Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Do You Think of Mass Weddings?

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25 soldiers and their brides at a mass wedding

A lot of churches carry out simultaneous weddings for more than one couple at a time, depending on how big the church is, and how many couples want to get married on a certain day. Some seasons and periods are favorites, like the end of the rainy season or December in Nigeria when weddings are happening every weekend, and so doubles or triple weddings are common or up to 10 or more.

Growing up, all the weddings I attended had just one couple each and I got used to that, and that was what I had. But I have also attended mass weddings, and the couples I knew managed to make it personal for themselves and great for their guests too.

What has been your own experience, and what impression did that leave you with of mass weddings?


  1. Eeek! I could never do it. No no no

  2. I hate them
    Not even a double will do

  3. Lol! I always wondered what the reason behind mass weddings happened somewhere in ASIA I am not sure but I think the couples were in hundreds!

    1. That was by some guy called Rev Moon (deceased) of the Unification church Google him


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