Tuesday, October 8, 2013

[POLL] Who Gets To Choose The Main First Name For Baby?

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It has been a rain of babies this past week and month, all the winter activities by couples are yielding fruit, lol. I can't wait for next year when we're going to start trying again. All this baby cuteness is getting to my ovaries and they're singing for joy, lol...

So, a couple of days ago, Halle Berry and husband, Olivier Martinez announced the birth of their son, and now the couple has released the child's names. The baby boy is named MACEO ROBERT MARTINEZ. An old Spanish name, Maceo means Gift of God, and the current version is Matteo in Spanish or Matthew in English.

As it turns out, Olivier’s dad is of Spanish heritage and his first name is also Robert. So either grandpa gave the name of Olivier did. Of course, there is totally nothing wrong with this, it could even be that Halle Berry wanted to honor her husband and father-in-law by giving the child those names. But permit me to use that story to usher in this week's poll.

There is also Julius Agwu and his wife's son who is named Zadok Julius, so he's obviously a Junior in the making, and one of the parents, my guess is the mother, is making sure all her children's English names start with a Zee, makes sense in a way since their surname initial is an A, kinda like A - Z :)

OK, enough stories and to the poll proper, who do you think should get to choose the first name given to baby, and which the baby will generally be known as? I have listed mother, father, or grandparents in the poll, but feel free to share comments below. Should it depend on the gender of the child, the numerical position of the child, like mothers name first daughter, father names first son?

Vote to the right, thanks!


  1. Myne God will surprise you in the name of Jesus. As your ovaries keep jumping lol, just keep doing the do and gbam in Jesus name, it will happen.

  2. The mother should have first choice to name all the kids, especially her first, she carried them for nine months and has the best sense for their name.


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