's why I have my politics and debate Tuesdays, those always get people talking.

    @Omoba, that is true. I think the bottom line is to make sure you keep to topic. Rambling is usually the culprit not length.

  12. Good point. I definitely have to shorten my posts. Sigh... I struggle with it though.


  13. @Ginger, you're right, a picture is like a thousand words, but it's more likely to get comments like nice, lovely, etc...

    @H, when people like what you're saying, they'll follow.

  14. Hey M.W, thanks for those tips!

  15. Love this post... Thanks for posting....xxx

  16. Hiya, I've awarded you a sunshine award.

  17. You are such a good teacher Myne, thanks for sharing.

  18. Thanks Blogo and Seshe, been a while I had you guys over.

    @H, coming over to check it out!

    @Nutritionalert, you're welcome.

  19. Thanks for sharing Myne. Have started using some of these tho I'm still learning o.Will definitely keep these in mind while blogging..:)

  20. Great tips here Myne, thanx.
    To add to that I find that I get quite annoyed and distracted with blogs that play music automatically and once I finish reading the post (if I manage to get that far) I rush off as quick as I can without dropping a comment. (to get away from the annoying music)
    So I think people should consider that not everyone has the same taste in music and it wont appeal to all.

  21. Thanks for the pointers, great read.

  22. Wow, great advice! I need to learn how to cut my posts short lol. thanks for visiting my blog!

    now following, and hopefully we can support each others blog.


  23. Interesting!
    Though I L♥√ุน posting long sometimes veryyyyyy long(could be dour too) write ups,but if I'm inspired,I just write. Will work on that too.

  24. Hmmm,yes mum!Noted!
    However,some of them i think r subject to the purpose of blogging. Such as if i am more interested in casual mind-offloading,i usually do long posts.And i am entirely guilty of not replyn comments!Noted.

  25. Thanks for these great tips Myne. I agree with GospelGirl...its annoying when a blog has music on it, just imagine that u opened the blog page in the office!!!

  26. I woke up to a sterling blog post Myne thank u. U are such a blessing and how serendipitous is that u hinted on giveaways today when my first is tomorrow. I'm definitely taking that bit to heart . Did u ever see my long blog tip post that has u written all over it ? http://fabulositynouveau.blogspot.com/2011/06/top-blog-tipsadvisewell-its-blog.html?m=1

  27. Aww.. ok ma. I'd bear that in mind. Thank you ma :)

    - LDP

  28. i fall short in that "replying comments" part.

  29. As usual, Myne, the tips are spot on.

    I generally respond to every comment although occasionally one or two may slip through.

    Another tip I find useful, in addition to keeping posts short, is try to break up long blocks of text into paragraphs. It's easier on the eyes.

    I find it a turn-off and almost impossible to read when I go to a blog that has hardly any paragraphs but long, unending sentence after sentence after sentence.

  30. i agree with the advice. I'm noticed some bloggers use disqus or the one with gravatar to enable easy replying to comments

  31. I've flirted with changing my comment system, but I'm not sure what the fall out will be. I have almost 10,000 comments.

  32. Hey!

    Thank you for your comment earlier. After reviewing your site, it's safe to say that you are very intelligent, inspiring, and (in)credible.

    Just a reminder, we are teaming up with Ms. Deja of NoBoizAllowed.com (NBA) and hosting a relationship chat later tonight on the site. We hope to "hear" from you then. 8pm Eastern time. The chat will be located at the top of the homepage, where the music videos usally are.


    Sojo ; FWB (www.femmeswithbenefits.com)

  33. this is really insightful,I don't know how to post pictures or even music and that's coz I'm an illiterate on computer.
    i like it when post i short and its something I can relate with,great tips mum :)

  34. These points make sense!! Will look out for these! Especially the comment replies X_x


  35. I really think you are the right person to give these tips. When I began blogging, you were EVERYWHERE leaving meaningful comments on almost the blogs I visited.

    Thanks for the post!

  36. Thanks for the tips..would bear it i mind.

  37. Wonderful post! I loved it. And I learned something, too. I'm going to put some of these things into action from now on. Thanks for the info. I really appreciated it. And thanks for stopping by my blog, too.

  38. These tips we really go a long way in improving my blog. Thanks Myne...

  39. Myne,

    You have provided valuable advice on blogging. I have learned so much here and will definitely implement your suggestions on my blog. Thanks.

  40. Myne,
    great pointers! A truly helpful resource.

  41. Am so guilty of the invite 10 pple to join. I once did a giveaway and asked for 50 referal to my facebook page for a £25 topshop bag. Sure some pple still have beefs for me till today. Glad I read this

    Well done!


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