Thursday, December 6, 2012

Same-sex Marriage Licenses granted in Washington State

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At the elections last month, Washington state where we live made history as one of three U.S. states where same-sex couples were by popular vote, granted the right to get married. The law that legalized same-sex marriage took effect by midnight today, and from the news, gay and lesbian couples eager to exchange vows have been lining up the marriage licensing offices since yesterday.

It was back in May this year that President Obama in an interview made comments supporting same-sex marriage. Some were outraged and others happy. I am all for equal rights for everyone though I admit that on the gay marriage issue, my thoughts are still evolving.

I may not equate same-sex marriage rights to black civil rights but I cannot diminish its importance in today's society and to the gay people who want to get married. And if like in our state it passed by a public referendum, then I am all for it. One of the couples had their story in CNN and I found it quite touching.

Shortly after the clock struck midnight, two Seattle women legitimized their 35-year love affair early Thursday by becoming the first same-sex couple to receive a marriage license in King County, Washington.

The two women met on a blind date in 1977, when homosexuality was highly taboo and gay people socialized privately in homes, never in public. Now Pete-e Petersen is 85 and Jane Abbott Lighty is 77, and they have lived to see the world transformed.

In the twilight of their lives, they thought they would die without being legally married, though they had a church wedding in 2005. But Washington voters approved Referendum 74, legalizing same-sex marriage, last month, allowing the first licenses to be issued on Thursday.

"Oh, my goodness!" Lighty said. "We've been together 35 years and seen all kinds of change. It's been a long journey," Petersen said. "We're so excited to know we'll get a license and then get married on Sunday."
More pictures from around the state below and more at the Olympian.

Love is a beautiful thing. And sometimes, it doesn't really matter in what gender you find it in.


  1. Ok that photo of the two grannies is disturbing at least to me ...maybe it is because i am looking at them in a sexual context the thought of my folks "doing it" freaks me out not to talk less of these grannies maybe they are now in more of a companionship stage in their life rather than sexual *shakes off disturbing image in my head*

    1. Haha, most couples have sex, young or old, I try not to imagine it at all :)

  2. smh. Let me "swallow" my comment because this is a touchy topic.

    1. Always feel free to talk. This is an honest 'comment is free' zone.

  3. Awww the old couple are so sweet. Am glad they finally get to get married. The average old couple (whether straight or gay)stop having sex around their mid sixties. They may have passed their sexual days and as a couple that love each other are still together and growing old together which is rather sweet. Unlike many marriages today. As for the gay thing my motor has always been let us leave it for God. He is the judge.

    1. I'm trying to focus on that too, and just think on how the inequality affects the gay people here on earth.

  4. i will not swallow my comment...........where are we heading to? i am a christian and my bible says marriage is between a man and a woman, God`s standards do not change, God himself is the embodiment of Love and when we go against his commandments claiming that we are in love, we are making ourselves wiser than he is....all these new developments had better stay back in America, cos the African nation will not condone it....our marriages are contracted by cultural practices, and homosexuality is not in our culture. America has grossly failed, "one nation under God" -i don`t think is sad. One day, pedophiles will rise up and demand their own rights and Why not? "they were born that way". I am not impressed and will never be, tomorrow we want to know why there are so many problems, a recession, hurricanes and tsunamis, high divorce rates, crime etc, America has thrown away the very foundation on which it was laid- God. That something becomes legal does not make it right, let`s keep being ostriches and bury our heads in the sand, all in the name of advocating for equal rights, God is watching us. Some people will ask whether being heterosexual makes me a better person, it may not, but the truth still remains the truth, homosexuality is a sin written clearly in black and white in the Holy bible,premarital heterosexual sex is also a sin.... and what church married those two women anyway, what do they believe in??????????....i wonder, will Myne publish my comment?

    1. If you search very well and put in hours of research you will be amazed to find out that homosexuality existed in africa long before colonialization it existed in Biblical times too though condemned

    2. Thanks for your Opinion, Onyii and of course you are entitled to it. I don't know where you live in Africa, but homosexuality is not discriminated against in South Africa and some other African nations. That said, I live in the US and in Washington State in particular so I have to ask, what would Jesus do where I live. Bible tells me he ate and drank with the so-called sinners.

    3. I always find it highly amusing when any talk of homosexuality brings up the subject of pedophilia, which is an entirely different subject. How many of us think outside the box and entertain the possibility that maybe, just maybe some humans are only attracted to the same gender, and looking at the 35-year relationship, just like heterosexual relationships, some do stand the test of time.

      I may be wrong, but I think less importance is placed on being married in a church (where of course religion and beliefs may disagree), but on certain rights granted to married couples by the state. See

    4. You're right Azuka, the main focus is granting them the same rights that marriage does to heterosexuals. Some churches are actually on board and are willing and ready to conduct wedding ceremonies too :)

    5. Myne, homosexuality is a sin, full stop.

    6. I hear you. Are you the same as the lesbian anon below?

  5. Gay marriage has passed in my state of Maryland as well.

    As a Bible-believing Christian, I voted for it based on that fact that the rights of same-sex couples are not recognized within the society we live in. They are discriminated against legally, financially, and also find it difficult to make decisions for each other when it comes to healthcare/medical issues.

    The law that passed in Maryland gives same-sex couples the right to apply for (and receive) a marriage license. The nuptials itself and anything related to it cannot be forced upon a religious group that is against gay marriage. Neither can such a group be sued or maligned for their beliefs.

    I should note, however, that my personal beliefs about gay marriage are quite different. I believe that homosexuality goes against the laws of God and nature. It is not a lifestyle that God is pleased with or approves of.


    1. Thank you Lush, for that really in depth comment. I saw ads for and against before the referedum and those helped to educate me. I agree with you that the inequality is disturbing, and I'm glad the marriage rights passed.

  6. homosexuality is a sin ... just like fornication, adultery etc. It amazes me how people who indulge in those latter two act holier than thou when homosexuality is mentioned. Jesus chased the people that were trading in his father's house. I don't expect the same laws that apply in my father's house to apply in another person's house. Therefore I face my faith because I realize that I am in the world but not of the world.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Anonymous. That's another way to look at it.

    2. God bless you! You have spoken well.

  7. i am a lesbian, but i dont support same sex marriage.. full stop...

  8. Do you have any reasons for your stand?

  9. I love this. I think that if you aren't hurting anyone, how wrong can it be. Its a celebration of love and companionship, surely it cannot be wrong. But hey, each one to his own.


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