Friday, September 6, 2013

Would You Wear A Red Wedding Gown?

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Many people who commented on a similar post about Black Wedding Dresses [see post] responded in the negative, but what if the color is red? Some will say red is a vibrant and lively color unlike drab, mournful black. Would you wear it?

What if the designs of the dresses are as beautiful as these ones here, will that change your mind?

PS - Check out other non traditional brides, here, and Ufuoma Ejenebor's Gray and White gown, here.


  1. I would not, but that's only because I don't like red to begin with. I likely would not wear white because I am far from being a virgin and not living at home anymore to be 'given away'.

  2. No red for me please, reminds too much of Nollywood ritual film scenes, so no thanks!

  3. I don't think I like the idea too. I'm more on the conventional side :)

  4. I've not really considered it, but if it works for others, why not?

  5. maybe as a second (evening) dress


    The dresses look fab.

  6. I don't mind wearing a coloured gown. There's nowhere in the scriptures, where it says we must wear white. I'm a rule breaker anyday.

  7. Red is cute but too bold of a color for a wedding, I'm trying to imagine the suits for the groom and his men?

  8. Do you have any idea who designed the second red dress you've posted?

    1. No I don't, sorry. You can search the internet though, you will find out.


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