Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Letter to Autistic Boy's Family Say They Should Euthanize Him, and It Was Written By a Mother?

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Some of you may have seen this letter, but I just saw it, and I'm so disturbed. With my mother being a teacher, and also owning a private nursery school since I was still a child, I was surrounded by children till I moved away from home. I met a lot of children and also a lot of parents, mothers mostly. I just can't believe that a mother would write a letter asking another mother to kill their child.

Last Friday in Canada, Brenda Millson, the grandmother of an autistic boy, Max, received an anonymous letter complaining about the boy and his activities around the house.

The worst part for me was that the author of the typed one-page letter claimed to be a mother who lived in the neighbourhood. Her letter said she was upset at the noises Millson's grandson Max made when he was outside, and that he scared her "normal children." She ended by saying they should "do the right thing and move or euthanize him."

My mouth was hanging open by the time I got to the end of the letter. How heartless can someone be? Please read, and can someone explain to me how a mother can write such a hateful letter?


  1. The letter was almost too disheartening to be real! I cannot believe that someone would be so hurtful and wicked (words don't even seem enough to describe her action)..
    I think a full investigation should be done.. Let them search for fingerprints and she should be prosecuted. It's so unfair! Poor grandmother and boy!

  2. I'm speechless.
    This cannot be true

  3. She is demented herself!!!
    The only good bit about living in her kind of society is that she is going to pay for her verbal diarrhoea. dearly.
    its cold comfort for poor Grandma who is doing her best in a not optimum situation. I pray that God blesses and strenghtens her.

  4. I don't want to believe a mother actually wrote this!!!!

  5. I bet she's one frustrated and unhappy person...No self loving and happy person will write something like this!!!


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