Friday, April 13, 2012

Woman's Essence Features me in their April Issue

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Woman’s Essence Magazine is an an online magazine that aims to combine quality educational information in a fun way, writing on subjects [women] care about. In a new segment, Women who love to Write, they featured me in an interview titled, "Myne Whitman is Africa’s Romance Queen"

In contemporary Africa where the literary art community is beginning to embrace various genres, established romance Author, Myne Whitman, whose books include “A Heart to Mend” and “A Love Rekindled”, and real name, Nkem Akinsoto, shares with WOMAN’S ESSENCE why she writes love.

Why do you write and who do you write for?

I was inspired by my love for reading. I found it very amazing that people could create stories and others would enjoy them so much and also learn from them. I started to write because I had so many stories in me and I wanted to share that love of reading.

When I first started, it was just for me, and something I felt my friends and family would enjoy. When I decided to take writing seriously, my first instinct was to write for a particular agent or publisher, however blogging changed all that.

Read the rest of the interview at Myne Whitman is Africa's Romance Queen


  1. Cograts Myne. You will do even greater things. God bless you.

  2. On to big level...congratulations.

  3. Nice one Myne. Really liked the Toni Morrison quote abt writing the book you want to read.


  4. Oh Myne! Congratulations, more to follow :)

  5. Aww congrats Africa's Romance Queen indeed!!!!

  6. Congrats dear, A smile would have been a great accessory on that look. ^Wink^

  7. Looking great Myne. Congrats!

  8. you look fabulous in that black and white dress with your hair down, read the interview- loved it.


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