Saturday, July 6, 2013

How Do You Have Passion For What You Do?

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By Gracie

At first I had wanted to become an international lawyer, then a banker and then later I had hoped to be a chartered accountant and had looked forward to it for a long time. To God be the glory, I am now a chartered accountant. Right now, I am restless; I just feel there is more to life than a 9-5 job. Yeah, a typical 9-5 job is a comfort zone in area of finances. You are guaranteed of getting paid every 30days. Still, no matter what, you are a visitor in your organization, not permanent guests.

Menu Idea - Moi-Moi Cooked With Sardines

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Moi-Moi can be a very versatile meal with various recipes and ways to prepare it that keeps it fresh and novel for the palate. The easiest way to switch things up is to diversify what is added to the beans mix - you can either use tomatoes or not, use palm oil or vegetable oil, and you can add crayfish or leave that out.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Ugochi Jolomi's Marriage Avowals - Both Should Be Determined to Make it Work

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Ugochi runs the inspirational website, Teshuva, where she writes about marriage and family life. She shares some stories from her past and life changing moments, and she challenges everyone to live a better life in God. In today's marriage avowals, Ugochi and her husband discuss how they met and their over 10 years of marriage.

Baby Mi Da - Victor Olaiya Ft 2Face Idibia

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Some months ago, we saw the still photos off the set of the music video, and now it is here. Lovely video by Kunle Afolayan and sweet lyrics :)

Proposal or Date Idea - The Top of the Empire State Building

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One of the things I always knew I would try if I ever made it to New York was to get to the top of the Empire State Building. It's one of the tallest buildings in the world, it's wonderfully designed, and a favorite of Hollywood. I didn't know I would be visiting it with someone, and when that someone was Atala, our visit has one of the best highlights of our years and travels together.

Short Story : Love's Pain - Part 3

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I quickly run out of the kitchen towards the front door with Lolu right behind me and with Fola leading us to where his sister was. I tried to think of what I should have grabbed from the house depending on what happened to her but my mind was too occupied worrying about the safety of my child. Quick glances up the street and I see her bike sprawled on the floor, next to where she was sitting cry.

Parents Have To Be Careful What They Say To Their Kids

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By Stupendous Grace in response to Funmi's One Woman's Experience Growing Up Dark-Skinned in Nigeria

Thanks Funmi for this; very true.

However, the truth is that the issues extend beyond just skin colour and weight. I was dark skinned, skinny and quite tall growing up ( I still am). The comments I heard from neighbours and teachers almost eroded my self esteem. They made me want to slouch every chance I got because I was ashamed to stand tall and be noticed.

Magazine Covers - Juliet Ibrahim on House of MaliQ

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On this cover, she looks great, and some of the soundbytes made me laugh :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth Of July!

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Today is independence day in America and a public holiday for most workers. Atala is home, and we're going to be relaxing most of the day. Maami has been paid for on Dobox, the popcorn will soon go in the oven, and then it will be movie time. If we feel up to it, we may stroll out for some fireworks at our local park. Fun stuff. I hope everyone enjoys their day, whether in America or elsewhere. Happy July 4th!

Dear Myne - How Do I Know For Sure He's The One For Me?

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Hi Myne, I have been reading your posts for a while now and i was wondering if you could give me some advice regarding my current dilenma. I met a wonderful young man a year ago and now we are discussing marriage and the future. Me and this young man has come a long way but i am fearful and not 100% sure that he is the one for me.