Thursday, August 11, 2011

You can download A Love Rekindled on your iPod

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For those of you who can't do without their Apple Gadgets, this is to let you know that my books are now available on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iBooks, and on your computer with iTunes.

A Love Rekindled by Myne Whitman in the UK - Download A Love Rekindled with iBooks:

For those in the US, download it HERE


“…a moving love tale of first love, the challenges of tribal biases and the importance of hope, persistence and forgiveness – critical ingredients for every relationship to survive." Lara Daniels, author of Love at Dawn  
“Reading [this] is like holding up a cloth of kente: each piece rich with history and beauty. With confidence and deftness, Myne Whitman weaves a riveting brocade of friendship, heartache, and love…” Uche Umez, author of Tears in her Eyes  
“….a romance novel that affirms one’s belief in true love and that it truly does conquer all. It also proves that though external forces can cause a delay, they cannot kill love.” Folake Taylor, author of The Only Way is Up

You can also download A Heart to Mend if you haven't read it yet.

Thank you all so much for your support.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My books are Amazon UK and Canada Bestsellers!

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Thank you to all my friends and supporters in the UK and Canada.

I was so happy yesterday when I found out that my first book, A Heart to Mend was at the top of the UK free kindle bestsellers list for romantic suspense. The novel is still #1 as I write with almost 5,000 ebooks downloaded through the promo. Go to the book page to read the reviews, and download your copy.

Also, A Love Rekindled is doing very well in Canada, at #43 on the paid paperback lists. And guess who and who I am outselling? LOL...Nora Roberts, Maya Banks and Nicholas Sparks! Of course they have other books also ahead of my own, but who cares? :) These are romance writers that I admire so much, and it is heart-warming to be counted among them by you readers.

Thank you all so much!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Answers from "400 Posts" + ALR Winner

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Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you had a good weekend. I know some of you thought I would never get round to doing this... sorry for the delay.

The winner of the copy of 'A Love Rekindled' is... Bunmi! Please send your postal address to myne@ to arrange delivery.

Below are the questions and answers... I hope I answered everyone.

how was your childhood like? was it fun? wre you a happy child? did you feel pretty? what were the challenges you went through on your road to adulthood?

I was born in Enugu, a very playful, studious tomboy. I was happy, I had three sisters and a brother. I felt pretty, but maybe not beautiful - I felt my sisters were prettier than me. However, I think my parents did a good job; they didn't do favorites.

are u a professional writer? if yes, did you/are u study(ing) anything that has to do with writing? single? married?
Professional writer? I belong to a professional association of writers (Pacific Northwest Writers Association), but I don't consider myself a professional writer, because I did not formally study writing. I write full-time, and I am married.

If we could get a personal profile *why you started writing, what u studied, interests etc* childhood, where u grew up, bullied?, bully, pet peeves lol

I've always written; I remember writing as a preteen, and beginning to write again when I was about to finish university. I decided to change careers after moving to America and took up writing full-time. I studied Applied Biology for my first degree, and Public Health Research for my Masters. My interests are varied, but the main ones are reading and travel. I was bullied in primary and in secondary school; maybe it was because I was small, and I did well in class, so bullies felt that I was a teacher's pet.

My question is how do you deal with situations when you have brilliant ideas but seem too busy to pen it down? That is if you ever do.
I do procrastinate and become demotivated, but I have an encourager in the Holy Spirit and my husband is very supportive. I only have to mention something, and he will hold me to it, if not immediately, then soon. He will go as far as reminding me and providing a conducive environment.

Question - 3 things you wish to achieve in the next 10 years..
I hope to be a mother, I hope to have more books written, and I have big dreams for Naija Stories. Let's see how it goes in ten years.

I'ld just love to know how you started and what were the challenges you faced then. Did you ever think of quitting?
I started my writing by joining a writing group. Along the line, one of the members suggested blogging, and I started this blog. Through this blog, I found out about other bloggers and writers who became self-published authors, and after considering it with other options of publishing, I decided to take that route. My first book was published in December 2009 and since then, I've faced the challenge of bringing it to the awareness of the general public. I do sometimes doubt myself and wonder if I'm putting myself up for a big fall, but I didn't think of quitting because I got a lot of good feedback from bloggers, the Nigerian community and generally from readers.

As for my question, what is your real name?
Ask your nearest Igbo friend to directly translate 'Myne Whitman'. I'll give you a clue; my first name is Nkem, which means 'Mine'.

PS, Have a great week. Mwah!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Have You Got a Heart to Mend + 400 Posts!

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What has the title got to do with this picture? Well because Mania Magazine is featuring A Heart to Mend in it summer TRAVEL issue. So do pick up the magazine, and if you wish, go on down to your nearest Bookshop, online or in stores, and get yourself both a copy of A Heart to Mend and A Love Rekindled.

Oh yes, and Agbani Darego, the cover model, and former Miss World, will hold a special autograph session on the 17th of July, 2011 from 3-6pm at the Silverbird Lifestyle Bookstore, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Also, this is my 400th post, and I want to dedicate it to everyone reading. Most of my blogs are excerpts from my WIP, but I've also shared about myself, my life and what makes me who I am. If you still have any questions about me, or for me, please leave them in the comments and my next post will provide answers. I don't promise to answer everything or everyone, but I'll do my best. :)

PS: A random commenter on this post will get their choice of AHTM or ALR paperback. But only if they live in the US, UK or Lagos, Nigeria

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Love Rekindled Launches with Nollywood Cast Book Trailer!

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So we begin the debut of A Love Rekindled with the book trailer which features a Nollywood Cast. Check it out below, and please share. The video was made in collaboration with E4PR, a management company for the stars, who agreed for me to use their pictures. They will also be promoting the video and book launch, and we're all looking forward to A Love Rekindled on the screen.

Book Blurb

Efe finds true love with Kevwe, and promises to marry him. Their dreams unravel when Efe wins an American Visa, and fresh violence erupts between their warring ethnic groups. Efe leaves for the States nursing a broken heart. Now, Efe is back in Nigeria, and sparks fly when they meet again. But renewed desire is no match for bitter memories of heartbreak. Can they overcome the traumatic past and rekindle their love?

The book can currently be bought at the following outlets. I'll be grateful if as many people as possible buy this weekend so as to give it some push, especially on Amazon. The eBook is $2.99 and the book is $11.99.


AMAZON KINDLE - A Love Rekindled

CREATESPACE - Book Launch Discount Code 5% off (5YPZ5L8Y)



Thank you all so much!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Celebrating World Book Day - My Book Promo Video

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So I just found out that today was World Book Day. So how do we celebrate?

By sharing this video which was made by Lowla Dee, a writer of short stories on She used the news promo which you may have seen on some sites. What do you think? Can you spot the typo?

Full Book Trailer coming soon!

To continue the celebration, remember to buy a book today, read one, give one as a gift, donate to your nearest library, hug a writer/ author/ blogger/ yourself.

Have fun. Next post coming shortly.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Love Rekindled - Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award

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My book made it to the second round!

LOL...sorry for the break in transmission of love stories, but hey, A Love Rekindled is a love story too.

The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award is a contest for writers and self-published authors in two broad categories, General fiction and Young Adult, with 5000 entries for each. I am so pleased that A Love Rekindled beat out the rest to emerge one of the 1,000 that have been selected.

The Award includes a round-trip all expenses paid to New York, a Prize worth $15,000 as an advance to a book deal with Penguin, and publicity through Amazon when the book is released.

This is the second round (where Amazon editors reviewed 300 word pitches), and by March 22nd, we'll find out if A Love Rekindled made it into the Quarter Finals (where Amazon top customer reviewers rate 5,000 word excerpts).

To all those who made it, Congratulations! This is so exciting. My heart is racing, but I'm taking deep breaths. Below is the pitch, I hope the excerpt does a good job too!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Picture Weekend - Which Cover?

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Hello everyone, how's your week going?

I got some great news today and I'm almost shaking with excitement. My next book is almost ready! I'm using Createspace this time and they just sent me some mock-ups of my cover. There are two designs and I'm to chose one. Of course I want you guys to help me decide.

Yes, yes yes, the title has been changed from Ghost of the Past to A Love Rekindled. I was joking with my sisters over Christmas that my books will all start with 'A', and then I arrived at this one and loved it. For those who have read the excerpt, I hope you feel it suits Efe and Kevwe just as well?

OK, to the covers. So let's say you're in the bookstore, or browsing Amazon, which would you first pick or click on and which would you buy. The first or the second?

And please tell me why?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Writing and publishing in the age of social networking - My experience

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It was August 2009, and I had decided to start writing full time a few months earlier. I had joined a writing group and somebody suggested blogging too. Since then, my blog has proved indispensable. I had started first by sharing my work-in-progress and as feedback poured in, I was encouraged and inspired to continue. Honestly I love being read and that is the opportunity I appreciate most of all from blogging. I also want to get better and blogging is the perfect way to sample a wide variety of opinion. Not all criticism is constructive of course and it helps that I can discuss these comments with my writing group. I have also taken part in several writers’ blogfests, which are useful not only because of the writing involved but the critique from fellow writer-bloggers. This way I’ve received professional feedback on my writing exercises, scenes from my WIP, and short story drafts.

In addition to my writing group and blogging, I polished my writing craft and style through freely available online writing courses. The critique from my writing group showed that they were taking effect on my work. Soon, I wrote ‘The End’ to my WIP, which had grown from a novella to a complete manuscript, and I began to shop for publishers. I queried traditional publishers in the United States but their replies showed that they preferred a story set in the US which was their major market or if it had to be African, then literary fiction. I really wanted to tell a contemporary Nigerian story which Nigerians would love to read something simple and easy to read. So I looked to Nigeria but there were not that many publishers and the few I discovered appeared resource constrained.

So I began to study alternative means of publishing. I researched Lulu – whom I actually used for an initial eBook – Authorhouse, and other so-called Vanity Presses. I kept an open mind as I read the testimonials of those who had used them in the recent past. I found that most of the successful ones were full-time writers and they’d had a prior audience before self publishing. As both of these factors described me too, I saw that this avenue was worth a try. Others factors I considered included the fact that the publishing world has begun to come to terms with the internet age and Print-on-Demand (POD) was becoming a valid choice of getting a book to an audience. The new technology and the advent of eBooks and e-readers like kindles, Nooks , etc. meant that the cost of producing books were no longer too exorbitant for an individual.

My decision was made when I considered who I wanted to be my audience. Most of my blog followers had been reading A Heart to Mend as excerpts on my blog and I wanted to give them a chance to read the whole story. I also found out that most publishers would not accept a manuscript that had been published online and so my traditional publishing choices were limited. Also, I knew that this story was just a first outing and there were several more stories to come. So I said to myself; “traditional publishers could come later if necessary, self-publishing it is!” My earlier research had shown that I needed a way to take some of the burden off and I chose AuthorHouse because they assign an author a production team. I also liked that they had access to the major retailers in America, Europe and the UK and a lot of author resources to guide one through the stages of marketing and publicity.

Delivering my paper on the interactive session I facilitated at the Garden City Literary Festival on the "Rise of social Media and the Nigerian book publishing industry".

The main advantage of self-publishing for me is that as the author, I have full control over the content, design, and marketing of my book. I also decide when it goes to press and I retain all the publication and subsidiary rights. I was thus free to penetrate a niche market like Nigeria, which a commercial publisher outside of Nigeria would have ignored. (I know of several books by Nigerians, set and written in Nigeria but published in the UK or USA, which are yet to be distributed in Nigeria). I also believe that my book had a greater chance of success because I was very committed to promoting it, more than say, a publisher who has hundreds of other titles. In terms of sales, A Heart to Mend has been doing relatively well and I get most of the net revenue. I want to point out that apart from the commercial success, there’s also that deep satisfaction of knowing your creative work is out there making and contributing to conversation. A Heart to Mend was published in December 2009 and I am always amazed by the number of people who have read the book from all around the world.

On the flip side, self-publishing is expensive and requires a capital outlay to begin with rather than an advance you may receive from a traditional publisher. Even when my book came out, I had to invest further time and money in the publicity and marketing. If I had been published traditionally, I could’ve left all that to the agents and publishers and gone back to my next project. Not so with self-publishing, I had to put in a lot of effort and energy to get A Heart to Mend buzzing. A hurdle to be aware of is that a lot of media organizations still do not review, distribute or feature self-published books.

You can understand why I will always be grateful for the vehicle the internet provides to a writer and published author like me to get my book out there. Setting up an active blog and publishing my book has served a double purpose for me; finding out the target audience for my kind of writing and building a platform too. If not for the social networking channels, A Heart to Mend would never have gone viral the way it did. It was through the support of bloggers that I did my first blog tour for A Heart to Mend with the attendant publicity. By the end of that blog tour, I was getting requests for interviews and features almost daily. I put up chapter one of the book on a free reading website and it became a massive hit. It remained in the top 10 for three consecutive months!

The beauty of the internet was that I could remain in my work room with just my laptop and a connection, and meet up with these dozens of interviews. As time went on, I continued networking with other writers and self-published authors and I as I shared what I had learnt, I picked up some good nuggets from them too. I set up a twitter page and opened up my facebook profile for use with my pen name. As I became more adept at using the word-of-mouth tools on those two sites, the visibility of A Heart to Mend quadrupled. I learnt how to interconnect these media, how to set up scheduled tweets or how to update Facebook via RSS feeds, etc.

The challenge of using social networking is that of distraction. For me personally, Facebook has proved the most addictive. I find that sometimes while updating my pages, I may stray into something else entirely and so on, thereby wasting precious amounts of time that could have been put to better use. There was a day I took a break from writing and as usual, the first point of call was Facebook. The site was down, and I kept refreshing it for almost five minutes before it dawned what I was doing. I laughed at myself, left a message on Twitter about my addiction and went to check some other things. I had to really think that day but it is what it is. Apart from work, Facebook is also the only place I can keep in contact with all my family and most of my friends.

Finally, I think the reason social networking worked so well for me as a writer and publisher is because I am a social person. During the times I am not writing, I enjoy the company of other like-minded people and being able to use the internet and social networking to connect to more and more people in my writing life is a thing of learning and also of pleasure. At the end of the day, I have to find a way to balance the two by making sure that my internet use is mostly purposeful and in a way that is linked to my writing and also setting out a specific time for my writing itself without any distractions. That way, I still get a lot of writing done while remaining in the social circles.


An edition of this article was published in the Saraba Magazine, Issue 7 - Technology 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

For those in Lagos, Nigeria...

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Abuja, Enugu and other dates coming up soon.

Join Author Myne Whitman as she unveils the Lagos winners of her book raffle. She will also read from A Heart to Mend and her WIP and answer questions from the audience. If you have bought the book, please come with your raffle tickets, prizes include - Starcomms Modem, Camera Battery, SD Cards, Flash Drives and Picture Frames. There will be signed pictures of the author, bookmarks and stickers for every guest. Entrance is FREE!

Date : Sunday 5th December 2010
Time : 2pm - 4pm
Venue : The Hub Media Store, Palms Shopping Mall, Lekki Lagos

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A speaking event at the Garden City Literary Festival

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Some of you may already know that I will be visiting Nigeria soon. The first part of my visit will be to promote A Heart to Mend in the country. I am very grateful for the wonderful reception the book has received there and it will be awesome to meet some of the people who have read AHTM. For the first few weeks of my visit, I'll be taking part in various book events in Lagos, Abuja and some other cities. The one I'm most excited about is the Garden City Literary Festival in Port Harcourt. I've been selected as a speaker on one of the interactive sessions and I also look forward to meeting Wole Soyinka, JM Le Clezio and a galaxy of 50 other writers and authors in Nigeria including Reuben Abati, Adaobi Nwaubani, Helon Habila, among others.

The festival's latest press release is below. You can see the programme HERE

Garden City Festival Reveals Exciting Line-up of Events.

With just a month to go before the third annual Garden City Literary Festival gets underway, the organisers have revealed a line-up of events that promises to offer something exciting for all lovers of books and literature.

The highlight of the four-day event is a historic meeting of two Nobel Laureates – Professor Wole Soyinka and Mr J.M.G Le Clezio. Fans are being invited to send questions in advance for a special interactive conversation with these two great writers.

In keeping with the festival’s tradition of creating a forum for learning, improvement and debate, a special seminar will be held which focuses on the use of social media and how that impacts on Nigeria’s book industry. This topical seminar will be facilitated by Myne Whitman, a refreshing new writer who has used the popular medium of the internet to promote her own writing as well as the work of other Nigerian writers.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Listen to my review on KUOW/NPR radio Today 2.45 PST

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Myne Whitman: Books About Leaving Home

If you've lived in the same place your whole life, it's tough to know what it's like to have your life split into two places. Myne Whitman knows exactly what that's like. She's a writer who lives in Bellevue, but she immigrated here from Nigeria. So she's thought a lot about what it means to make a life in a new place while missing the old place. Myne talked with KUOW's Jeannie Yandel about two books that explore what it's like to leave home for someplace new.

Myne Whitman discussed the books "The Road Home" by Rose Tremain and "The Thing Around Your Neck" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

This was a thrilling experience and my first time in a radio studio.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Radio Interview and Word Verification

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Listen to internet radio with Anjuelle--Author/MFT on Blog Talk Radio

I am very much looking forward to appearing on a radio show today, Monday, May 17, 2010. It is called Book Talk, Creativity and Family Matters and is hosted by Anjuelle Floyd.

Call in time is 1 pm PT, 2pm MT, 3pm CT, and 4pm ET.

The call-in number is: (347) 215-7740.

The link to the show page is HERE

The format is fairly laid back. I will be asked questions aimed at encouraging listeners to purchase my book rather than giving spoilers.I will also be given time to discuss my process for writing, how I came into writing and any other pertinent information I want listeners to know. Tune in if you want to catch up with me.


In other news, so what did you guys do last weekend? We went to see Just Wright, I'll give a review in the next post. In the mean time, have a great week people and enjoy!

So most of you now know about the Balderdash word verification meme which I started last week. Like I said, I intend to host the meme every Monday for the rest of the month. I am still hoping that some of you will send in entries to be GUEST BLOGGERS! I hear some of you ask; What does that mean? How do you play? The answer is very simple indeed.

1. Write down all the word verifications you get while posting comments on other peoples blogs.
2. Pick your best five (or so) of them and come up with an authentic sounding definitions for them.

Like last week, I want everyone to be involved. So I have turned on my word verification again. When you leave a comment, include the word Google throws at you and make up a definition for it. If you are given a real word, make up a more interesting definition than the usual one, lol.

Here goes nothing.

1. Ningsty: (n) networking for pigs.
ii...a dirty ning page

2. Undsot: (V. tr) To sleep under the table while drunk.

3. Comoti: (easy peasy) get out of here! :):)

4. Eiklickr: (n) A professional job. A window washer by licking

5. Haaedlun: (Adv) Origins obsure (lol) big headed.

Friday, March 12, 2010

LadyBrille Magazine Personality of the month

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Read the complete interview on LadyBrille Nigeria Magazine Online Myne Whitman, first, let me congratulate you on publishing your first book. Also, I must say extra kudos for being confident to delve into the financial world. I loved it. Before we get into the many themes running through your novel, let’s get into the writing process and how our audiences who might want to self publish their fashion or similar related books might do so. The first question that typically comes to mind are ideas on what to write. How do our LadybrilleNigeria writers get ideas on what to write?
Myne Whitman: I find inspiration from real life. From my own life, from the people around me and stories I read in the news or books. It could be just a sentence in a newspaper or a line in a movie and my creativity just feeds on it.

A lot of the themes handled in A Heart to Mend were inspired in the same way. People have asked so I have to say that none of my characters is based on me or anyone I know in particular. They're just people of my imagination but based on a cumulative of my experience. So while may seem free from some of the usual constraints we real persons face, they also share our fears and hopes, our victories and our pain. If you look closely, you may even recognize one or more of them. Now we have an idea for a novel and the obvious step is to write. What are some of the challenges you went through in writing ‘A Heart to Mend?’
Myne Whitman: A Heart to Mend is a romance in the suspense category, some may call it a romantic thriller. It was challenging to write especially with the plot I chose. The story is set in Lagos, where I’ve lived for only a few weeks at a stretch. I’m also a novice in the stock market industry which forms the backdrop. So not only did I have to update myself, I had to bring these settings to life for those who have never experienced them.

Again, creative writing is not child’s play as I realized when I compared some of my short stories and scripts with what was already available. The excuse that I did not study English or Literature could not suffice. To prepare, I took some free online courses and workshops for Creative Writing and Fiction from the University of Utah, MIT, Open University UK and Suite 101. I'm still taking these trainings and they're an on-going project. I also became a member of a writing meetup group in my area which includes traditionally and self published authors and gifted writers and editors.

Finally, I believe in creating characters that I can identify with strongly enough to feel what they feel when they are going through emotional turmoil, and convey some of this feeling in my work where it shows through to the audience. This can be quite tough and emotionally draining but it is worth it in the end. I am a writer at heart and write literally every day, non-fictional and fictional works. I find I can have many drafts before I settle with the final thing. How many drafts did you come up with before the final draft for ‘A Heart to Mend’?
Myne Whitman: I had quite a few drafts and drafts of drafts especially during the critique period. I had to rethink, rework and rewrite to get a believable story that flowed well. That said, I edit a lot while writing so that at the end it’s minimal. Still I appreciate fresh eyes to help me proof and then I force myself to move to the next project. What about the revision process for you? There were places in the book, for example, that I felt you could have given us more explanation especially when you dabbled in Nigeria’s financial sector. How did you determine the angles to approach your story?
Myne Whitman: The revision process was quite tedious. Luckily I had the plot outline so I knew where the story was going and how I wanted it to end. I also knew the themes I wanted to focus on which included, social class intermarriage, family estrangement, and contemporary relationships and sex. I knew I wasn’t going to go into too much details in the other sub-themes like the financial aspect or the foster care system. I only had to make sure from my first readers what was enough to carry the major part of the story.

LADYBRILLENigeria: How did you determine what facts had to be included to help give your readers better and more context?
Myne Whitman: I had to play it by the ear. I did my research into what life is like in present day Lagos for the kind of people that match the characters in my book. I also read a lot into what goes into business takeovers, hostile or otherwise before I decided to go with the latter because I am of the opinion that conflict drives a story and nothing like a struggle to build a character and get the reader rooting for one or the other. We have our idea, we have written, revised our stories and now its editing! I noticed you gave credits to many bloggers, friends and family who helped edit your book. I couldn’t help, nevertheless, with noticing a few spelling, and punctuation errors. LOL!
Myne Whitman: You must have very sharp eyes indeed, lol…but you’re right. One or two typos escaped the eagle eyes of the naija blogville crew. Very minimal indeed as I have had several people congratulate me on the quality of the novel being a self-published novel and all. However, we’re not resting on our laurels. I have edited the manuscript even further as it will soon be published in Nigeria. Okay, so thankfully the hard task has been done. You now have your novel. How do you get it published? Tell us the pros and cons with self publishing?
Myne Whitman: The pros for self-publishing are that the author retains full control over the content, design, and marketing of your book. You retain all rights to your manuscript and most of the revenues earned from the sale of your books. You may be able to penetrate small niche markets that a commercial publisher would overlook or ignore. The book may also have a greater chance of success because you're more committed to promoting it than a publisher who has hundreds of other titles. I want to point out that apart from the commercial success, there's also that deep satisfaction of knowing your creative work is out there making and contributing to conversation.

On the flip side, it can be expensive and requires a lump sum outlay to begin with. Even when the book is out, the author may have to invest further in the publicity and marketing of the product. When you’re published traditionally, you can leave all that to your agents and publishers and go back to your next project. Not so here, you have to put in a lot of time, effort and energy to get the book buzzing. Also, a lot of organizations still do not like working with self-published books either to review, distribute or feature.

LADYBRILLENigeria: What are the perks of publishing with a publisher like Author House?
Myne Whitman; I decided to self publish because I heard some good stories about the process and how it can be successful if you apply yourself. I felt I could follow the route since I was now a full time writer. I first improved on my writing by attending workshops and blogging which helped to polish my manuscript to professional standards. Then I read about other authors who had done the same and what their experiences had been like with different companies.

I chose Author House because I read several good things about them and they have met those so far. They assign you a design team, a book consultant and a sales person. They have various packages including editing and promotions and you choose the one that suits you best and which you can afford. I also liked that they had access to a large number of the major retailers in America and the UK.

THEMES FROM BOOK ‘A Heart to Mend’ was a very easy read. The language was simple and I think I completed it in four hours. Let’s start with your intro with the characters. I particularly enjoyed the intro of Gladys. Initially, I thought she was a ‘Nigerican’ woman who had returned home based on her insistence to navigate Lagos herself. But, I LOVED that she was just from Enugu yet the same naivety and I can figure it out all on my own attitude applied as you would see a ‘Nigerican’ independent sister. Describe Gladys character in the novel.
Myne Whitman: I pictured Gladys to be a stable young woman. Her upbringing was very vivid to me. I knew exactly the circumstance with Gladys and how she grew up. She had lost her father early and had been thrust with responsibility. She ends up confident, content and sharp. I loved the fact that she had the standard of no sex before marriage and she stuck with it. However, she is also still at the self-discovery stage, a little bit timid, well brought up but also at the adventure seeking phase. She is quite rational, I think even more so than the lead male character Edward Bestman. Describe Edward’s character?
Myne Whitman: Well from the get go I imagined Edward to be an all round man. You know the tall dark and handsome type, hard-working and successful. He had a lot of ego and pride in his character but this was just a cover-up for the insecurity, which had affected a large part of him. Edward grew up rejected and as an orphan, and his earlier flings with women only taught him that no one could want him for himself only. That beclouded his judgment about relationships for so long. As expected, he had barricaded his heart and was not letting anyone, man or woman in.

LADYBRILLNigeria: You explore emotional unavailability in both the male and female lead characters but really the emphasis is on Edward. Why did you feel the need to touch on these themes?
Myne Whitman: The novel details how we can be affected by events from our past and how it may limit our opportunities in the present especially in the area of love and relationships. Though this happens only when we allow it, alas, some of us do. The over-arching theme here is love and it teaches that while none of us is perfect, we should be able to keep our heart open for that person who has enough masking tape to cover our imperfections. You also did a good job touching on Nigeria’s foster care system, if any. But you left me wondering and actually wanting a little more information on the foster care system there. What about foster care or Nigeria’s orphans made you explore that in your novel?
Myne Whitman: While I still lived in Nigeria, I was involved with some volunteer work that necessitated me to visit a number of orphanages and it intrigued me what the future held for the children I met there. They were mostly happy, likeable children but I worried that with the general instability in Nigeria things might get more difficult as they got older. I have also read quite a few articles on the topic and the story of Edward in A heart to Mend is my own way of teasing out my thoughts of the topic though couched in fiction. Do you know or could you shed a little light on how Nigeria’s foster care system works? Is there a way to assess extended and non-extended family relatives who can come forward to help take care of orphans in the foster care system?
Myne Whitman: There is no foster care system in Nigeria per se. There are two ministries involved in taking care of vulnerable children; the women/ youth affairs and the social development departments. They do their best in the yet to be structured environment but the majority of the job is done by non-government agencies who set up care homes, rehabilitate these children or call on the willing public to foster them. Any identified extended families are usually involved in these processes but most times, the children may have been abandoned with no familial links. I thought it interesting that you had an Ibo character from Enugu so conveniently and without a thought, have a romantic and ultimately serious relationship with Northern/Yoruba character. I know your real name is Nkem Akinsoto. Is that a reflection of your background influencing the story line?
Myne Whitman: No, my background had no influence on the novel. It may even be the other way around since I already had started the manuscript before my own story, lol. Why not explore the fact that it could be an issue given Gladys was born and raised in the East? Are you suggesting young people in modern day cities across Nigeria are not necessarily as caught up with inter-ethnic dating and marriage?
Myne Whitman: Yes. Though I think interethnic marriage is still a big deal in Nigeria, it’s not as it used to be especially in urban settings and with young people. Lagos is a melting pot, most working class residents speak English or pidgin and the corporate world is made up of people from different parts of the country. There are third-generation Lagosians who have never been to their parents or grandparents state of origin.

In addition, there are also mitigating circumstances in this particular story; Edward is an orphan with no extended family and the same for Gladys. Other cultural attributes were more important in their peculiar situation and that is why social class is the more important element of this story. I explored classism and how it can be the source of even more tension and conflict than ethnicity.

The relationship between Edward and Gladys’ stand out because of the obstacles they face and of course, it challenges the norms of the Nigerian society; especially where cross-class relationships are concerned. That was an element of Nigerian society and the world at large that I wanted to question. I also think that cross-class relationships will continue to be a source of drama as long as human beings feel more comfortable associating with people of the same social class.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Want to hear my voice? Verastic + Unity1960

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Listen to internet radio with Vera Ezimora on Blog Talk Radio

Happy Valentine's Day!! (In advance sha. But truly) Love is in the air. Can you smell it? Okay, maybe it'll be more potent next week --- during the actual Valentine's Day (weekend). But what are your plans? What's your favorite and/or worst Valentine memory? * E-mail your questions/comments/stories to or text 1.443.934.9039 * Call 1.646.929.1905 during the LIVE show to join the conversation.

So I will be chatting with Vera about love, valentine and what people think it means and involves. Tune in 7amPST, 10amEST, 3pmGMT and 4pm Nigerian time to listen to us talk it out. The show is going to be Live on BlogTalk Radio. Here's the link:

Please feel free to enter the chatroom, ask questions and join the fun. You can also just listen to the show at the same call-in Number: (646) 929.1905.


The main purpose of is to present a balanced coverage of events, promote the best interests of Nigeria and defend her UNITY. It does not owe allegiance to any political party, ethnic community, religious or other interest group. Its primary commitment is to the integrity and sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and beyond that to the unity and sovereignty of Africa. has a web radio show called Naija4life on which our own Azazel the controversial blogger sits with a discussion panel. They have invited me for a guest interview. The show starts at noon pacific (PST), 3pm EST, 8pm GMT and 9pm Nigerian time. My part of the show will start around 12:30-1:30 p.m.

To listen to the interview, please log on to the internet at this link Once there, double click on “listen here” button at the top of the page and you'll be retroactively connected to the live stream. I'll look forward to hearing you guys too, so do call in.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Book is on Amazon! (US, UK and Canada)

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Firstly, the votes are in and more people want to have go back to what's happening with James and Iphey. We already know that she does not pick the phone. So what does James say? What insane thing did he do? Why did he leave his family? Our next contributor is Juanita and the post will be up by Wednesday. Remember the giveaway is on till Jan 31 and the first person to comment on the next chapter wins a free copy of my eBook "Love Happens" or you can download it on lulu.

On another news...drumroll...MY BOOK IS ON AMAZON! Do you know how I found out? On Vera's blog! I sent her an autographed copy as a birthday gift and she linked the amazon site on her post. Wooohooo...thank you girl. OK I'm very excited forgive me but this is a biggish deal for me. It's like a milestone. Get published, go on sale, be on Amazon, get to Nigeria...and so on, LOL. OK we're getting there small small. So right now, the book is available in the following places online. I think this is just in time because the book will make perfect Valentine's day gifts (hint**hint, LOL.)

My website $14.99 (Autographed Copy)
Publishers: Authorhouse $13.50 $18.50
Amazon.CO.UK GBP14.49
Amazon Canada CDN$19.08
Barnes & Noble $16.65
Borders: $37.78 (Crazy right? I don't know who's selling their copy.)
Kalahari South Africa R254.66

Hopefully, the list will continue to grow. Thanks to all who have bought their copy. Please leave reviews on the amazon page including those who won the Part one and have read it. For Nigeria, the plans are still under wraps but sometime in February for sure. Remember, you can still read the first chapter and share to your friends by using the widget below. Thank you all so much. I am grateful for your support, it motivates me to do more.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Votes + Award + Book Buzz

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So the votes are in and more people want to know what happens with the missing in-law. Is it really him? Does Iphey confront him? Our next contributor is Aeedeeaee and the post will be up by Sunday. Remember the giveaway is on till Jan 31 and the first person to comment on the next chapter wins a free copy of my eBook "Love Happens" or you can download it on lulu. Find out more information on my website

So I got this award from Honey91 of Dear Diary and La-Pimpette of Straight from the Heart. I want to say a big thanks to both of them. I'm glad people think of this blog as a place they can come and read stories, not just Myne but fellow bloggers. I appreciate you all both contributor, commenters and readers. Please keep coming and telling us what you think. I read and comment on loads of blogs and think you all deserve the award. But since I'm limited, I will pass on the award to the following people. They're great bloggers who get me thinking, smiling, laughing or crying with their blogs. I think they're very human and their lives are quite realistic.

Shorty of My Diary
Andrea of My Life
YankeeNaija babe of YNC Lounge
Blowing Blessings of Blessings Outlet
HisTreasure of A Fabulous Mother's World
Neefemi of Diary of an unpaid Intern

And this is what people have been saying about the book. Hope you've bought your copy?

Linda Ikeji: A HEART TO MEND will bring tears to the eyes and cheers at the end especially for those who have experienced the search for a career or tumultuous family and emotional relationships. Readers will be pleasantly surprised by the description of Lagos, the Nigerian stock market, and other business intrigues.

Review on Sylva Nze Ifedigbo's weblog: Myne Whitman’s book, A Heart to Mend, makes a bold statement to the contrary. It shows that we do not only fall in love and marry for love, we also use love to conquer a wide range of situations that could have ordinarily been a bit difficult to shoulder alone.

African Loft interview: I was excited when I heard of Myne Whitman’s novel, “A heart to mend”. Written by a Nigerian — under the pan name “Myne Whitman”, with Nigerian characters and setting, “A heart to mend” is a fun and fast read. Myne Whitman was happy to talk to us about her book during the Christmas season. Enjoy the interview!

Youtube: Book Trailer

Jaguda Interview: I know growing up you must've been exposed to a good number of books and authors. From a literature standpoint, who would you say has been your biggest influence?

I wouldn't say I have a single influence, as I have read so widely, but some authors that come to mind are Barbara Cartland, Francine Rivers, Sidney Sheldon, Flora Nwapa, Buchi Emecheta, Cyprian Ekwensi, and more recently Chimamanda Adichie and Jude Dibia. Of all them I identify most strongly with Buchi Emechetas books.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Blog Promo Update for A Heart to Mend

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So I told you guys about the Virtual Tour and the blog promo of my upcoming book, A Heart to Mend. Two bloggers were gracious enough to host me on their blogs in the past week. I want to say a big thank you to both Muyiwa and Pinkapplecore. Below are excerpts from the interviews, the full gist can be found on their pages linked with the blog names below.

An update on the book is that I'll certainly be holding a copy before Christmas and maybe you may too. You can pre-order from the publisher's website in the AuthorHouse Bookstore. In the meantime, I'm still open to interviews between now and January 31, let me know if you're interested...mulan.mine atgmail dotcom


When you started blogging,what made you think you will create a niche for yourself in area of writing?

Most times, I am very private unless I feel I have established a rapport with the people I meet. So I knew I could never start off with a personal blog. I used to read two writing blogs which gave me an idea of what I wanted to do and they were by Favoured girl and Flourishing Florida. I'm happy I have been able to establish my blog as a story and writing site but it has just been luck. I salute all the naija blogsville members especially those who have stood the test of time and made it the community it is today.

How easy are you finding it now?

Blogging has been amazing especially in my chosen niche. I got overwhelming response to the Gladys and Edward story which is now a Heart to Mend on my blog and again when I decided to self-publish and open up the blog to other budding writers. In the four months since I started, I have won several awards and a couple of giveaways (an Ankara material from Olamild and an Ogoo Ogbata book from SolomonSydelle.

In a summary,is there any lesson to learn from the story?

In the book, Gladys is a young woman, newly arrived in Lagos and from a deprived background. She had been estranged from her aunt and is a bit cynical of rich people. While still working on her new relationship with her Aunt Isioma, she meets Edward, a wealthy egoist who is surprising kindhearted. She is smitten by his physical looks and his interest in her though she continues to feel he's out of her reach. Edward is highly attracted to her physically but as time goes on, he realizes he may have set up his heart for a fall. He is from a shadowed past and has been deeply scarred by events that happened when he was younger. They are able to surmount this and all other obstacles before them including differing views on premarital sex, social class and contrary advice from friends. Gladys and Edward decide to trust their hearts with each other and begin to prepare for their wedding. This main story line runs through the subplot of growing friendships, family reunions, the Nigerian stock market, business intrigues and a vendetta.

The novel details how we can be affected by events from our past and how it may limit our opportunities in the present especially in the area of love and relationships. Gladys obsesses over the divide between her and Edward, while he had barricaded his heart and was not letting anyone in, man or woman. The lesson is that none of us is perfect but we should be able to keep our heart open for that (sometimes one) person who has enough masking tape to cover our imperfections and make an ideal couple.

2. From Pinkapplecore of THE MAGICAL CHIP BAG

Is there a character you modeled after yourself or someone you know?

None of the characters in this book is based on myself or any one I know but on a cumulative of my world view and experience. Since I try to make my stories as real as possible, they also share our fears and hopes, our victories and our pain. Other than that, they're just people of my imaginings and therefore may seem free from some of the usual constraints real persons face.

If you could chose three words to describe the book what would they be?

Intriguing, fun, and lovely

Do you plan on writing more books or a sequel?

I definitely plan on writing more books. A sequel is not on the books right now but who knows what will happen? LOL. I am currently working on another romantic suspense manuscript and a couple of short stories, one of which I hope will be published before the end of the coming year.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Update + Virtual Blog Tour Promo

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I want to say a big thanks to all who read and voted. The results are in and the next chapter of the story is more on the Iphey and Chinedu story. What happened between them? Does he meet Iphey again? Did Iphey call to apologise? Our next contributor is David, God's favoured numba one (nice name eh?). His chapter will be ready by Wednesday latest. Remember the first person to comment on the next chapter wins a free copy of my eBook "Love Happens" or you can download it on lulu. So update your blog rolls accordingly.

On other news, Myne Whitman is about to hit the road, at least the virtual road. I have sent out emails to a few web-based news vendors to promote the book via interviews, features and reviews. I have got positive interest from African Loft and a few others. I still await feedback from Bellanaija, Gidilounge, Mimimagazine, Genevieve, OlaMild Entertainment and several others.

The poster above is a promo and since this started from Blogsville, the bus has to move from here. I therefore want to invite interested bloggers to contact me ( for interviews, reviews or just a feature on their blog. I will give them all the necessary material including the poster above, a pdf copy of the book for giveaway to their readers and themselves, pictures of me and links to the necessary sites. I will also promote their sites on this page.

The first stop was yesterday on Spesh's World Paparazzi. Click on the link and go get some more info about me and the book.

See you soon.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Book Cover!!!!!

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I know we were waiting for BUBBLES, (her story is coming soonest I promise) but I just couldn't wait to share with my blogfam. The galley of my book and the mock-up cover arrived yesterday. The cover is the picture shown above and I'm thrilled! I'm not totally satisfied with it but it certainly makes this even more real seeing it. What do you think and what changes would you make if it were you?

Sorry I've not been to some of your blogs, I was busy yesterday looking through the galley for any typos, etc. I'll do my rounds when I'm done with that. I want to see if we can get the book out for the new year.

Thank you all so much. You've all been a part of this.