Friday, November 7, 2014

53-Year-Old Has Performance Scorecard For All The 140 Men She Has Slept With

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Many people are ashamed of their so-called 'body count' but not 53 year old Sandy Nardo, who not just keeps track of the names of all the men she's had sex with over the years, but has a scorecard too. And for the mom of one, there are 140 men on her list.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Size Matters! Woman Posts Epic Rant About How She Hates Well Endowed Men

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OK, we were discussing the other day about whether the size of a man's equipment mattered to women and if so, why? We also talked about how size affects both men and women and their pleasure from sex, read here.

Well, this woman think size really matters, and she's not on the side of the bigger the better. Noooo.. she likes them small.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Couple Stuck During Sex In The Sea Have To Be Separated In Hospital

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No, this is not Magun, or the Nigerian Thunderbolt. An Italian couple decided to turn a dip in the ocean into a discreet lovemaking session but ended up in hospital after they became stuck together.

According to an Italian newspaper, Il Mattino, this happened on a Porto San Giorgio beach and came to light because the couple's private business became public when they were forced to come to shore stuck to each other.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wedding Night Sex as a Virgin - Bride Shares Her Experience One Year After

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Sexual talk is almost taboo in most Nigerian households, and most especially for women. Many of us didn't get the 'bird and the bees' talk beyond being bought a sanitary pad when our periods started and being told to stay away from boys. When one comes from a Christian home, with a reserved mother, the issues are compounded.

Whether male or female, deciding to remain a virgin till your marriage is a good thing for many reasons, including Christian morals. However, things really go south when some prudes use the bible to instil fear and revulsion for sex within their young charges, usually female. And this must stop!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How Important is Physical Attraction In A Relationship Versus Other Traits?

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By Jenna Brown

Dating can be a difficult fact of life. We strive to present our best selves but struggle with the ins and outs of dating. There's the primping, the prepping, and the awkward moments that are so inevitable. It comes with the territory of being alone with someone you barely know. But that is just the beginning of the courtship.

With all of the stress of looking your best, the ultimate question arises: how important is physical attraction in a relationship? For some couples, they may find that physical attraction is no different than any other desired trait, while for others it could be the foot in the door that grabs their attention.

The dating world is a lot like a battlefield where you must constantly put your best foot forward to succeed while still protecting yourself from attacks that may come. The difference is, it's a battle that both parties can win. As complex as dating is, people are really seeking basic desires when it comes to finding their partner. These include;

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kim Kardashian On Sex Tape With Kanye And Celebrity Leaked Photos

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Some say Kim Kardashian only came to mainstream prominence after her sex tape with ex-boyfriend Ray J was leaked. Now, Kim, who was named GQ magazine Woman of the Year, is talking sex tapes again.

Kim covered the GQ  Awards edition where she classily posed nude on silk sheets [see pics], and she also talked about her sex life with husband Kanye West, and if they have a sex tape. Kim says;

My husband Kanye and I have an amazing sex life. So far as the sex tape is concerned, whether or not we've made another... If we have it's never something I want to go public.’

‘[it's] not something I would want anyone else to see but me and Kanye. I am married to an incredible man and let's just say we like to have fun. Kanye and I have a very good sex life. What we do privately is private.

On the issue of the celebrity leaked photos, Kim Kardashian, who was named as one of those whose nude pics were hacked, says it can't be true because she deleted her icloud account years ago.

Funmi Akingbade - Nigerian Men Rush Sex And Rarely Stop to Please Their Women

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Sex Therapist, pastor Funmi Akingbade says the average Nigerian man is not the most patient lover. In an interview with City People magazine, pastor Akingbade said Nigerian men see foreplay and other activities before intercourse as a waste of time. She says to have a bliss marital life, great sex must be incorporated and that the woman should not be seen as an object just to 'release' into.

Excerpts from the interview below..

How would you describe the Nigerian man when it comes to sex?

The Nigerian man is always in a rush when it comes to sex. They rush into it and quickly rush out once they "come". Every driver that wants an accident-free trip must drive safely, know his road signs, have good driving skills and be a good observer.

This is also true with sex because marital sex is a journey and not to be done in a rush. Those who want to succeed in marriage give their sex life a lot of attention and sex is what makes it different and wonderful. So, for no reason must a spouse "beg" or "plead" for sex from her partner. Rather, good sex should be given mutually at all times"

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Judge Says Incest May No Longer Be Taboo, Compares It to Homosexuality

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A judge in Australia has been criticised after saying incest may no longer be a taboo and that the community may now accept consensual sex between adult siblings.

Judge Garry Neilson, from the district court in the state of New South Wales, likened incest to homosexuality, which was once regarded as criminal and "unnatural" but is now widely accepted.

He said incest was now only a crime because it may lead to abnormalities in offspring but this rationale was increasingly irrelevant because of the availability of contraception and abortion. According to the Telegraph, the judge said;

Widows Open Up on Their Sex Life And How They Cope

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The perception that a widow doesn’t and shouldn’t have a sexual need lies in the minds of the ignorant. The urge is there, stronger, deeper and certainly more intense. Punch asked a few widows what their experience has been like.

53-year-old school teacher, Getrude Oyetayo said she had had to battle with the issue of loneliness since her husband, Williams, passed on five years ago. Oyetayo says she is still not used to the fact that she is a widow, saying she would not wish the condition for her worst enemy.;

“I am not too old, somebody should be around me. The urge to have sex comes on once in a while, it is the grace of God that keeps me going all this while.”

“Personally, I came to realise that my profession of being a teacher has helped me a lot. I am disciplined. I try to make sure I am myself. I respect myself and forge ahead. I don’t dwell along that line. If I put my interest there, I will lose focus. Peradventure it comes again; I only ask God what He thinks I should do. God has always been there. God will ask me if He is not sufficient for me. If I have any sexual feelings, I engage myself in the house of God. It has helped me not to think of it.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sister and Brother Charged For Incest After Caught Having Sex 3 Times Near Church

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Chris Buckner, 20 and her 25 year old brother Timothy Savoy have been arrested after being accused of having sex with each other three times while parked outside a church after watching romantic movie, The Notebook.

According to reports, police found the siblings early Wednesday morning outside the Countryside Baptist Church in Georgia, while investigating reports of a prowler at 4.30am. The police didn't even know they were related until they were booked.

The police say Chris and Tim admitted to having sex inside a tractor trailer after watching the film on Tuesday morning. They have both been charged with incest, aggravated sodomy, and prowling.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Morgue Attendant Admits To Having Sex With 100 Female Corpses While On Crack

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A morgue attendant has admitted to having sex with up to 100 corpses while on the job, many times while the bodies were being stored for autopsies.

Kenneth Douglas, a 60-year-old Ohio resident, said he had sex with the corpses between 1976 and 1992 while working the night shift.

Douglas was convicted of gross corpse abuse in 2008 after admitting to having sex with the corpse of a 19-year-old woman who had been murdered and nearly decapitated in 1991.

In 2012, Douglas admitted to having sex with two more corpses. In the case of another murder victim, Douglas said he had sex with her corpse the day she was killed.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Real Married Couples Reveal How Much Sex They Have Each Week

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How often do you and your partner have sex in a week? Once, twice, five times, every day, twice a day every day? LOL...

It's a personal question not many people have the courage to ask (or answer!), but it's something most of us wonder, especially when we get curious about how our own sex lives stack up against those of other married couples.

Well, thanks to this Reddit thread, you can now find out how much sex some married people are really having. Just try not to compare.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Police Officer Dies During Sex. His Lover Was Allegedly Laced With Magun Thunderbolt

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An Assistant Superintendent of Police, has died in Ondo State in the bid to satisfy his sexual urge while on duty.

He reportedly died while having sex with a woman allegedly laced with the dreaded ‘thunder bolt’ (magun).

Vanguard reports that officer, after reporting for duty on the ill-fated day, inspected the officers on duty. The residence of the woman he had sex with is said to be a walking distance to the police station.

It was gathered that the relationship between the lovers had been on for a long time, and the police officer, who had no premonition that death was lurking around the corner, walked into the embrace of his lover only to somersaulted mid way into sex.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Infographic: Why Sex is Good for Your Health

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When I received this infographic on "Why Sex is Good for Your Health", I knew I just had to share. I have posted before how much health benefits can be got from good loving sex [here] and the only thing better is to see it all visually displayed.

This infographic details the many benefits of a healthy sex and provides interesting statistics around this topic.

For example,  did you know that in a typical sex session lasting 25 minutes, men will on average burn 100 calories and women will burn 69?

Check it out below...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Do You Agree With This Sex Advice By a Pastor's Wife to Young Brides?

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by Ruth Smythers, beloved wife of The Reverend L.D. Smythers, Pastor of the Arcadian Methodist Church of the Eastern Regional Conference.

INSTRUCTION AND ADVICE FOR THE YOUNG BRIDE on the Conduct and Procedure of the Intimate and Personal Relationships of the Marriage State for the Greater Spiritual Sanctity of this Blessed Sacrament and the Glory of God.

To the sensitive young woman who has had the benefits of proper upbringing, the wedding day is, ironically, both the happiest and most terrifying day of her life.  On the positive side, there is the wedding itself, in which the bride is the central attraction in a beautiful and inspiring ceremony, symbolizing her triumph in securing a male to provide for all her needs for the rest of her life.  On the negative side, there is the wedding night, during which the bride must pay the piper, so to speak, by facing for the first time the terrible experience of sex.

At this point, dear reader, let me concede one shocking truth. Some young women actually anticipate the wedding night ordeal with curiosity and pleasure!  Beware such an attitude!  A selfish and sensual husband can easily take advantage of such a bride.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Are Football Players Allowed To Have Sex While at the World Cup? See Country List

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Every World Cup coach has his own methods for trying to improve the success of his team. Some coaches have imposed rules on their players not only covering their training regimen and on-field tactics, but also on their after-hours activities.

While researchers have found that sex is no physical detriment to athletic performance, some coaches are unconvinced. The chart above shows where the individual country teams come down on their players’ bedroom activities during the World Cup.

Some teams have explicit policies about player sex that they’ve shared publicly, and Quartz has done a post collecting all the available information. As you can see from the chart above, Nigeria falls under, "It's complicated"

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Top 9 Foods and Supplements To Improve Your Sex Life

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Technique and sexual aids always seem to be the focus when it comes to improving sexual performance, but the real improvement starts within the body that allows any sexually active person to put on a show. There are countless reads out there on sexual techniques and how to make a woman orgasm, but let’s step aside from the sexual positions and take a look at boosting your libido by eating the right foods.

The Earth that we inhabit contains everything the body needs to function on high levels daily, and when it comes to aiding in the sexuality department Mother Nature has provided some pretty amazing foods that help keep our bodies stocked with the minerals it needs to become ultimate sexual machines.

Take a look at these 9 foods and supplements that every man (and woman) should incorporate into his/her diet to boost libido and to keep the sexual body healthy.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Teenage Girls Trade Sex for Mobile Phones in Sierra Leone – Study Reveals

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Teenage girls in Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown are selling their bodies to buy mobile phones, putting them at increased risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, says a study by Save the Children. According to the report by Thomson Reuters Foundation, the desire to own fashionable mobile devices is a key driver of childhood “transactional sex” in Sierra Leone.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Naked Couple Caught Having Sex in Public Next to Bank ATM

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A couple in Spain took off their clothes and got right down and dirty having sex in their local bank foyer next to the ATM. Some passers-by took selfies of themselves with the couple going at it behind them, while others simply took pictures of the couple.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

25 Tips To Make Your Woman Happy and Keep Your Relationship Going

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Many men have said that women are hard to understand and they find it very hard to figure out what their woman really wants and needs to keep their relationship happy and on track. I saw the tips below and decided to share. The 25 tips are not a rule book for each and every woman but they are a very good guide to work with. Guys, use the knowledge wisely, make your woman happy.