Tuesday, August 9, 2016

After the Proposal - Many Women Are Disappointed By Their Rings and Locations

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Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a fairytale proposal, in the perfect setting with a glittering diamond ring but according to a new survey almost a quarter (23 per cent) of women said that their partner’s proposal did not live up to their expectations.

The survey of 1000 Brits who were engaged within the last 10 years by bespoke ethical jeweller, Ingleandrhode.co.uk , found that of those who were disappointed by their partners engagement, over two thirds (70 per cent)said it was due to the setting of the proposal, whereas only 14 per cent who said they were disappointed due to the ring.

There’s more bad news for guys…

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Choosing the Perfect Place to Pop the Question - Infographic

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Choosing the Perfect Place to Pop the Question suggests 10 ideal locations around the world to ask for your partner’s hand in marriage. This includes the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Taj Mahal in India, Venice, and more. Check them out...

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Best Online Support Groups For Divorce

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For romantics, divorce is one outcome we don't want to ever think about or have happen. But it is a reality for a lot of women who have come to the end of the road in their marriage. No matter what your reasons were for the split, divorce can be a troubling time. All of a sudden you find yourself in new and unfamiliar territory- you might not have been on your own for many years, and it can leave you feeling like your world has been flipped 180 degrees. With any new chapter in life, it can be scary stepping into the unknown.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

How to Turbocharge Your Online Dating Profile - Infographic

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Having trouble attracting the attention you deserve on dating sites? Maybe your profile just needs a tweak or two. There are specific types of photos, words, and phrases that will make you instantly more enticing to the opposite sex. Once you know what they are, you can grab the ones that accurately describe you and drop them front and center in your profile. Review Weekly has compiled data from eHarmony, OkCupid, and other sources into a handy infographic that could turbocharge your social life.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Guide To Men's Biggest Fears On Your First Date And How To Make It Work

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By Henry Kingston

No matter how cool men try to be on their first date, chances are that they’re just about as nervous as you are. Well, that is the nature of first dates after all. Here’s your guide to men and their biggest fears on date night number 1 and how you can deal with such situations.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Tips and Tricks To Plan Your Same Sex Marriage

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If you’re planning your wedding day, you’re probably very excited! This day is sure to be one of the best and most memorable in your entire life, so you want to make it special. Planning a same sex marriage isn’t necessarily any different, but there are a few tips and tricks you can use to make it amazing. Read on to find out what you can do:

How to Meld Your Decor After Moving in Together

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Ahhh, falling in love. Is there anything better? These days, love springs eternal from the online world, but that doesn’t make it any less wonderful. And when the two of you decide that living apart just isn’t going to cut it, you (and your possessions) come together to cohabitate. But here’s the conundrum—you each have your own stuff that reflects your own personalities. How do you marry the two? Follow these tips on how to meld your dĂŠcor after moving in together.

Friday, July 22, 2016

First Time Mothers - How To Create The Ideal Condition For Your Newborn

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By Jeremy Raynolds

This article will be helpful for all future mothers, but especially if they are expecting a baby for the first time. The health of the newly born baby will depend on the conditions you are going to create for them. And it is said without any exaggeration.

Beauty Rest: How Sleep, Relaxation, and Meditation Affect Your Body Inside and Out

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The infographic below titled "Beauty Rest: How Sleep, Relaxation, and Meditation Affect Your Body Inside and Out" shows us why rest is very important to get the best of your self. And when we talk about these ways of resting, what do they really mean, and how do we get the most benefit from them? Read on...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Should You Get A Prenuptial Agreement? What Are The Pros & Cons?

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If you’re in the midst of planning your wedding, you most probably have enough on your plate without the stress of a prenuptial agreement. However, despite how busy you are, your mind keeps going back to prenups and wondering whether you need one. Right now, you’re crazy in love with your partner and can’t imagine ever wanting to break up. But you know that’s not to say in the future things won’t change.