Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Confession On Dencia's Whitenicious And Gluthathione - I Have Used Skin Toning Creams Too

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I've been meaning to write this post for almost a month now, since the soaring popularity of Glathathione hit the news. Now I'm reading news that Dencia's whitenicious skin care line has just sold out within one day of being launched. It could be a marketing gimmick, but being here in Lagos, it's not hard to see that a lot of girls are actually crazy about lightening up their complexion.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Skip the Chemicals, and Make Your Own All Natural Sunscreen

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By Michelle Pino

Summer is a time when the sun's rays are more direct, and people typically pursue more outdoor activities to take advantage of the extra hours of sunlight. However, increased sun exposure means a greater need for sunblock. Most commercial sunblocks contain active ingredients that are present in two forms: mineral and chemical filters. Each type of filtering ingredient uses a different mechanism by which the skin is protected from the sun's UV rays, and the product remains stable in the sunlight.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Beauty Blogger Suffers Horrible Reaction to a Spa Facial

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I have written before about how I take care of my skin [read post]. My skin is relatively free from acne and I rarely have to do more than wash, cleanse and or tone with regular skin care products. Sometimes, I buy and use creams for home facials, and while I've never had a spa facial, I've heard of them and a friend who has more of an acne problem uses them regularly.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Four Fruits Beneficial to Skin Care

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By Seyi Obasi

What do you know about fruits? They are healthy and provide lots of Vitamin C. They are very good for the body and do not require cooking or long processing. They help regulate our bowel movements. Did you also know that fruits are very good for our skin, and some fruits actually are cheaper alternatives to all the scrubs, masks and other chemicals we apply on our skins to look beautiful. Find below four of the most beneficial fruits for your skin, they are very popular and available in Nigeria too, and how they can help you look years younger!


Bananas are rich in Vitamin A, B and E; therefore they work as an anti-aging agent.
Mash a ripe banana and mix it with a spoonful of honey. Apply the mixture to your freshly washed face and leave for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
You face will look and feel rejuvenated.


Oranges are rich in vitamin C and collagen that improves skin texture and slows the skin aging process respectively. Their astringent and toning properties help restore collagen in the body, improving skin firming and preventing early aging of skin.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dove® VisibleCare™ Toning Crème Body Wash Review

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In the past few years I have had to be more intentional in taking care of my skin since I had a case of sun burn after my first visit to a beach here in the United States. I have to be very selective in the products I use, not just for my face, but also for my skin. I want products, creams, lotions, and body washes  that will pamper my skin and keep me moisturized for longer.