Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hairy or Smooth Chests on Men, Which Do You Prefer?

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Men are usually more hairy than women, and I was recently telling a friend I'm not a big fan of hair on men. Everything in moderation, and if possible the men should shave off the ones they can, like the pits, and pubes. In a recent interview, actor OC Ukeje talked about being nude on film and his experience with being near naked on some promotional material for Hoodrush and the reactions to his hairy legs. He said of people's attitude to the pictures,

The percentage of open-minded people is very negligible. I was in ‘Hoodrush’ recently and when some promotional pictures were released, my hairy body was a big topic on social media, with people insisting it was not a pretty sight. Because of that, I have learnt to shave down to my legs" [Source]

Is hair on men a big deal for you? Which is worse, on their chests, legs, face, or not at all? Vote on the right or below if you're using a mobile device.


  1. They should shave it all off abeg! Some Nigerian men can like to have some wiry tough hair that will itch you all over.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought it was a big deal for me..you know, when you make a mental note on how your boo must not look like but after dating my ex for 4 yrs who is very hairy on the chest area and legs I had no issue with it..I don't think is a problem for me..as long as you don't smell and your pubic area, armpit and face is groomed properly then we are just fine :)

  4. Men are generally hairy, my sore points are men who can't keep their pits and pubic area neat and hygienic.

    1. All men? The more men I know, aren't hairy.

  5. I love a bit of hair on the chest but then everything should be in moderation...hairs on guys mostly are the causes of very offensive odours....

  6. Smooth any day, any time... Hubby's as smooth as they come, sexy!

  7. i loooooooooooooove hair.

    on a man's chest, back, etc..just love it.

    P.s Myne was looking forward to meeting you this past weekend. congrats on your book lunch

    1. Hi Doll, it would've been great to meet up, I was looking forward to it too. Hopefully next time :)

  8. As long as the hair on my face, armpit & pubic region is shaved, I'm fine! I can't stress myself shaving the hair all over my body because some women say they don't like it; any woman who doesn't, should go look for a man with skin like that of a hippo!

  9. Except in the head, hair is a no no for me... I don't like it at all.


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