Sunday, November 18, 2012

A 'Man of God' Should Not Own a Private Jet

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By Nkem Akinsoto

I do not like controversies on religion, faith or belief, but sometimes the brand of Pentecostal Christianity in Nigeria breaks my heart. This sentence was my comment on one of the first posts, Sykik's Religion that talked about this issue. I don't mean we shouldn't blog or talk about it, just that we shouldn't quarrel with each other which I see some commenters on some blogs doing.

Of course it becomes more pertinent if one has the ears of one of these pastors, that would be excellent so the discussion can be more directed. I said essentially the same when I first saw the video above on Adura Ojo's Let's talk about it. I was not too surprised by the perspectives in the video, they were as split as I expected.

In reply to my wish that a so-called man of God will speak on what he believes, Prism reminded me that Pastor Tunde Bakare has. He actually condemned it, but some may accuse him of poverty or jealousy since he doesn't have one. I want to hear from those who have bought these jets or who accepted the gifts - talk about chop and clean mouth.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama Wins Election - Four More Years!

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Obama has been re-elected! When he pulled ahead of the 270 electoral votes required to win, the president tweeted, "Four more years" with the picture above of him hugging his wife, Michelle. Not only did Obama win several key battleground states, he also won the popular vote. What an all-round victory.  Romney has just conceded and congratulated Obama.

And now the man of the day is giving his acceptance speech. The excitement is palpable. Signed, Sealed, Delivered, America is for Obama. Wow! Four More Years! President Obama sure knows how to give a speech. What a day! What an eye opening experience, watching democracy in action.

Congrats to the Obamas and to America.

Early Voting Results Show Democrats Ahead

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Today is D-day in the American Election Season and if I say I'm not glad, I will be lying. The negative ads have been getting to me, and when the video of the crying little girl went viral, I almost cried with her :) Hopefully today will be the end of all that negativity. Anyway, the early voting results from the presidential battleground states have been counted and the democrats are leading.

This is the only voting results available until the real vote count is made public after today's elections. If you can vote, don't shirk your civic duty, make your voice count - whether Democrat or Republican.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This is Donald Trump's Obama Bombshell?

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After enjoying Obama's outing at the last debate and cheering for him to win the forthcoming elections, I didn't know whether to laugh or rant when I read about Donald Trump's big announcement gimmick. There were rumors on what it could be, from more birth certificate shenanigans, to an alleged divorce between the Obamas. Check out the video or press release below for what the challenge or announcement really is.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

First Lady Patience Jonathan Returns to Nigeria

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The Nigerian first lady, Patience Jonathan, returned to Abuja today following a mystery illness that kept her out of the country for the past two months or so. I was seeing Atala off to work when my mum came out excited by the news of the return of the First Lady. I couldn't help asking, did the President's wife look slimmer? Yes, that's cynical of me, right? My mum said Patience Jonathon looks about the same though she wore a large Boubou.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Complicated - Hold Me Back (Nigeria) by Rick Ross

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Today's music video is not romance but more about the love-hate relationship most of us have for Nigeria, and for those outsiders who try to portray the country in any sort of realistic manner. From BBC documentaries, to comments by Oprah, a lot of us get riled up by this so-called "single story" of Nigeria. MI is one of the few rappers I listen to, and it was through him I found out about this video. I won't say I'm thrilled or overjoyed by it, but I never forget that indeed, up to 80% of Nigerians live that reality.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

And So What If Jesus Was Married?

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Jesus had a wife

In the picture above is a papyrus that supposedly dates back to the fourth century and which may bear evidence that Jesus, the historical man, was married. I found out after hearing the ladies of the view debate on it that there has been a huge furor since the news broke on Tuesday. The person who was watching the show was like, "what blasphemy!" I personally didn't see it that way, I felt, "so what?"

Friday, September 7, 2012

Obama still hopeful and wants four more years

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I was thinking that Obama's speech last night would unveil a new keyword or slogan, or be built on his new campaign, Forward, but he went back to his Hope and Change keywords of the 2008 campaign. I was a bit first, but by the end of his speech, I got it. I hope he wins come November. The guy has met a lot of the goals he set for himself during the last campaign, he has a vision for the four years he's asking for, and I like that he's such a community/grassroots person.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle's DNC Speech - Love Letter to Barack Obama

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I listened to Michelle Obama's speech on Live Network yesterday [she looked great as always and her pale purple nails and slim fingers were quite eye-catching] and what struck me most was how personal it was. It was a politicized love letter, and I loved that aspect of it. Around the middle of the speech she said, "...when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage. We were so young, so in love, and so in debt."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Omarosa and Michael Clarke Duncan - Love and Loss

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Michael Clarke Duncan [actor in Green Mile] passed away yesterday at the age of 54. I was shocked when I heard the news, I remembered the movies I'd seen him in and how he came across, so huge and yet so serene. May his soul rest in peace. He has certainly left a mark in his field as an actor. He also left behind his girlfriend, Omarosa, with whom he had been planning to get married. Omarosa issued a statement, saying, “I am devastated. He was the love of my life.”

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Winners and Losers - Team Nigeria at London 2012

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I was cheering along with my MIL when the Nigerian contingent passed at the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics. We had been guessing whether they would wear tracks, suits or native, and what kind of native. I think their design choice was a good one, a blend of the different cultures and one of the more contemporary ones out there. I loved white being the dominant color and that gele!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Luck to Nigeria at the London 2012 Olympics

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Long jump athlete Blessing Okagbare
I am a fan of the Olympic games, have always been right from childhood when we would sit in front of our boxed TV set to watch the opening ceremony in black and white with my dad. For me, it was one of those things that united us as a country, and I admired the Olympians for having done well enough to represent the country.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Colorado Shooting and Gun Control in America

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Jessica Ghawi - May her soul rest  in peace

I love the cinema and especially for seeing big budget blockbusters on the big screen. And this summer, there is no bigger movie than The Dark Knight Rises. Right from the first previews, I knew I was going to watch it and I would have been seated at my local Cinema today watching it, if not for the fact that unforeseen circumstances brought us to Nigeria. The plan was to see it immediately I got back but the dream is now tarnished by the recent event and news coming out of America.