Sunday, May 30, 2010

Naija Blog Awards

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So how do I start this post, lol...

Like most of you know, Myne Whitman has been nominated for four categories at the ongoing Nigerian Blog Awards. I am thrilled and humbled at the same time as a bit worried. It shows that you guys appreciate what I am doing here and motivates me to do more. On that not I say, thank you all so much, especially to those that nominated my blog. And to all of you that come around here, read, feedback and follow, I really appreciate you all. I am worried of the expectations that may follow but WTH, right?

Now this voting is going to be a difficult one for me. Why? As you can see below, I am up with some of the people I admire and are friends with here on blogger. In fact I am up with the NAIJASTORIES - the story sharing site I manage so what to do? I am also not very competitive so I am tempted to say go and vote for the others. BUT! When people like Vera have declared me an enemy, what choice do I have eh? LOL. Abeg go and vote for me now now. Yes I mean now, lol.

Finally, lets give it up for the organizers of the awards. Fronted by Good Naija Girl. The Nigerian Blog Awards is a great way to build our community of naija blogsville. All the blogs you ever wished you knew are listed on there from A - Z. For a blogger junkie like me, you now know where I found you from. So no matter who you vote for, (me, me, me!) lets make this a success by turning out en masse (yeah, yeah yeah, this is not the 2011 Nigerian elections.) I know but it's still cool to vote. Voting has started so go go go>>>>>>

So these are the categories, and even before I forget, vote Naija Stories for Best Collabo. Myne Whitman Writes is not really a group blog even though Atala likes to think otherwise, he's my partner in crime everywhere, lol.

  1. Best Group or Collaborative Blog


  1. Heh! Tricky, tricky.....:)

  2. On my way... (lol, chai dis babe funny!)

  3. This is wonderful news! Congrats to you and congrats to Nigerian bloggers for getting this going. Can't wait till Ghana has blog awards.

  4. Congratulations, Myne... LOL @ you chasing us from your blog sha. HABA!

  5. Congrats deserve it, don't you?

    @Ms Cleland and I know if Ghana starts you would be in there with your creative blogs.

  6. Congratulations Ms. Myne. You do well o!

  7. Lol congrats Myne, and all the best!

  8. congrats on your nomination.

  9. Congrats Myne!! Voted already.

  10. congrats on your nominations. You definitely deserve it all. I'll do my bit and cast my votes for you. Hope you win. I'm up for an award too. Vote for me, ok. lol

  11. Congrats! A little publicity will go a long way.

  12. Thank you all for the comments. And thanks for voting too. I know you did.

  13. Aside from being a good writer, you're one good marketer o..
    like I said, Don't worry, I got your back..

  14. Goodluck to all the nominees and the eventual winners!

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