Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nigeria Listed Among Most Sexually Satisfied Countries - Men Last 24 Minutes

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In my last post and the RML current poll, I asked how long sex should last, and got some emails saying good sex can not just be about how long it takes. True, good sex or sexual satisfactioncan involves so many other determinants. According to global research stats from Durex, these drivers include, mutual love and respect between partners; freedom from stress; ability to orgasm; freedom from sexual dysfunction; good mental and physical health; and frequency of sex and foreplay. An exciting sex life can also be impacted by one's socio-economic status.

So to make sense of all the data from several different studies, AlterNet formulated a list of countries that consistently rate among the most sexually satisfied, and Nigeria came in at #10 though the list was in no particular order. Here's what they wrote about Nigeria, very sarcastic if you ask me. See all the countries here...

Nigeria: According to Durex, Nigeria is rated the number-one sexually satisfied nation in the world with 67 percent of its population claiming sexual gratification. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Nigerians also take the longest time having sex, at 24 minutes per average session. The stats come as rather surprising given Nigeria’s conservative views on same-sex marriages, having recently banned these unions, and the prevalence of Islamic extremism, which dominates the country. Then again, Nigerian women have also been ranked the most unfaithful in the world with 62 percent having admitted cheating on a partner. I digress.   


  1. LOL..tongue in cheek much? RME!

  2. Lol, i disagree into-to that Nigerians are the most unfaithful in the world.

  3. Quite interesting I must say.

  4. Quite interesting I must say. Though skepticism lingers in the air.


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