Thursday, June 19, 2014

The World’s Youngest Mother: Lina Medina Gave Birth To Baby at 5 Years Old

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Lina Medina was five years, seven months, and 21 days old at the time of her son Gerardo’s birth, and she's the youngest mother on record. 

Lina’s parents were worried. Lina, one of nine children in this poor family of the Peruvian Andes, had a seemingly inexplicable abdominal growth — which was growing larger by the week.

Fearing she had cancer, Lina’s parents brought her to the doctor. The Peruvian girl was cancer-free; she was, however, seven months pregnant. Six weeks later, on May 14, 1939, Lina gave birth via Cesarean section to baby Gerardo, who weighed six pounds at birth.

Mommy Blogger Lacey Spears Arrested For Poisoning Son To Death For Online Attention

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Lacey Spears told her wide online followers that from the moment her son Garnett was born, he was afflicted with never-ending illnesses. When he was only 5 days old, she rushed him to the hospital for an ear infection, with blood pouring from his nose. He had fevers, infections and, failed to add weight, she said. By ninth months, she said, he was using a feeding tube.

Now the boy is dead before his fifth birthday, and according to the authorities, Ms. Spears was the real cause of her son’s illnesses. Ms. Spears has been arrested and charged with the murder of her 5-year-old son on Tuesday, accused by the authorities of fatally poisoning him in January with an overdose of sodium.

Investigators believe Ms. Spears has a rare mental illness called Munchausen syndrome by proxy, that often involves a mother’s causing or inventing health symptoms so that her child gets medical care.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Another Baby Dies in Nap Nanny Baby Recliner - Product Has Been Recalled as Dangerous

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Do you use a baby recliner for your child? A sixth baby has died while using a recalled “Nap Nanny” infant recliner, with safety experts again urging parents to stop using the product.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, or CPSC, the latest tragedy involved an 8-month-old girl from New Jersey. The baby suffocated while secured by a belt, trapped between the product and a crib bumper. CPSC officials said the infant was found stuck over the side of a Nap Nanny.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Student Commits Suicide After She’s Caught Cheating, Here are Some Lessons For Parents

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Omotayo Adeoye, above, a 17 year old Nigerian-American student went missing last week Thursday after she jumped off the George Washington Bridge and into the Hudson River. Omotayo, a student of High School of Mathematics and Science, had been caught by her class teacher cheating during a German language exam.

She didn't finish the test, but wrote a suicide note on her test paper. “I just want to go away forever on the bottom of the river,” she wrote, and then she left the class, going directly to the bridge where she jumped.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Bride Gets Married Dragging Newborn By The Train As She Walks Down the Aisle

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Tennessee couple Shona Carter and Jonathan Brooks got married last weekend, and the couple, who had also just welcomed a newborn daughter, wanted the baby to be a part of the wedding in a creative way. Shona finally had the one-month-old infant attached to the train of her wedding dress as you can see above.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Man Attempts to Lead Toddler Away When Mother Turned Her Back In a Busy Mall

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Images from a CCTV recording in a busy shopping centre have shown how a man had wanted to lead a toddler away from his mother who had turned her back for just a few minutes.

Monday, April 28, 2014

First Born Daughters Are Most Likely to Succeed According to Research

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If you are female and the first born in the family then you are the one who is most likely to succeed, according to new research.

Researchers have claimed that if you are female and the eldest child among your siblings then you are likely to be more ambitious. Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling and Beyoncé are all firstborn children.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Facebook Parenting - A Baby Gender Reveal Gone Wrong

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In a now viral Youtube video, a big brother - only boy with 2 little sisters already - was not happy when during a baby gender reveal for their next sibling turns out to be a girl. The little boy breaks down in tears after the miserable acknowledgement that the white reveal cake is pink inside and has jelly - meaning it's a baby girl

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Michelle Obama With Elmo and Rosita From 'Sesame Street' Promote Healthy Eating For Kids

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During a press conference at The White House to promote healthy eating and exercise for American kids, Michelle Obama invited surprise guests Elmo and Rosita from Sesame Street. As usual, Michelle looks absolutely in great shape, and not scared to show off her toned arms, lol... and the muppets are just adorable! More pics and the transcript below...

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The World's Busiest Maternity Ward - Women Sleep Five To a Bed and 100 Babies are Born Daily

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The BBC recently aired a documentary about a maternity hospital "the world's busiest maternity ward"  in the Philippines where women share a bed with 4 or 5 other women and their babies, and where the experienced midwife who serves as the chief nurse might have delivered upwards of 200,000 babies in the past 28 years.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Funny Video - BatDad is on Child Watch 1

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BatDad, whose real name is Blake Wilson, is a creative father and obvious fan of the Batman movies. Wearing the bat mask, he shares very short clips of his time with his kids on Vine. He has now complied the six-second viral Vine videos into short Youtube clips like the one above. Enjoy, especially for parents :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Photo Of A Woman Pointing A Gun At A Child's Head Sparks Debate on Gun Violence

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This Facebook photo showing a young girl pointing a gun at the face of a young child have sparked fresh debates on gun violence. After the Newton incident in which several small children were killed with guns, and as I prepare to be a parent myself, I have begun thinking of how to raise kids in a way that leaves them well rounded and healthy emotionally, knowing to avoid what is wrong, and the ways to treat others right. One of the topics that have come up is allowing children to play with toy guns.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Letter to Autistic Boy's Family Say They Should Euthanize Him, and It Was Written By a Mother?

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Some of you may have seen this letter, but I just saw it, and I'm so disturbed. With my mother being a teacher, and also owning a private nursery school since I was still a child, I was surrounded by children till I moved away from home. I met a lot of children and also a lot of parents, mothers mostly. I just can't believe that a mother would write a letter asking another mother to kill their child.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Before You Take Photos With Your Smartphone, Turn off The Geo-Tagging

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Smartphone pictures could expose your privacy when you upload them online because they take along with them details about where they were taken and even the owner of the phone, their address, and more. So any pictures you've e-mailed or uploaded from your smartphone could actually threaten your safety or that of your family and friends if this information gets into the wrong hands.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

25 Life Tips Young Men Need to Know

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1. It’s harder to take a punch than to throw one.

2. Find the people who make you laugh and follow them around like a golden retriever. Laughing is like a vitamin. You can never get enough of it.

3. A guy who hugs a lot is comfortable in his own skin.

4. Read poetry.