Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Charles Ramsey - The Man Who Helped Free Amanda Berry

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Meet Charles Ramsey of Cleveland, Ohio. Charles Ramsey says he was in his house eating some McDonald’s, when he heard a woman screaming in his neighbor’s house. She told him to call the police, that she was Amanda Berry. He didn't believe it at first, but he helped her kick out the screen door to the locked house.

When she came out with her daughter, she called the police herself from his house. When the police arrived, the other two women who had all been missing for more than a decade each were rescued from alleged kidnapper, Charles Ramsey’s neighbor Ariel Castro.

In the video, Ramsey blasts for Castro. “You got some big testicles to pull this off, bro... I barbecue with this dude! We eat ribs and whatnot! Seriously, you think you know a person ..." He said something though that seemed to make the interviewer uncomfortable. When asked how he knew to take Berry seriously, he said “I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms. Dead giveaway! Dead. Giveaway.”

The guy is obviously a very forthright person, and it's easy to see why he decided to act where a lot of us would have preferred to mind our business. I'm still waiting for this interview to be made into a funny autotune remix :)

1 comment:

  1. Watching him right now on inside edition he is already a hero but am curious why so much emphasis on the Amanda as if she is the only victim,all day on tv you hardly hear of the other two.well thank God for them.


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