Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Notice me or I die! How to get your blog noticed

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I'm beginning to slack a bit, but after a week on the road, I think I can forgive myself. I was supposed to do a massive blog round yesterday but I had so much mail requiring replies plus some other stuff and I ended up making comments in only a few places. And this brings me to today's topic. Within my first months of blogging, almost everyone knew who Myne Whitman was, and what her blog was all about. It helped that I had 'Writes' in my title, but there were other factors too. What are they?

I was everywhere.

Yes indeed. Some may call it lack of job but for me then, and now still, it is my job. I don't make a living from it yet, but we could get there. And I'll reiterate what I've mentioned before, blogging is not a competition. You decide how big you want your blog, how much you want to be noticed, if at all, and then take it from there. I started out wanting to get traditionally published so I wanted to get widely noticed in order to get an agent or publisher. Along the line, I decided to publish myself and being noticed became even more important to sell my books.

So how did I do it? I followed a lot of blogs. To be honest, even when there's no selling involved, your blog can be seen a product because you want to share your ideas and your opinions, and maybe get other people's point of view on the things you may be going through and the stuff that matter to you. Unless you want to be speaking to a vacuum, (and I do know that most bloggers want some form of attention), you need to have your blog noticed. Go out there and follow more blogs. How do you find them, you ask? It depends on the community you want your blog to fit into.

Remember this article on Finding your Blog Niche? Depending on your title, description and the type of posts you plan, that kind of tells you what community to target. If your blog is basically Nigeria-themed, find a blog directory for that like the NBA - Nigerian Blog Awards. Others include Bookblogs - bloggers about reading and reviewing books, Shewrites - for women writers and authors, SitsGirls - mostly female bloggers, moms or nay, IAN - independent authors network, and more. The easiest way of course is to follow the people who follow your blog, and those that make comments as well as tapping from the blog list of the blogs you already follow. If you look on the lower left sidebar, you will see my media sites, and blogs I visit.

Another way to get attention and draw traffic to your blog is by being on the social media networks and commenting on websites that are related to your blog. Social media include Facebook and Twitter, and if you haven't already, sign on to them immediately. Make sure that the name you use corresponds to your blog. If you already have your real name accounts, but you don't want them connected to your anonymous blog, then open new accounts with your blog name. I joined FB and Twitter with my real name before I started blogging, but after Myne Whitman took over, I simply changed the name. And that is very important, you have to be consistent across these platforms or people will be confused.

Messageboards and Forums also come in useful here, as well as related websites. I have a presence on Nairaland, Naijastories.com (OK, I'm the founder of this one), Nigeriavillagesquare, CoffeeTime Romance, The Romance Reviews, among others. I make sure to regularly make comments on these forums and interact with their members. You don't have to spam the sites as most of them have a feature for you to have link to your blog in your signature. Others that are wordpress-based will link your name/comment directly to a website you provide. For the Nigerian blogs, other websites include Lindaikeji's blog and BellaNaija.com.

In the next blog tips post, I will share more on other ways to get noticed. Stay tuned...


  1. :S
    Im hoping there is more to this myne

  2. Thanks Myne, please keep the tips coming.

  3. Thanks Myne,

    please keep the tips coming!


  4. i love the title of this post.."NOTICE ME OR I DIE..."-Very heavy...
    thanks myne, foe sharing these helpful tips
    ***hugs and kisses***

  5. Wow you're seriously busy!! I'm going to implemetn some of your advice. My blog has become a bit stagnate, I've actually thought of changing it to my name. Do you think it matters?

  6. Myne, thanks once again o. We really want our blogs to get noticed. But truthfully, most of the things you mentioned is easire said than done. How can I maintain all those presence when I am at client site from 7am till 9pm? The reason why I am a consistent blogger and commenter is because of my love for blogsville.
    The following part you mentioned has a lot of truth to it. I was only able to get my 'few' followers when I started my 'follow two blogs a day' rule, which I have stopped due to laziness. But yesterday evening, I lookedd at my list of followers and decided I was going to start again. I will just stick to the following thing, it takes less of my time. Thanks for your more tips

  7. Great tips. I also use the follow button to make my blog popular by commenting on blogs I follow. The key is if you follow and comment someone is likely to click on your name and find your blog. Thanks for this... I should be doing more

  8. Myne, you're on point here. I follow quite a few blogs and I admittedly comment infrequently because I read posts primarily via email (subscriptions) and commenting takes a few extra steps. However, being a blogger I understand the validation that comes with people responding to my posts and I need to respond in kind.


  9. @Omoba, I was trying to be funny when I used that title, nothing deep about it. Glad you like the post :)

    @Lauri, you have to decide which works better. I think with several novel published like you have, it may be better to have a blog with your name as that is what people will be searching for.

    @iLola, I hear you on that. The best way to do it is choose what you can and leave the rest. I like your idea of "follow 2 blogs a day", and might be doing that. I haven't followed any new blogs in a while.

  10. @Nana, thanks. Commenting is really important like you said, especially where it allows you to link back to your blog.

    @Missbwalya, having been on the road for the past few days I can understand the difficulties of browsing by phone.

  11. I like this post! The truth is as much as I'm not exactly bothered about traffic flow to my blog...I definitely love reading and replying to comments...so I guess I lied...:D I love the attention and sorry o, I may just refer to what the Bible says here...about being a friend yourself if you want friends.
    Haven't commented on people's blogs in a while...but I will definitely make ammends :)
    Off to be a doer of what I've heard!

  12. Great points. My blog is going strong, but how do you get your fan page going?

  13. @Nolimit, lol...all the best. The golden rule comes through in a lot of things, right?

    @Ciara, I guess one just has to be active on FB, and it has really helped that FB added a way to use it as your page.

  14. hope you enjoyed your road trip.

    i remember when i started seeing your name everywhere, i was curious as to how you managed to keep up.

    these days its so hard for me to reply to comments, i remember when my comment box was for interacting with my readers.
    and commenting on other blogs too gets difficult sometimes, and so i read and silently crawl out. bad habit i know.

  15. Thanks a lot Myne for these tips. I'm realizing blogging is hard work in a fast paced environment. Sometimes, it is hard to keep up.


  17. Do you have a comment strategy? Usually I just scroll through my feeds and comment on any posts that look interesting. But then I realized I was missing people I wanted to connect with. So I decided to take one day a week and specifically visit blogs of people I wanted to touch base with. But then I fell off the wagon. I guess I'm still looking for a system that works.

  18. Thanks for sharing..... That's why I always make it a date on this blog!

  19. @Fantasy queen, I love interacting online, maybe that's why it works for me. And of course, I have no other job, lol...

    @Onakz, It is hard work, but one has to take it easy or they will be burnt out.

    @Fragile, you have hit the nail on the head. That is definitely the core. Others na jara...

  20. @Joy, I usually do blog rounds about two or three times a week. Sometimes I use my dashboard reader, other times I use the comment boxes and the blog list. Since Blogger added the stat function, I use that too, and maybe from the comment box of other sites. Then like once or twice a month, I visit a few blogs and search out blogs in their list that look interesting.

    @Obehi, thanks. I love your profile picture :)

  21. nice tips, blog forums help a lot!

  22. Useful information, Myne. I'm on and off with the social networks, so of course I'm not as visible as I'd like to me.

  23. Oops! That 'me' should have been 'be'.

  24. Interesting tips. That title sha...lol.

  25. Thanks for the tips Myne! Really!!


  26. Great tips thanks for sharing...i need to step up my commenting game

  27. Great tips here Myne...txs a bunch. Notes duly taken

  28. Great tips oh....truly, blogging is no joke! I doff my hat off to those who have got good game....commenting is not easy after a long day!

  29. I laughed when i saw the title.. good tips :D

  30. stealing these tips.....need me more traffic! by the way pls nominate me for category 16 of the NBA!!!!


  31. Thank you all, and especially to those dropping their own tips as well.

  32. Hello Myne! Thanks - these are some great blogging tips on getting noticed and finding your niche. I started with a vengeance in the blogging world and have slacked off a bit, lately. I need to get back in the swing of things! It never hurts a writer to have a built in fan base, already, when that dream of publishing finally comes around.

  33. Great tips Myne. I love my blogfamily though I am open to new friends too. I have made friends with bloggers whose comments are consistently sound, or when I see a blog on someone's blogroll with a catchy title that invites you to click outta curiosity. Haven't tried joining a forum yet. Should try it one of these days.

  34. These are some great tips. Thanks Myne.

  35. *sigh* i am at a cross road really.. sometimes i feel like i dont want to get noticed.. because i blog about personal things sometimes and would rather have a few people read than a lot and other times i want the world to read... lol but great tips. x

  36. Coolest!!!

    PS - Did I mention I've bn on d road (for the most part) since early Saturday? Back in the West - and should get mo time for rounds too! ☺

  37. Well it was serendipitous for me that your blog was one of the very first I read before I created a discussion on the wordpress bloggers group at Shewrites, because suddenly I was interacting with and commenting on lots of blogs, I loved it, but I have a busy daytime too so this morning I made the most of waking up at 4am to get my inbox down.

    We definitely get back what we put out, I guess that's what its about.

    Thanks so much Myne, I really get it.

  38. This is really helpful in helping me chart my course on the blogging waters, thanks Myne

  39. Hello myne,how do you do,I have enjoyed reading all the comments but I just want to say one thing to you."i think you have a nice heart,i think you re a good person"pls don't ask why,it's just a feeling.sometimes we get people's real personalities from tiny writeups.keep on being good.and yourself..you may just be affecting some people positively.God bless you.


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