Friday, March 30, 2012

To be Fair - The Other Side of the Ogochukwu Story

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I was one of the people who commented on the Onuchukwu's story on my blog and I feel it is only fair to also bring the other side. This counter story is written by a named lawyer and so can be said to be more trustworthy than the other which was written by an anonymous confidante. From this new perspective, the initial story may have come because Ogochukwu's family have some issues with her husband.

The rebuttal was written by Barr. Mrs Nnenna Okafor (PHD). Is she saying the truth? I do not know. She says she lived with the couple for four years and was closer to both than the original writer. Read and make up your own mind.

1. Ogochukwu's lung problem started before her marriage to Kevin on December 12, 2000. But due to the love Kevin had for his wife, he proceeded with the wedding despite her pre-existing medical conditions. She was moved to UNTH after 2 weeks of marriage and a chest tube was used to draw off fluid from her lungs. The UNTH doctor then advised that she should be flown to Washington DC otherwise, she would die. Kevin and his family swung into action gathering money to save Ogochukwu life.

2. Kevin, his family and friends of Kevin supported Ogochukwu throughout her medical history. The first N15M that was raised for her to travel to Washington DC for surgery came from Kevin, his eldest brother, the Onuchukwu family and Kevin's friends at ExxonMobil. It was at the Washington DC hospital, that Ogochukwu was diagnosed in 2001 as having Endometrioses – Fluid in the lungs. She had surgeries in more than 5 hospitals across the World – South Africa, Washington DC, Houston TX, London, etc. While Ogochukwu was abroad and uptil her death, her 76 year old mother-inlaw was praying for and contributing on her behalf towards her membership of church groups in Ihiala amongst other women organization levies in the village. She had bought clothes for her, which Ogochukwu showed to me at one time. So, the reports from the Author that she was not received by Kevin's mother and sister-in-law are all fabricated lies and did not emanate from Ogochukwu.

3. There was no pressure from Kevin's family for children or for Kevin to remarry (which some people would have done) as Kevin's family members are Christians and believe in the will of God. In 2002 when Ogochukwu returned from the hospital, Kevin's mother and elder brother were there to receive Ogochukwu in Lagos They advised her to know that the priority then was her health and that when her health was normalized, God will give her and Kevin their own children someday. So the Author's claim of being under pressure for children is false as well as malicious.

4. Kevin is a caring and loving husband, a very responsible young man with integrity. For his love and care to his wife, he made sure that he was with Ogochukwu wherever he went for work assignments. Also, due to Ogochukwu's health, he ensured that Ogochukwu had Nannies doing everything for her and provided a driver for Ogochukwu. So the statement from the Author that Kevin tied his sick wife with rope and used belt on her is baseless and fabricated lies to sway the innocent readers and bloggers to believing them and tarnishing the image of Ogochukwu and Kevin.

5. Kevin usually paid his wife Ogochukwu monthly salary in addition to paying the Nannies and driver. He spent an average of N10M / year for his wife's lungs problem.

6. Kevin usually supported Ogochukwu's sisters and her brother financially. In some instance, her sisters, Mrs. Uzoamaka Otegbulu (working in INEC) and her other sister (Mrs Ngozi Ijere in Oyibo Port Harcourt) had so much influence in their marriage. Kevin curtailed the excesses of Mrs Ngozi Ijere in the early part of their marriage as she was interfering in the affairs of their marriage through calls and instructions to both of them on what to do. As for Uzoamaka, she was difficult to handle and she deceived Ogochukwu till death. She was the one that made her to undergo surgery, connived and signed the consent letter when her husband, Kevin advised otherwise and Ogochukwu died in her laps.

7. Ogochukwu is the next of kin to Kevin and not Kevin's brother. There are documents to this effect. So the author's fabrications that Kevin elder brother was next of kin is false.

8. Ogochukwu was always appreciative of Kevin, his brother and her mother-in-law and their support to her throughout her ill health running from one country to the other. Her mother-in-law usually put in for mass service for Ogochukwu for 6 years. Abah! How can the author turn the story around to favor their wicked plan that has failed!.

9. Kevin is a responsible man, with integrity and has respect for women and will never call his wife barren because he believed that his wife will bear children. He stood by her all the years till God answered their prayers with the blessing of 2 beautiful children – a son and daughter. I remember in 2006 when Kevin told me that he knew the wife would one day have children and that he will never get disturbed because his family is not disturbed, rather some friends were asking if the sickness of his wife had not ended?. So I do not understand where the author got her information and data from as it was not from Ogochukwu.

10. Between years 2000 to 2006, Ogochukwu went to various specialist hospitals and other hospitals around the world to remove fluid in her lungs – Washington DC, Houston TX, South Africa, and London. So, she had 5 different surgeries in 6 years for endometriosis. In 2007 she had the 6th surgery during the birth of their son in USA. Also, in 2010, she had her daughter through the 7th surgery in USA. During the surgical procedure to bring out her daughter, Ogochukwu passed out and it was with God's intervention that her heart kicked in after some minutes. The entire hospital erupted with joy. Before Ogochukwu was discharged, her Doctor (in the presence of her brother, Anthony Onugu of Dover, Delaware) advised that she should never carryout surgery any more as her body is like "vegetable" and it would be difficult to pull through after another surgery. The doctor indicated that the fluid in her lungs would stop by the time she gets to menopause. Both Kevin and Ogochukwu were happy, and Ogochukwu exclaimed that both of them were accomplished with the birth of a son and a daughter. So the Author's websites are full of disjointed and false stories.

11. In 2001 while Ogochukwu was undergoing surgical recovery, she stayed in her brother's house (Anthony Onugu, then in Washington DC). As a bachelor, her brother felt inconvenienced by Ogochukwu's presence in his house. So, by the time Ogochukwu's 1-94 expired, Anthony (Ogochukwu brother) lied to Ogochukwu that he has filed an extension of stay with the Immigration services. Ogochukwu only found out that her brother did not submit her application when she was stopped by immigration from entering the USA in 2003. The Author's write up that it was their son medical that impacted Ogochukwu immigration issue is another lie. As the issue was in 2001 while their son was born in 2007.

12. Kevin was helped by the then ExxonMobil Management who intervened with the American Embassy in Lagos and that was how Ogochukwu got another US visa for a medical follow-up to resolve her endometriosis problem.

13. There was a time Ogochukwu and Kevin went to the hospital in Nigeria and the Doctor advised that the only cure to stop fluid in Ogochukwu lungs was to remove her ovaries. Her husband was not in support as he believed that Ogochukwu will bear children someday. That dream was achieved by both of them.

You can read the rest of the write-up on the new blog.

At this stage, I don't know what to believe. I am reminded of what I said in the post about Don Jazzy and Dbanj. Only the main parties in broken relationships can say the truth, the rest is people around them trying to make sense of the situation through their own worldview. I still stand by my call on women in abusive relationships to seek help and get external support (sometimes, even the abusive party needs help too) or leave the toxic environment. There is hope only while LIFE remains.


  1. Too long story. So much effort to disprove

    1. Any contributor to this unfortunate story blaming the husband to the late Ogochukwu is to say the least stupid or plain wicked. The facts do not support otherwise. You want the world to believe that this guy had no love for his wife and he was flying her to different hospitals to save her life.? You must be kidding. He had no love for her and they went ahead and two children ? This is a story about bad and wicked sisters or sister-inlaws and by the way is this late woman's sister married ? I do not envy her husband.

  2. stori stori. all about money, is that what marriage is about. Plus i am a gynaecologist - endometriosis = lung disease? I laugh. This woman needs to get her facts right

    1. Dearest xcheck your facts . I trawled medical sites yesterday and yes there is endometris of the lungs though very rare it is a condition of water in the lungs. And most suffers usually have a history of PID. I spoke with the family's neighbour when they live in VGC. Ogo's records are there in UNTH where she had to have tubes inserted in her via a hole in her back to drain fluid. I was also enraged at the news. Even this nnenna's story wasn't authorised by Kevin. Ogo's neme is on mobil flight manifest for a flight to back to Eket for the evening that she died. The autopsy reports are out. People who knew them for years are outraged by so many of our remarks. Wondering how on earth we think a man will lay hands on a sick woman. They claim Nnenna exaggerated in some areas. They wonder how on earth anyone will believe that a man who had zero tolerance for violence and has had cause to intervene in his friends marriages would not ractice what he preached. They are still reeling from the shock that when Kevin got to the hospital on hearing of his wife's death, all the sister could say is "you and Exxon mobil have killed ogo" and it is on record that the hosppital staff and patients overhead him screaming "you have finally killed my wife" IN ALL OF THESE WHO SHOULD WE BELIEVE. DID OGO'S SITER RUN TO THE INTERNET WITH THE STORY TO ABSOLVE HERSELF OF HER SISTER'S DEATH IN A PROCEDURE SHE SIGNED UNDERTAKING FOR KNOWING THAT OGO WAS NOT DISPOSED TO TAKE A GENERAL ANAESTHETIC. APPARENTLY NNENNA'S REPORT ON THE SISTERS REQUESTING FOR SHOES AND BAGS ETC WAS TRUE. SO SAD WHAT KIND OF SISTERS ARE THESE, LET'S ALL ENCOURAGE KEVIN TO TALK, LET'S ENCORAGE HIM TO BRING DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE.LET'S NOT BE USED AS PAWN IN A FAMILY BATTLE. LET'S KNOW WHAT IS TRUTH AND DECIDE

    2. Endometriosis is when womb tissue is found where is shouldn't be i.e outside the womb. Usually it is found in the pelvic region around the uterus and ovary area. It is not a disease of the Ovaries. Endometriosis can be found anywhere in the body.
      I must say i am disappointed at the anonymous commentator, especially as you are a gynaecologist, you should know this. Lung Endometeriosis is a well documented condition although rare. Don't spread ignorance, educate the public.

  3. when i read the first story i didn‘t know what to make out of it and Kevin sounded like a really bad man though i doubted the story a bit because it wasn‘t written by the person affected. Now here‘s another side to the story and i still dunno what to make out of it. i don‘t like to judge in cases like this because it‘s hard to tell what the truth is. that the lawyer said endometriosis is a lung disease does not mean her story is false.
    the funny thing is while endometriosis is purely a condition that affects the ovaries it could actually spread to the lung in rare cases

    i actually always thought myself that endometriosis is limited to ovaries and was shocked to find it being reffered to as a disease of the lungs before i found out otherwise.

    the lawyer then is not so wrong. don‘t forget she‘s not a medical doctor. still it doesn‘t mean her story is true,I know. pls let‘s leave it to God to judge.

    1. Thanks AY for bringing that to my attention, Endometriosis can spread to the chest and affect the lungs. But yeah, it doesn't really affect the story.

  4. Endometriosis is caused by bashing of the lungs. Wonder how she got that

    1. You can read more about the disease at the link in the post or check out

  5. Hmmm,i got tired of reading, i must confess...kind of confusing and there were repetitions. I had learnt that when someone tries to over-explain an issue or talks too much, the person is either lying or trying to cover up...this story, unfortunately looks like one...i would still read further though, to get the entire story {amebo like me :D}.

    The issues raised in Ogo's story was not addressed serially, in my opinion, and like you said, it is the parties involved that really knew what happened and not outsiders, no matter what was confided in them. Because it is not everything a spouse confides in a friend, no matter how close they are!

    May her soul continue to rest in peace, and pray this matter does not escalate into family feud. hmmm!

  6. It is good Kevin should come out and talk. From both stories the in-laws have a lot of Explaining to do...apparently the love of MONEY...Postpone. Thanks, for throwing more light on the issue..."the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not"

  7. phew! just finished reading ALL in the new blog, and what i deduced there is money-money talk! I could not feel anything emotional.

    No doubt, she lived a comfortable life from the lawyers narration, but what of the emotional aspect? Was she happy? Well,kudos to Kevin and Exxmobil for their support throughout her ordeal.

    It would be good if Kevin comes out to speak, unless he was advised not to,so as not to join issues with anybody or he wants to wait after mourning his wife.

    It's really so sad though,i must confess, Ogo loved her Husband till death, and that speaks volume.

    Right now, i don't know whom to believe! #sighs# i just tire! :(

    1. My dear, I tire too. Na only dem sabi really. Unfortunately, the woman is dead now. Like you said, may her soul rest in peace.

  8. WOW!!!! thats all i can say only God knows the truth however this story has brought to light the fact that most Mobil wives are physically abused by their husbands something that would be in the best interests of Exxon Mobil to look into and address (i am hoping some international non-naija peeps read this too and spread the word) Endometriosis will probably be the most googled word for the next few days! Finally ladies your life is more important get out of abusive relationships while you can it is not worth the money, cars, etc my head is still spinning from reading all these stories all i can say is there is defo some element of truth in Ogo's story how much only God knows.....i tire ooooo

    1. I read some comments on other blogs claiming abuse is common in Nigerian marriage. I don't want to believe that. SMH.

    2. It is Very VERY common, even in boyfried/girlfriend relationships. A lot of chics I knew in Uni got beaten by their boyfriends.

    3. you know what it all boils down to economics. Look at the unemployment and poverty rate in Nigeria most of these women stay on depsite the abuse since they are wholly dependent on this men and in most instances so are their families very sad situation my heart bleeds foe these women:(

    4. Well its not J̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ฦจ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ฯ„̣̣̥ in Mobil oh. Other oil companies too. Though I have lots of mobil cases due to close interaction. The company really has to lookk into this since the man/woman needs to be in the right frame of minnd to work

  9. Men, I don't even know. This story get as e be.

    One thing I'll say, though, is that the previous story had always sounded a bit off to me, for this reason (and it might not be so big in the scheme of things, but still...): the story claimed Ogo was the last child in the family (if I remember correctly) and made it sound like the family was very close knit. So I found it odd that all through that story, while she was suffering so much, there was hardly any mention of her family and them trying to help. I dunno, for someone who was the 'baby of the house', her family suddenly being out of the picture like that just felt... somehow. Now I don't know what to make of this.

    1. That was also something I struggled with, and part of reason I was moved to publish this. It sort of fills that gap, even if it may have been embellished.

  10. The story has so many twists and turns, I'm not quite sure what to believe. Sorry, wish I could add more.

  11. I really want to believe the lawyer's side of d story cos it sounds more plausible. The anonymous story was written to whip up sentiments. The so called confidante, what did she do to save Ogo from her fate? as she claims to have died as a result of kevin's cruelty to her.

  12. u guys should just take alook @ ogoo,does she look like somebody not well taken care of?

  13. The initial story wasn't about him not paying for her treatment rather it implied that he paid for her treatment and put her through emotional trauma.

    We were not there but i have witness cases where the man or woman will be all nice and loving when people are around but turns into a monster whenever they are left alone.

    The only thing this writer kept yammering on about is "$$$$###"..KILODE!!!

    And lest not forget there was a part in d initial post where it was state that he asked her to refund all he spent on her treatment....

  14. Kevin u r a Bad Man

  15. There are two sides to every story. With this other side comes more questions, doubt and what not. Who do you believe? Both stories have something to make you think they are the real ones. Only the two parties involved really know what happened. The deceased can no longer defend herself. The husband can decide to lie or say the truth. Whatever he choose, his conscience willl be his judge.

  16. I just tire myself o, ha na wa! But I will say let's not be judgemental, let's give both parties benefit of doubt, really if Ogo was so badly treated her family some even abroad, and she being the baby of the house, should have been better advised and protected, and with all her travels and exposures doesn't look ignorant. Again because the second writer is a lawyer does not authenticate her story as well and rightly put she never mentioned anything about how both party dealt with their issues emotionally having lived with them for 4 yrs, all she knows more is the figures of $,€,£..... Well it is obvious the couple had issues, as well both families had their own problem of interfering which is typical in our Nigerian marriages, however let's all learn from this, man or woman in an abusive generation pls and pls flee, then negotiate away from violence, if Kevin is a good man, now onus is on him to give his best yo his kids, did any one noticed there was no story of infidelity, so d man might not be so bad, may be if given another chance they might not do things the same way. Let's all give peace a chance, Ogo is gone, may she RIP.

  17. my only question is how do u cure a lung disease by removing the ovaries?

    1. Thanyou. You J̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ฦจ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ฯ„̣̣̥ spoke my mind. It only tells ♍ฮต̲̣̣̣̥ the gynecologist was right. Though the disease is a rare one(lung endo....) But I feel hers had to do with the repoductive system.
      I think the whole issue started when she was diaognised of the illness. Ex, you don't know you have low sperm count till you keep trying 4 babies and its not forthcoming and you visit a clinic. That's what happened here.
      Lawyer woman! That was a slip on your part

  18. this writer has poked holes in her story by the simple that she doesnt know the exact disease Ogochukwu had. she is probably Kevins secret lover.

    1. The first article cant all be a lie and this one cant all be true. At least we have an idea what that household was like.

  19. It is wrong to assume that she was telling the truth just because she is a lawyer. Don't lawyers tell lies? I do not believe this version of the story. Nelson Mandela had water in his lungs twice. It was removed but he did not die. Nobody can escape the judgement of God.

  20. HMMMMMMM *deep sigh*

    I still believe there's some form of truth to the previous story.
    Regardless of what this recent development states, abuse is prevalent in a lot of Nigerian homes. My advice is that people speak up and seek help before it's too late.

  21. Have you ever seen a Nigerian mother-in-law who does not worry her childless son and daughter-in-law about children? It is a national issue really.

    I think Ogo was a very brave woman that we should all admire because her ailments were extra painful than normal endometriosis. Most women that suffer from endometriosis do not have children. The daily pain is unbearable for them during pregnancy.

    Ogo's family should have advised her to allow surgeons to remove her ovaries after her second child in order to save her life. I do not believe that there was no pressure from his family. Anybody that says that is probably a pathological liar.

    Famous people that suffer from endometrosis like former beauty queen Nike Osinowo would probably assume that Ogo was super human to have children. If I had such ailment, I would not risk having kids because it is deadly. Ogo also had water in her lungs which was even worse. I salute the late Ogo. She was a very bold woman. She really loved her husband.

  22. There are more than 2 sides to this story. There's Kevin's side, Ogo's side and then there's the actual truth. The fact is that if the story is written from someone's point of view, it will lean in the person's favor. I am not saying that Ogo's family is lieing nor am I saying that this lawyer is credible. If you read either story, each one is painted as a saint by the people who wrote the stories and we all know no one is a saint.

    When I saw pictures of Ogo, she looked like someone well taken care of. Plus I thought all those trips abroad must have been quite expensive. I don't imagine someone who doesn't love his wife would do that but that does not mean there was no abuse in the relationship. I also wondered why there were no mentions of what Ogo's family did in order to help her (in the original story.) I also wondered why the death was blamed on the husband when he did not give her the disease. Even if he loved her every second, it wouldn't have stopped her death because we all must die one way or the other.

    We will never quite know what the truth is. Even if Ogo(unfortuately this won't happen) and Kevin were to come out and tell the story, there will be differences because each one's mind will remember and interpret the events differently. Just take it there are are bits of truth in both stories.

  23. In my opinion, there is no smoke without fire, i have lost a friend to surgery too,and as painful as her death was, there is no story about her online claiming her husband battered her, since he did no such thing, if Ogo's marriage was normal as claimed, there will be no need for all this drama, something went down, we may not know what exactly but something happened, further evidence is this over done response, they are covering up something..also i have issues with the picture above, the man in the picture does not look connected to his family, why is he not holding his wife or one of his children, why are his hands in his pocket..just an observation sha

  24. The stories are a bit confusing and completely opposites. I think that neither is absolutely true. The truth is that no one may get to know the whole truth, especially as one of the parties involved is gone forever. I also think that no amount of speculation or write-ups can bring her back.
    True or not, let's all learn from this story and love, love and love.

  25. Seems like the lady author is trying so hard to sell her story. It is never always about money (ladies, sisters, get this into your heads please). The essence of marriage is not about being a money supplier but a lover. I find this story really disturbing and i do hope the lawyer is being honest with herself and not being paid to do the job.
    I'm done!

  26. Did Kevin beat her up? In which way was kevin directly responsible for her death.I'm confident that Ogo had warnings from her doctors before she went ahead with the surgery.So was it kevin that performed the surgical procedure which eventually took her life.So many questions only, Kevin and Ogo can truly give us the answers.

  27. Ok... my thoughts.. having read other comments. I will say WOMEN SAY NO TO ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. ABUSIVE PARTNERS SEEK HELP AND THERAPY OR COUNSELLING. IT IS PAINFUL TO INFLICT ANY form of pain to another human being. JESUS said it is finished so pls leave it all at the cross.

    On a serious note, my prayers are for the children left, may God help them.

    As for the family, I have no comment.

    All I know is NIGERIA SHOULD BE BETTER by exposing things that are not right i.e. violence in relationships or marriage not CONDONED.

  28. Endometriosis = fluid in lungs???? what is she talking about???This lawyer needs to get her facts right jare..


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