Thursday, August 21, 2014

Study Finds More Differences Between Men and Women In The Smells They Like

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New research has shown that another difference between men and women is not just in what we see, it's also in our noses. A UK personal care products company Radox conducted a nationwide poll to discover the top mood boosters for men and women.

The results of the survey showed that women find smells associated with the home most pleasing, while men enjoy the smell of food more. What is that they say, the way to a man's heart?

Professor Tim Jacob, an expert in the science of smell at Cardiff University, says that women's preference for scent over the visual stimuli could be explained by their heightened sense of smell.

'Women have a better sense of smell than men, because their brains are wired to process scents more acutely.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Is He Cheating? My Boyfriend Says He Chats Up Other Girls To Stop Them Becoming Lesbians

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Good evening Myne, please I need advice please...I have been dating a guy for over 2years, we love each other and have plans to get married.

Recently I came across text messages on his phone between him and a girl professing love for each other. I confronted him and he told me he was just indulging her and helping her move through a phase.

He promised me that he was being honest and also told me of another person he was helping, saying they we're both emotionally unstable and contemplating lesbianism due to numerous heartbreaks and he believes his reassuring them will stir them in the right direction.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Woman Says She Will Only Date And Marry Millionaires Because They Are More Romantic

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Nadia Essex says she'd had enough of dating deadbeat guys and has since learned all the tricks for finding and attracting men with money after she's been a ‘a lot’ of dates with millionaires.

Now hoping to help other aspiring millionaire-daters, Nadia explains that there a range of skills needed to bag a wealthy man.

I'm really trying to teach other women - who aren’t afraid to say that they want the best for their life. If they're honest, everyone would want to marry a millionaire.

A lot of people do settle, and I want to empower women and say you don’t have to settle. It’s ok to say you want someone who loves you, is loyal and trustworthy - and is wealthy.

Nadia, 32, says her childhood helped made her value money over other qualities in men.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Only Good Reason to Get Married - A Dad’s Letter to His Son

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Dear Son,

It seems like yesterday you were blowing poop out of your diaper onto your mother’s lap. Yet here we are, on the verge of the birds-and-the-bees conversation. The poop was way easier.

Before we talk about sex, though, I want to talk about marriage. Not because I’ll shun you or shame you if you don’t put them in that order—although I hope you will—but because I believe the only good reason to get married will bring clarity to every other aspect of your life, including sex.

Buddy, you’re probably going to want to get married for all the wrong reasons. We all do. In fact, the most common reason to get married also happens to be the most dangerous: we get married because we think it will make us happy. Getting married in order to be happy is the surest way to get divorced.

Friday, May 30, 2014

10 Things You Must Never, Ever Do After A Breakup

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Breakups can be an extremely difficult experience. You’re hurt, you’re crying, confused, and your heart feels like it’s in a million pieces. There’s a reason why it is called heartbreak but learn to let it go. The world has something better in store for you. But while you’re waiting, here are 9 things you must never do after a breakup. Ready to hear them? Cool, let’s go!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

For Men Who Send Unsolicited Dick Pics, You May Be Charged to Court!

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I have once been a victim of receiving an unsolicited dick pic on Facebook. I added someone as a friend and immediately he buzzed me with a sexting message which I ignored. The next thing I saw was the picture of an erect dick, and asking me to send something. I immediately reported the person to FB who deleted the images, then I blocked such a worm.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Do you Think Single Girls Prefer to Date Married Men Than Single Men?

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Toke Makinwa, who was recently appointed as a co-host on the Moments With Mo TV Show, seems to believe that single girls do deliberately go out with married men, and prefer them to single men.

Her latest blog on the topic seems very timely since news of Joseph Yobo's alleged cheating with a single lady [read here] sparked a social media quarrel between Adaeze Yobo and one of her Instagram followers yesterday.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

On Husband's Alleged Cheating, Did Adaeze Yobo Get It Right Saying "Join The Line"?

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Adaeze and Joseph Yobo are one of the celebrity couples that share their marriage on social media with pictures and commentary. Adaeze regularly updates her friends and family of her life as a student, wife and mother in her faraway locale. But not everyone can love everything you do.

Names of Men Most Likely to Cheat on Their Partners Revealed By Survey

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A recent U.K. study of 2,000 unlucky-in-love women looked at their experiences with men in the past and saw Wayne ranked as the least trustworthy name when it comes to love. From their responses, men named Wayne are considered the least trustworthy when it comes to maintaining faithful relationships.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Brazil's Tallest Teen Gets Romantic Proposal From Her 5ft 4Inch Boyfriend

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Brazil's tallest teen is set to become the world’s tallest bride after her boyfriend who is of average height popped the 'm' question. Aspiring model Elisany da Cruz Silva - 6ft 8ins tall - has been dating 5ft 4ins Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho for more than three years. Francinaldo solidified their relationship by dropping to one knee after a romantic stroll along the beach and asking Elisany to marry him.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Are You Living Life to The Full As a Single and Waiting?

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By Eniola Ake

The society has placed so much pressure on single women so much that some single women go to any length to get married or have a man. Yet most women aren't happy even with all the measures they have employed in having a man. Towards the period of finding a life partner, some women then begin to make adjustments in their behavior, character or personality.

Friday, March 7, 2014

To All My Ladies - This is a World Cup Year (Waiting for June 12)

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By BabaWilly

I might as well put it in writing my darling, I might as well put pen to paper my love. My reasons are simple, you can read. And to that great insight, I add that just like the elephant, you never forget. In addition to that similarity I would venture to say that your footprints have left an indelible mark. I know that there are cynics out there who will say ‘she walks all over him’ on reading this, but just look at me. Since you walked into my life, things have never been the same.  My life has improved a hundred fold.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Marriage Financial Times - Why Keeping Joint Accounts is to Your Advantage

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The reason why I chose to address this issue as 'Marriage Financial Times' is to make it sound like 'New York Times', a newspaper. We all know the essence of newspapers and we either agree or disagree with some of its contents, we all have our opinions and we all have our different understandings and perspectives of it. That's probably what this post will be like.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

5 Signs to Watch Out For That May Identify an Abusive or Violent Partner

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Toke Makinwa has decided to make domestic violence the topic of her weekly vlog in which she lists 5 signs that the man you're dating could be abusive, the famous red flags that one has to watch out for. The video is indeed very timely, as earlier this week, Arowolo Akolade was sentenced to death for murdering his wife in a domestic violence incident in which he stabbed her over 70 times. A young lady also shared pictures on Instagram of herself after she was pushed from a moving car and then dragged along by her boyfriend of eight months.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is There Anything Like Caring Too Much In Your Relationship?

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CARE (meaning): Close attention; concern; responsibility; worry; upkeep.

When we care about each other in a relationship, we pay close attention to our partners, their emotions, their thoughts and their moods, which is nothing if not very normal. If we decide to rate the caring we give to our partners on a scale of 0-10, some people will rate at 8, some at 6, 4 gets my eyes rolling and 2 is evidently deficient but when we rate 12/10, should the partner remove their slippers, pick them up and run?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dear Single Ladies: You Know Dating A Married Man Is A Dead End, Right?

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I bet the factual and blunt ones already know why,well there are exceptions, for those who attach no strings to polygamy, it's not a dead end ( maybe more of a ghost end now) but I will like to remind such ladies that it certainly doesn't end there. Another beautiful lady is still coming after you, so be prepared!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Radio Interview on Love and Relationships in Nigeria with Zoe Chinaka

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One of the most interesting conversations on relationships I had while in Lagos was with Zoe Chinaka, a radio personality with Nigeria Info 99.3 FM on her show called The Woman. We got gisting about love, romance, writing, relationships in Nigeria, and more. Lucky for me, we got a video of some of the chat, enjoy...

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Principles of Courtship - How to Get What You Want [Part 2]

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By Dolly Singh

This is a continuation of the guidelines, [Part 1 HERE] for navigating personal and professional relationships. These Principles of Courtship can apply equally to both personal and professional endeavors. Whether you’re looking to land an amazing career opportunity, a key client, or that amazing friendship or relationship, following this basic set of principles will help you court the right opportunities, both in 2014 and beyond.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Relationship Advice For Nigerian Women Via Skuki of Peeshaun

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It was around this same time last year that a lot of entertainers shared their relationship wisdoms with the rest of us. Maybe these nuggets from Skuki of Peeshaun are the beginning of another round of celebrities doing their bit as agony aunts and uncles. The truth is that many need that life and relationship coaching as there is glaring lack of professional therapists or counsellors in Nigeria.