Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mercy Johnson and Getting Back Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

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This new picture of Mercy Johnson got me thinking of how a lot of women struggle to lose what is called "baby weight" after pregnancy. It's been about two full months since Mercy had her baby, and I think she's on the right track. She's looking all hot and rocking and flaunting her curves. Compared with her pre-pregnancy pictures, almost everything seems back to what they used to be.

I didn't get pregnant after the IVF treatments last year, but I added about 10 pounds from all the drugs and pills I had to take, and not being able to exercise regularly. Now I'm working to get it off. I may need some tips from Mercy Johnson :)

For those who have had their babies, how long did it take you to bounce back, or did you decided to keep it on and rock your new yummy mommy body?


  1. i was talking to a friend about this on Sunday and she said the key for her was to be fit before getting pregnant. the muscle mass she had already built up helped her lose the weight quicker. she just had her second baby and looks wonderful

  2. Like Kola said , the key is keeping fit before and while pregnant. I didn't exercise a lot , just regular long walks and drinking lots of water. My baby weight literally came off in a week after the initial water + swelling went, I was back to 57kg in my t-shirts and skinnies. I didn't believe it until it worked for me but then everyone is different so don't worry too much about it, the weight would always come off.

  3. ... and I wanted to keep the new body because for once in my life, I had things that looked like hips and bum but it all went with the baby weight and belly.

  4. Like MsB, I went for long walks and drank lots and lots of water. A month after giving birth i had lost all the pregnancy weight and then some. I actually weighed less than I did before getting pregnant. But now at 4 months post delivery i'm back to my pre pregnancy weight and I don't intend to gain a single pound more (so help me, Lord! Lol)

  5. For me I added almost 60 to 70kg that's was a lot but after giving birth I just started eating right and walking out. I have lost alot of weight I just have 8 more kg to loose and I will be back to my normal weight.

  6. At my six weeks post-natal check up i was almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight and that was because i didn't really add much weight while pregnant. By the time my baby was 3months i was back to my old weight with a flat tummy, i wish i kept some of the weight though. I really want to add more weight but it seems no matter how i eat, the weight seems not to stick.

  7. lost my weight, but didn't really have to work out because i exclusively breast fed for 6 months. anyone here with tips on how to flatten my pouch, it has refused to go with the weight. everyone blames me for refusing the post/delivery hot water treatment but I don-t regret that, it was too painful to bear. tips anyone?


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