Saturday, June 18, 2011

Picture Weekend - Romance on a Road Trip (1)

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So you guys know I'm all for public displays of affection, where I might disagree with those who want to climb into each other's throat is the definition of affection. If you wanna get sexual, find a room already, lol. Anyway, something happened during our trip and I couldn't help falling in love all over again.

So we got to Salt Lake City in the evening after a long drive, and I was happy to check in to our hotel and freshen up. Though the clock said 6pm, the sun was so high in the sky and HOT! We decided to relax and wait for it to cool a bit. Not wanting to while away the city, we made plans to hit it for a movie and dinner out.

Atala decided to make the arrangements and after checking on the internet, found a cinema in the area. Since it was a multiplex, I knew there has to be a restaurant nearby and hope we could get both things done with less stress. At first, I wanted to drive us there but Atala said it shouldn't be more than 10mins. Of course I already knew he loves us taking walks together.

An so we strode into the setting sun. It was still warm but bearable, and some sights like the park above and the murals below, kept us company as we chatted and walked. Sometimes, we were hand in hand, or I had my hand in his back pocket or waist. But after 10mins became 15, I began to flag. Luckily, I had changed into flats when I agreed to walk, but as sweat trickled down my non-existent cleavage, I wondered if we'll ever get there.

"Are we there yet?" I asked as we passed this hotel. But it wasn't it. I began to grumble along with my tummy, we hadn't eaten anything since breakfast in the last city where we has stayed over. He offered to carry me, I reminded of our weight ratio, and we laughed it off.

We soon came to the mural above and I was distracted. This picture doesn't do it justice, it really looks great and so I had to take a picture.

And then we marveled that small Salt Lake City had a tram while Seattle were still discussing ours. Oh well, moving on...

Here we are at the multiplex. We arrived around 8pm, some 25 minutes after we left the motel. I was so happy to see it, I stuffed my camera in the bag so we could find a place to eat. We chose Z-Tejas to get a feel of the South-West Cuisine. The food was great and I was satisfied by the time we were done by about 8.45. The still light airy outside beckoned and we set off again to burn some calories before the movie (X-Men First Class) at 9.50pm.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. LOL @ him carrying you
    The pics look amazing

    All I can say is that thank God I have a partner or...after reading about you and hubby, I would have been soooo depressed. LOL

    Have fun

  2. Nkem, you have learnt the act of tantalization abi? Where is Atala's post? Where is the romance in this post? hmmmmmm tapping my feet impatiently.

    p.s. The part about your stomach growling got me laughin though. I am the most sullen person to have around when hungry, so I could jus imagine your face, lol.

  3. What a fun post -- I loved all the pictures! Staying over in a new city and discovering a bit of it on foot is one of my definitions for FUN!

  4. Awww,he wanted to carry you? Bless. Guess u guys had so much fun.

  5. awww myne...falling in love all over again..hehehe
    i like how you described everything picture by picture.

  6. Lol@non-existent cleavage, u're not alone. Love is a beautiful thing & u're sure a great writer, giving so graphic description of the events. Now, is there any qualification I need b4 u follow my blog, lol....just checking, already following u.

  7. err i didnt c any picture of ur hands in his err back pocket or waist sef LOL

    *love nwantintin

  8. Awwww.... CUTeness overlook. lol@your weight ratio. the pictures are amazing!

  9. The pictures are nice. I can't wait to see the rest.

  10. ermmm,this can't be all nah,it just cannot be all,good stuff here,some personal romance,I like the sound of it sef.

  11. To be continued? How is that fair?

  12. lol! you two are funny. I love getaways! can't wait to read the next part.

  13. Thanks everyone,

    @NIL, I don't mean to make people jealous o, but life sure is sweet when one can share it with someone else.

    @Ginger, believe me, tantalization is good. Atala's post is coming very soon.

    @Nicole, It was really fun, thanks.

  14. @Ope and Nikki, thank you girls, glad you liked it.

    @Therealworld, lol...I wasn't sure about putting that in, but we're the LBC, lol.

    @LG, ah want picture of us doing kini you said? LOL

    @9jafoodie, the difference as they say is not clear. :0

    @Prism, thanks dear.

  15. @Gretel, where have you been all along? I missed you o, lol...thank you dear.

    @madame Sting, coming soon...with nollywood advert playing in background :)

    @Newlywed, thank you.

  16. lol@ non existent cleavage, im sure its nothing push up bra or wonder bra or wateva they call it these days cant so lazy, i really hate walks..REALLY! im glad u sha enjoyed ur romantic walk

  17. I was expecting "romantic pictures" oh Myne but I see buildings more.. haha.

    LOL - Nice pics ma :)

    - LDP

  18. @Olori, thanks we did. Those things do help when you want them.

    @LDP, have to make do with reading. Thanks dear...

  19. Pls take ‎​​me along plssssssss(I L♥√ุน the adventure)

    Pls Continue today ‎​[ฯ„̲̅ะฝ̲̅a̲̅nฮบ̲̅ ั‡̲̅o̲̅u̲̅] and enjoy yourselves :D

  20. Sweet pics. And fun post. Thanks for the visit over at my place. Have an excellent Sunday.

  21. Lovely photos! Looks like you're having a good time exploring the city.

  22. ha ha, such lovely pictures that do speak round 2.

  23. awww it seem like you are having a good time. x

  24. Myne did you notice something about your writing style here? It felt like reading Marian Keys cum Janet Evanovich. I think you should write a romantic comedy, I bet you'd be hilarious. I really loved reading this.

  25. lol @ Atala said it shouldn't be more than 10 mins. It seems that husbands usually do that. They say somewhere is not far and would want you to walk there (not like i mind though) and you end up walking like
    Anyway, I've always envisioned Salt Lake City as sort of mysterious..Or maybe i mean Utah in general. i think cos of their mostly uniform culture and daily life which is influenced by their religion..would love to visit someday tho..hope you're having fun

  26. Thanks everyone, we're back home now and debriefing. More road trip posts coming up.

    @Wendy, lol...I was actually trying something out here. Thanks!

    @Stelzz, you're so right. I'm guessing the walk would've taken him 10mins alone...but hey, we do enjoy it, and it's good for us. :)

  27. Myneee which kain Nigerian movie suspense is this one na??
    Ahn ahn! See my long eye just stretching. lool

  28. Swear down I was just discussing PDA with a friend of mine via bbm.
    I am a huge PDA lover oo. hehehe

    Pls come back and finish your story tho.

  29. Aww how cute, love this post but why did it have to end, oya hurry n post part two soon, lol.

  30. Thank you girls, Part 2 is on the way, lol...

  31. Myne:

    I think you're missing a picture of your face when the hunger pangs started ... LOL! On the lookout for Part 2 (rubbing hands together in glee)

  32. Aw, how sweet. Both of you are such romantics. You are definitely having a blast, I'm off to nag T about taking a road trip. Oh but wait, what'll we do with the Ecrew??? Oh well, was nice while the though lasted, lol.

  33. Fun post to read, glad you two are still keeping the romance hot hot hot! Am off to read the part 2.

  34. ERM SO WHERE IS THE ROMANCE ON A ROAD TRIP BIT i guess its the experience of the whole evening i was waiting for some gen gen (u know the sound na lol)....but sounds nice so what happened whilst u were waiting for the sun to set hmm myne u cant fool .,,,nice story keem em coming ...and lol at ur non existent cleavage


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