Monday, August 19, 2013

[Women Online] Seyi Obasi at Realities of Life

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I am Seyi Obasi, a wife, mother and career woman. My blog is called ‘The Realities of Life’ and it’s in the self-improvement niche. We write very frankly and honestly about the real issues and challenges that every Nigerian faces in trying to live a successful life, in trying to break through the limiting barriers and in trying to improve their relationships and marriages.

What do your write about? Why should we read?

The blog is actually a collaborative and friendly community where people can learn from the experiences of others, share their own stories and get down-to-earth tips and advice about how to handle these issues ranging from living more effectively to building great marriages and relationships to parenting and to career development. Most of the writing are based on true life experiences, are not superficial but are targeted at real issues that we are all facing.

We also welcome articles from people who are willing to share their stories (success and failures) so that others can learn from them.

So if you need inspiration, encouragement, advice, something to smile about, or you just want to talk about any issue that affects your personal development, relationships or marriage, I encourage you to visit The Realities of Life . If you have a story to share, please send it to us and we would share it.

You will also get an awesome EBook titled ‘The 47 common habits that keep you from ever becoming successful’ when you subscribe to email updates on the website.

What motivated you to start your blog? How long have you been blogging for?

Through my interactions with people, I see a lot of people struggling with everyday issues that have to do with their lives, personal growth and relationships. I have had my own share of struggles too and have been able to get help and inspiration from others through books, counseling and even blogs. I want to offer as much encouragement, help and personal experience as I can to help relieve the struggles of people and that’s what this blog is about.

I have been blogging since last year, so The Realities of Life is still a very young blog with lots of potential.

Do you blog full time or as a hobby? If full time, do you make money from your blog and how?

Right now, I blog part time. It started as a hobby alright, but as I went on, I realized that people were actually being encouraged and that gave me the momentum to continue.

I don’t make as much money with my blog right now but my focus is to reach out to people first before making money.

What is the biggest lesson blogging has taught you about yourself?

Blogging has taught me that I can actually achieve anything I put my mind to. I had only basic knowledge of the internet and blogging initially but since I started my blog, I have gained amazing knowledge about website design, HTML and CSS. It’s really amazing.

How has your blogging impacted on where you are now in your life and career?

Since I started blogging, I have developed relationships with so many great people (online and offline) who have continued to help me in different ways. My writing has improved greatly and I have more bloggers asking me for guest posts and more colleagues asking me for advice.

Having a better understanding of the everyday issues of people has also helped me to develop a more positive attitude to life.

What lesson did you learn the hard way?

That nothing good ever comes easy. I realize that blogging is actually hard work and requires dedication as well. I have had to learn that all the really big and successful bloggers started small and grew their blogs through hard work and dedication

What was your first job?

Customer service executive in a commercial bank.

Is what you are doing now remotely like what your 16 year old self thought you would be?

In a way, yes. Even though I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do, I knew that I loved writing and reading and would love any vocation that involved reading and/or writing. Fortunately, most of my jobs have given me the opportunity to exploit these two talents.

Who inspires you?

Jon Morrow. Even though he is disabled from the neck downwards, he has built one of the most popular blogs in the blogging niche. That certainly inspires me.

How does social networking help you? What social networks do you use?

Social networking helps me connect with people all over the world with whom I can share and learn. I use Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+ mostly.

Everyone has a favourite though, what is your favourite social network?

Facebook, definitely. Apart from the opportunity to connect, it combines the ability to express yourself in both words and images.

What are the tools of your trade? What helps you get your job done? (Platforms, Apps etc)

My blog is set up on the wordpress platform. HTML and CSS helps a lot in posting and in building my website. I use Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to show my post to a larger number of people.

Life balance is important. Do you take time-out from online are always connected?

I intentionally stop myself from being online sometimes so I can do other things and also spend time with my family. I also spend a lot of time reading and catching up with the current news and trends.

What is your favourite item of clothing and why?

A pair of jeans. You can wear it casually or formally (with a nice jacket)

What’s your personal motto?

My past does not determine my future.

What is your favourite flavour of icecream?

Chocolate mixed with Vanilla

What is the first thing you bought with your first proper pay cheque?

A gift for my mother

If we looked in your handbag right now, what would we find?

A journal, a pen, a flash drive, my purse and a makeup bag.

If you were a super hero what would your power be?

The ability to read people’s minds.

Women Online is a new series promoting women who have an online presence. It could be a blog, an e-commerce site, a non-profit/charity. If you're interested in being featured, please email


  1. checked her blog...its lovely!!

  2. Lovely feature, all the best to Seyi, I enjoy her writings.

    1. Thanks Kind Mother. Hope you have subscribed to the email updates? You sure want to do that

  3. Wow Myne, I'm impressed! You're blessed.


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