Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Karis Gouldbourne's Fiance Needs Life Saving Heart Surgery

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Karis Gouldbourne is a young British woman, and she's been dating her fiance MJ for seven years. MJ has a terminal heart condition which started when he was eleven and back in Gambia. MJ moved to Britain hoping for corrective surgery but due to lack of funds and other problems he has not received treament over the past fourteen years. Now Karis wants them to take matters into their own hands by raising the funds needed for the surgery. So far, they've got over  £10,000. If you can, please do help. Click here

Karis speaks out for her boo;

Here's the harsh truth: My fiancee could die.

Here's the silver lining: He doesn't have to.

Here's the simple solution: Five minutes of your time.

Since he was eleven, MJ has suffered from Mitral and Aortic Stenosis - a heart disease that causes his valves to leak. In 2006 he came to the UK in order to have life-saving surgery that is not available in his hometown of The Gambia. It is now 2014, and having not been able to have the surgery due to lack of funding, we have now been advised to raise it ourselves. The cost of the surgery is going to be a huge £30,000 - far too much for a young, working class couple such as ourselves to afford.

MJ has been advised by his consultant that if he doesn't have his treatment within five years, he will die; however, there is now an added threat from the UK Home Office that he is also in danger of being sent home - to the very place he fled from to avoid certain death.

We need YOUR help to afford the treatment and consequently keep MJ alive. If you are unable to donate, then simply sharing this page can do a world of good. MJ is just twenty five years old with a disease that predominantly affects the elderly, and so with the necessary treatment, doctors are certain he will easily make a full recovery, but without it, he will only get worse. Together, let's stop that from happening. Let's help MJ live.

For more information, see my blog here:, and like our Facebook page, Fund My Heart for further updates:


  1. I've just tried to publish a comment, but not sure if it worked!

    Here it is again, just in case:

    I've only just stumbled across this. Thank you so much for posting it on your page - it's so nice to see how far our story has gone. I'm happy to report that we eventually received enough donations and that MJ had his op about three weeks ago. He's now at home recovering, and should be back to normal within six months.

    Thank you again!


    1. Oh.. I'm so happy to read this and get this wonderful news! And it's awesome that you found my blog :)

      Congratulations and I will updating the post soon.


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