Monday, April 29, 2013

Being Thankful While Waiting to be Parents

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Seeing the picture above recently reminded me of the fact that we have been waiting to be parents for a couple of years now, and while currently working actively towards getting a child into our life, we have been taking it step by step, not stressing over it, and thankful for what we do have and share.

Some months ago we determined to start the process of foster care and adoption and attended the relevant training we needed to put us in a frame of mind to have a child or children in our home.

Some say it is easier to do things when you're younger, like getting married or having children. I'm not talking about being physically able to do either, but about the mental state required to do these things. Now, it's not that doing those things are easier at that stage, just that when you're younger, you don't overthink these things. This could be a bad thing, as some people make mistakes, but it could also be good if you're wise and luck is on your side, or you keep educating yourself and growing together, with your husband and with your children.

When you're older, you're definitely wiser, and you may have learned from other people's experiences all that could go wrong. You analyse and weight each decision minutely before you go ahead. The training we had were packed with resources to educate and inform aspiring foster and adoptive parents, and develop our parenting skills.

The topics were dominated by children from the American foster care system, but a lot also cut across what parenting entails in general, including scheduling child care, etc.

At the end of the training, we were filled with loads of information, most which we'll never had gotten if we'd conceived. The information is very educative, but it was also scary in a way. Children change their parent's lives, whether they come as babies, toddlers or older children, and whether they are biological or adopted.

As one who is older is set in his or her ways and finds that they prefer to take time to decide on who to trust with the rest of their lives, so also we have gotten used to this free and enjoyable period with just the two of us. We can sleep in bed till noon, go riding, plan and take off for vacation at any time, and generally

However, we have decided that Atala and I very much love children, and will continue on the process of getting children into our lives in which ever way God blesses us with them. We are pursuing adoption, and will definitely go ahead and complete our qualification to become foster and adoptive parents, and possibly become parents through that path.

In the mean time, we will continue to spend time with children in our respective families, and people in our social circles, as well as thanking God everyday for life, for family, for each other, for good health, and for love.


  1. So touching. I pray God in his infinite Mercy ll perfect all that needs perfection in ur quest to becoming a mum Myne. In all things Give thanks to God(amen). God bless u Myne n Atala

  2. It takes a content heart to be thankful to God for all things. I pray that joy will not cease from your home as you open your heart and home to a child. I am doubly sure that you will love the child just as you would love one from your own womb. God will bless you and Atala as you become parents.

    1. Thank you Sykik, sometimes you wonder, but we are taking it step by step.

  3. Waiting can be difficult but with such positive attitude and an open mind to adoption, motherhood will definitely come to you in one way or another and it shall become of you perfectly.

    I pray that day is closer that even you dare to hope for.

  4. Hi Myne, I like your decision. God bless you and Atala.


  5. When my parents adopted, my entire life did a complete turn. But the funny thing is, very soon you can't remember a time when that child wasn't a part of your life. It's good to be a little bit daunted but when you think of all the abandoned children who are begging for a safe, loving and stable home you will see that you are on the right track. You and your husband will be in prayers.

    1. Some of the people who came for the training already had children, either adopted or biological, but while it meant they were more experienced parents, it also meant more things to consider. Thanks for sharing, Caramel.

  6. Awwwww. I'm really happy for you guys, Myne. I know you can't wait. And I know you'll be wonderful parents. I'm even picturing you people sleeping like this picture. That baby in the drawer got me laughing.

    1. Thanks , Vera. It did for me too, though one of my friends was yabbing them for that :)

  7. Myne, this is touching. We all have areas in our lives where we are waiting and it feels like it's never going to happen. But I strongly believe that everything has its season. We just need to make the most of our 'wilderness' experiences like Joseph, David and Moses and keep hope alive. And when the right time comes, we'll be every inch ready to make it happen.

    I wish you all the best.

  8. I wish you guys all the best.

  9. aww may God grant ur heart desires

  10. One stepat a guys will get that bundle of joy. Good luck!

  11. You and Atala both will be great parents.

  12. I wish you and Atala nothing but the best. And I know you'd make wonderful parents! I've got a story to share with you: my hubby's childhood friend was married for 15yrs. His wife never missed her period in all that time, and he stood firm & resolute by her side in spite of the daunting challenges from both families. They finally resorted to adoption and adopted an 18-month old little girl. Barely 3 months after the adoption, his wife conceived and put to bed a girl! Even after that, she's had a series of miscarriages. My point is that for them, adoption was a way of opening their arms to receiving their own bundle of joy. So do not despair, Myne darling. God works in mysterious ways, and your bundle(s) of joy is/are on the way sooner than you & Atala would expect... :)

  13. I don't know why this reminded me of secondary school. I remember back then from JS1-JS2 most girls had already started having their period and I was just the odd one out. And everytime I'd look at them and fill that something was missing in my life and I was not technically complete until I was also bleeding 4-7 days each month for all 12 months of the year. I had pads, I had meds, I had all sorts of unnecessary things just getting ready for it to start. Every belly ache, every turn, infact every sneeze was for me a sign that it was coming lol.

    It eventually came (not when I least expected it though, cos I was still waiting when it came), and for all the joy I had that it'd finally come I received triple of that in pain lol. In retrospect, I wish I had spent that time enjoying the peace I had.

    My real name is Oge. Full name is Ogechukwu and in parts of Igbo land it's called Ogechukwukama. It means God's time is the best and for the life of me, I know you're tired of hearing that.

    But be it adoption or IVF or whatever surprise God has in store for you, I truly believe in my heart of hearts that what is yours is yours, and when it's Gods time it will happen.

    By the way, they need to give some of those training classes to some of these adolescent mothers here sheesh

    1. Thanks for sharing, and no I'm not tired of hearing that :)

      Yes o, some people need that training!

  14. dearest myne when God deciedes to bless he pours out his blessings,am waiting too but i spend my time with my friends kids and so many god children,i have lots of them and learn a lot from them,God will surely perfect that which concerns us!


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