Friday, October 31, 2014

19 Year Old Planning Country Tour Wants Men To Pay Her To Visit Them, Is This Prostitution?

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19-year-old Ju Peng from Shanghai sparked a social media storm when she posted an ad on Chinese website, Weibo, detailing her travel plans. She has found a unique way to fund her once-in-a-lifetime round trip around her country which involves sleeping with a different man in every city she stops in.

18 Questions To Ask When Looking for a Wedding Venue

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By Kathreen Miller

Are you getting married soon and you can't decide on the venue to host your wedding? While selecting a venue for your wedding, don't let these important details slip from your mind or you'll have some serious wedding party jitters.

Usually when one selects a venue for wedding, he gets spellbound by the interiors of the place - shiny floorings, crystal chandeliers and inviting bar displays and forgets asking about things that matter the most.

Tiny Finally Speaks On Permanently Changed Eye Color - ‘I have The Right, It’s My Body’

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Tiny Harris is an ex-singer from the girl band Xscape, and has been married to rapper T.I since 2010 though they've been together starting from 2001 and have 2 children together. He loves her, she loves him, and they even have a reality show together. Yet, she is one of the most criticized women in black showbiz. From her height to her figure, everything about her is mocked and made fun of on social media.

Chichi Igbo Reacts to Hateful Meme Labelling Her A Dyke

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Nigeria is one of the homophobic countries in the world. In addition to the national assembly passing a bill making it illegal for homosexual relationships, and the president signing it into law, even individual Nigerians go as far as cyber bulling gays, both known and unknown.

4 Lessons After Traditional Marriage Fails Woman Dumped By Billionaire Ex-Husband

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45 year old Nneka Mercy Ogbedo got married to her Nigerian billionaire ex-husband, Olorogun Moses Taiga in a traditional wedding in Nigeria back in 2002. By then, they were already parents to twins, but he soon got tired of the marriage, and dissolved it in the customary way.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

#BeenRapedNeverReported - Survivors Find Their Voices In Sobering Twitter Hashtag

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#BeenRapedNeverReported, no explanation need, right? In the post about Bill Cosby, we found that Barbara Bowman never reported her assault until years later, and she's not alone. So many woman are assaulted and remain silent, especially when they are raped by those they know.

Nicki Minaj Teases Fans With Cleavage Photos

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Nicki Minaj just debuted her new single, Only, featuring label mates Drake, and Lil Weezy as well as Chris Brown yesterday. Today, to keep the buzz alive, the rapper showed off her enhanced breasts in provocative poses wearing a black corset. See another below...

Actress Details How Bill Cosby Raped Her After 2 Years Of Abuse

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I was one of those utterly shocked by the news that Bill Cosby has several allegations of rape against him, including the last that happened about 10 years ago that he accepted and settled out of court. This became news again recently, read here, after fellow comedian Hannibal Burress decided to begin calling out Bill Cosby in his stand up shows as way to be real and honest about who we call legends.

Plane Crashes Into Kansas Airport Building Killing At Least 4 People

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A small airplane crashed into a building at Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita, Kansas, killing at least four people, injuring five and setting off an explosion and fire. The twin-turbo airplane struck a building on the airport grounds that does pilot training and at least five people were reported missing, officials said.

Groom Falls Hard While Carrying Bride Into Their Wedding Reception, Ouch!

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When you hear about a groom falling on his wedding day, you want it to be that they fell in love with their brides all over again because she looked so amazing in her wedding finery. But for Julia Magdaleno and her groom, Chad Kannard, the fall was real!