Monday, June 30, 2014

10 Unusual Real Life Marriage Proposals Around The World

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In times when the very institution of marriage is under threat, every proposal has a special meaning. It is a testimony to the feeling that there is something stronger than a live-in relationship or a civil partnership that can bring a couple closer. No wonder then that men – and sometimes women too – are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to propose marriage to their beloved.

Here are 10 unusual real life marriage proposals that are sure to serve as inspirations if you are planning to pop the question yourself.

Lip-dub your love
What more romantic way to propose than to lip-sync to the words of a popular pop song? This is exactly what Isaac of Portland Oregon, did as he roped in his family and friends to propose marriage to his girlfriend Amy. One morning in May 2012 Isaac told Amy to meet him at his parent's house. When she arrived he had stationed his brother to sit her on the back of a Honda CRV with some headphones on. And then to the sound of Bruno Mars' 'Marry You', Amy was then serenaded by Isaac as well as his friends and family as her car moved slowly along the street.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

10 Signs Your Boyfriend is Not Ready To Propose Marriage To You

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One of the biggest dating questions which haunt women is whether her boyfriend is ready to commit. She may be sticking around with him for almost a couple of years now, hoping that he will make up his mind and still waiting for the elusive engagement ring.

If you don’t want to waste time waiting for a man who's not ready, learn to pick up ten signs which tell you that he’s not going to propose marriage in a hurry.

He never discusses marriage: This is perhaps the first hint that should start ringing warning bells in your mind. Your boyfriend cannot be caught dead talking about marriage as an institution or even commenting on commercials for wedding products and services. He won’t mention it even if his own brother is getting married and he is going to be the best man. His aversion to the M-word should be indication enough that marriage does not figure anywhere in his near future.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Calmest Female Voice I Ever Heard in My Life - True Love Story With Proposal Pictures

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This is another RML couple, and this time, the guy tells us the story of how he met and fell in love with the girl of his dreams when he least expected it. After two years, he popped the question. Enjoy!

How We Met

We met in 2012. I had started working in Port-Harcourt then as a geoscientist and I was on the field most of the time; I was single and meeting new babes there was a serious challenge for me. Chika, one of my close friends in Lagos, who wanted me to get serious started hooking me up with different ladies whom he thought matched some major specs I had given him earlier.

Some of my cousins also tried hooking me up with their friends. I had one complaint or another about each of the ladies, but I made sure I kept a good relationship with all of them. At a point, I got tired of all the match-making thing and made up my mind not to entertain anymore hook-ups.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Epic Proposal Video Takes Man To 26 Countries And 4 Years to Make

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Jack Hyer went the extra mile, thousands of miles in fact, to create an epic marriage proposal for Becca his girlfriend. According to Jack, he had always wanted to travel, and he started filming his travels to stay in touch with his girlfriend. He also knew ahead of time that he would make the recordings into an epic video proposal and selected the theme song “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by the Proclaimers. It took him four years, and 26 different countries. She said YES!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Just to Make it Extra Special, He Proposed on Her Graduation Day

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This is the season for graduations and Victor, a Nigerian guy in the United States decided to add one more reason why his girlfriend will never forget the day she graduated. His girlfriend Tannisha certainly wasn’t expecting to see her boyfriend on one knee on her graduation day. Victor had it all planned out and his sister took the pictures of the couple's special moment. Tannisha said YES….See more lovely photos of the surprise proposal below.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Remember Lady Making 300 Sandwiches For an Engagement Ring? He Proposed!

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Last September, I wrote about Stephanie Smith who started a food blog based on the fact that her boyfriend had one day mentioned that he would propose after he eats 300 of her sandwiches [read here]. Her blog went viral with many pouring scorn on her chosen method to getting a ring.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Video - Romantic Nigerian Man Surprises Girlfriend With Flashmob Proposal

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Who said Nigerian men were not romantic? Oluchi Madu and her fiance, Malechi, have shared on Instagram how their surprise proposal and engagement took place back in March. Malechi hired a quartert of dancers and with the knowledge of some of her colleagues, he pulled off a mini flashmob to the tune of Tuface's love song. This is coming after a bridesmaid gets engaged at a weddding [see here]. Check out the details, more pictures and video of Oluchi and Malechi's proposal below.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bridesmaid Gets Proposal From Boyfriend After Catching Wedding Bouquet

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A young lady, one of the bridesmaids at her elder sister's wedding got a pleasant surprise when her boyfriend got down on one knee and proposed during the wedding reception. The proposal happened soon after the happy bridemaid caught the bouquet as it was tossed into the single ladies crowd at the event.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Brazil's Tallest Teen Gets Romantic Proposal From Her 5ft 4Inch Boyfriend

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Brazil's tallest teen is set to become the world’s tallest bride after her boyfriend who is of average height popped the 'm' question. Aspiring model Elisany da Cruz Silva - 6ft 8ins tall - has been dating 5ft 4ins Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho for more than three years. Francinaldo solidified their relationship by dropping to one knee after a romantic stroll along the beach and asking Elisany to marry him.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Big Brother Housemates Elikem and Pokello Get Engaged

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Elikem and Pokello met and started dating during the Big Brother Africa The Chase competition and continued after they left the house. The Ghanaian Elikem proposed to Pokello last night during the Ghana Music Awards.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Romantic Proposal at the Cinema - Bimbo and Tosin

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Congratulations to Bimbo and Tosin! Their proposal happened at Silverbird Galleria Lagos and she said YES!. The guy was able to get the cinema to pause the screening of The Other Woman and after playing a short clip of their journey as a couple, he proposed to the blushing Bimbo. Lovely people, and great video made by Sisi Yemmie. RML wishes the couple all the best for their wedding and marriage.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jude Okoye About to Get Married - Proposes to Girlfriend

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Jude Okoye and Ify Umeokeke at Paul and Anita's wedding

Jude Okoye is the elder brother and manager of Peter and Paul Okoye of PSquare. Their younger brother Ikechukwu just announced on Twitter to congratulate Jude on successfully proposing to his girlfriend, Ifeoma Michelle Umeokeke, who he's have been dating for about a year. Congrats to them and we look forward to another Okoye family wedding soon?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pictures of Jim Iyke Proposing to Nadia Buari in Spain

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Jim Iyke and Nadia Buari travelled Europe together last November and he shared pictures on Twitter as he took Nadia on a tour of the city for her birthday using a pink limo and they ended it with a private dinner and Mariachi performers [See post]. What Jim Iyke didn't share and which is now detailed in his reality TV show is that we will hear wedding bells in the near future because he proposed to Nadia Buari that same night!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dear Single Ladies - How Do You Want Your Marriage Proposal?

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Don’t get all scared ladies, this post is not calling out anybody! I know some of us are still at the age where we shiver at that thought of marriage and some of us just think about it and say NOT YET!

Fine, for those of us who are ready and expecting the special man of our life to pop that question, some who are taking their time and finally to those that are saying it’s not yet time, if and when the time comes, how do/would you want it?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Your Man Proposes Like the Guy In This Picture, Will You Say Yes? And Other Stories

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It's such a large bunch of flowers, and he's on both knees too. I think she's about to say yes :) See more interesting pictures below...

Monday, October 14, 2013

Nadia Buari Tweets Her Dream Proposal - “What kind of wedding would u like?" He Asked

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Nadia Buari must be a romantic. She just tweeted this conversation about weddings between a couple who truly love each other. A man asks his lady what kind of wedding she would love, and she throws the questions back at him. See their answers below.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Paul of PSquare Proposes to Anita Isama - Who Else Foresees a Double Wedding?

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Paul Okoye has just proposed to the mother of his child, Anita Isama, just weeks after his brother did the same. Paul is certainly following in his twin brother's footsteps, and I won't be surprised if this translates to a double wedding like in their video above, No One Like You. Not only did Peter and Paul both have children before marriage, their partners are strong independent women.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dr Sid Proposes to Simi Osomo in Venice #Andshesaidyes!

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#Andshesaidyes! !! #lovemine #thankyouvenice
Well, the European jaunt was for a reason after all. The romantic 7 days vacation through London, Paris, and Italy culminated in a Venice proposal - that original city of lovers. Dr Sid proposed to Simi Osomo, "Andshesaidyes!"

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Public Proposals - Yemi Sax Asks Girlfriend for Forever Joy

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Towing the line of a public proposal, a Nigerian Saxophonist, Yemi Sax, proposed to his girlfriend, Shola, yesterday at an ice cream place in Lagos. Linda Ikeji was able to get a copy of what he actually said to her, corny but sweet :)

Adeshola Sholatayo Durojaiye...
The first day I met you Shola, my heart beats, and something said to me, this is the mother of your children and the woman specially made for you from heaven. This has never happened to me ever since I've grown up to be a man. I've met so many ladies but you are a rear germ and can't be compared to any of them.

Today i look in to your eyes to tell u this
0. U are the true definition of love
1. U are the true definition of a good woman,
2.U've brought nothing but hapiness to my life
3.Your love to me is more than anything in dis world
4. You are the apple of my eyes
5. I love u so very much shola
6.I cherish u very much shola

Friday, March 8, 2013

Another Blogger Proposal - A Dubai Engagement!

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Love is a beautiful thing, and it is even more beautiful when it is shared. Recently, a blogger who I consider quite close got engaged to the love of her life in the shadows of the Burj Al Arab. She says;

I won't lie, I have truly found love! Lol! I'm full of joy. Even when we have issues or arguments, we both know it wouldn't break us so we vex for some hours and someone (usually him lol!) would send a text saying "I'm hungry" for instance. That would break the ice and we'll laugh then calmly talk through issues. I so can't wait to be his wifey! Lol! Not like much would change but I would see him more and spend more time with him, so looking forward to that.

I was going like Awww...Awww... at each pic. LOL... They were looking so sweet and cute, the love was just too visible! Congrats dearie, and now praying for a wedding that goes without hitches, and an even more amazing marriage. Now, now, I know some of us can add two and two and get four, but let's spare the blogger's anonymity for those who don't know. Enjoy the exclusive pictures below...