Monday, February 3, 2014

Maternity Style - Matse Uwatse Looking Pretty in Pink

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Matse Uwatse who is expecting her baby in a few more months shared this picture of herself wearing this embroidered Indian Silk tunic on Instagram. Lovely!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pictures From the Meet Chat Buy Naija Books Event

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On Saturday 25th of January, I was at the Meet, Chat and Buy Naija Books event organized by Tunde Leye and hosted by Patabah Bookshops, Surulere shopping mall. It almost clashed with the book launch but since it was an opportuntiy for me to meet so many wonderful peeps I know online, I knew I had to go. I missed seeing Phiri of SecretLilies, as well as Florida and Doll, but that's Lagos traffic for you.

The Letter That Got Ali Baba Mad at Pastors Living Large Instead of Funding Enterpreneurs in Church

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About a week ago, comedian ALi Baba shared some tweets where he suggested that the pastors of large churches needed to have development funds for their church members instead of using the church tithes and offerings to enrich themselves and stock up on more exotic cars for their garages. He received a lot of blowback from his followers defending the practice. Today on his facebook page, he shared the reason for his tweets. I wish he had named and shamed. Anyway, read his account below...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What Nigerian Women Will Do To Get Married - Fact or Fiction?

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By Neeta

"Statistics show that only 3% of single women of marriageable age in Nigeria are undisturbed by their lack of a spouse! The other 97% would do just about anything to become Mrs. Somebody''.

As we read on, we are going to see some rather unorthodox things Nigerian women will do in their quest to bag a husband! Some are bizarre, some are skanky and some are downright sad but if you are willing to try anything and getting a husband is the only activity left on your bucket list, you might want to try a few! (Men beware). In no particular order:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

[Advice Corner] My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Because I'm Too Gentle and Never Argues

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Dear myne...I'm a regular follower of your blog and i really learn a lot from it....i sincerely hope you publish my story because i need answers to the questions in my head..

I'm in my early 20's on the verge of completing my degree...i've shyed away from relationships because i felt i was not ready for them. Not until i met my boyfriend who literally swept me off my feet and our few months of dating has been wonderful. By nature, i'm a very quiet and reserved person though,cannot be classified as boring cuz i'm very full of life with a great smile...

Hairy or Smooth Chests on Men, Which Do You Prefer?

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Men are usually more hairy than women, and I was recently telling a friend I'm not a big fan of hair on men. Everything in moderation, and if possible the men should shave off the ones they can, like the pits, and pubes. In a recent interview, actor OC Ukeje talked about being nude on film and his experience with being near naked on some promotional material for Hoodrush and the reactions to his hairy legs. He said of people's attitude to the pictures,

Monday, January 27, 2014

Who Wants to Be Part of a TV Studio Audience This Wednesday?

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Yes, it's another invitation. And an opportunity for you to appear on TV while asking me that burning question you've always wanted to throw at me. LOL...Third Eye is a programme that puts creatives on the spot, plumbing the depths of who they are and where their art comes from. And it is my turn to defend my writing and the thinking behind my genre. Ozi Okoli is providing the HOT seat, now, we need a studio audience to help fire the questions. So...

Friday, January 24, 2014

If You Had Only Three Months to Live, What Would You Do?

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Amanda @TrappedatmyDesk was a goth who liked to have fun, and then she was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. She tweeted about the journey to her final days, and one of her followers, Shannon, has made this video below to commemorate her. Amanda travelled to South America and made up with her estranged mother. What would you do if you knew you would die after a fixed period of time?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mommy Time - Nadia Buari and Her Mother in Matching Outfits

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Nadia tagged this picture "Twinnie" on Instagram, and they look indeed very close, in age and everything.

A Week of Tortoise Tales by Kate Iffy - Author Interview

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Kate Iffy Chukwu is the author of A Week of Tortoise Tales. She attended Federal Government Girls’ College Onitsha, before moving to England where she still lives with her family. Kate has a degree in Business Economics and a master’s degree in Creative Writing. Along the way, she's done some TV presenting - reviewing African movies - and she has also featured in a couple of Nollywood movies. Since Kate became and author, she volunteers by reading and telling stories in local schools. In this interview, she shares her writing an life with us...