Friday, November 18, 2011

Marrying your Baby Daddy - when there's someone else

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The doors opened and “Here Comes the Bride” tinkled from the piano. My dada and I started the customary slow-walk up the aisle. When we had gotten close enough, my dada reached out and gave me a hug and I tried to hold on for as long as I could. He gently disengaged himself and made to leave but I held on tight to his hand. He smiled at me. He had sympathy in his eyes. He understood but then, he discreetly rubbed the bulge that was my tummy and gave me a gentle stare.

I let go of his hand. At that point, it dawned on me that it was not just his hand I let go of. I had let go of part of me, his protection and cover, his name, my hometown, part of my tie to him…….I was leaving my father’s house to be in my husband’s! I stood rooted to the spot for about a minute till I heard my momma clear her throat. I smiled and thought, “I trust my momma to help put things in perspective”. I turned to climb the stairs to where Ranti, my husband-to-be was patiently waiting. My husband-to-be?! Not really. It was more like my baby papa who I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

As I took my seat, I scanned the crowd and saw Max. The minister had started to speak but I was not really paying attention. I have never seen Max this sorrowful in my whole life. My heart reached out to him and I felt a sharp stab of pain in my chest. I had betrayed the one person who should be standing before me here today in the place of Ranti. I should be changing my name today to Mrs Tonya Max Smith instead of Mrs Tonya Ranti Eleru that it will become.

I glanced over at Max again and I felt a wave of heat. My BFF, Desirae and his sister Michelle were at his sides, holding on tight to his hands, probably reassuring him that they were there to support him alone. Oh what a stupid mistake! I cast my mind back to that night...

Max had been abroad for over a year. I was sick of missing him and tired of spending Friday nights alone, watching dumb movies. No matter how much I tried, I just could not have fun. My world was cold and empty without Max. My parents where away for a two-week vacation to celebrate their anniversary and Desirae was spending the weekend at her fiancé’s as he had just arrived from a one-month business trip.

Ranti was my crush from work but it was no big deal. Well, it was not until he showed up at my door step that lonely Friday. I knew better but I invited him in anyway. I was having some of dad’s vintage red wine and some fine small chops I had ordered out on my way from work. I had just dimmed the parlour lights and was about to watch a romantic movie. I mean, I was bored so the least I could do was give as much cinema effect as possible. I asked him to join me. We chatted a little and moved on to watch the movie I had rented.

When the small chops finished, I got out some chocolates from the fridge. Now, who does that? Take alcohol and aphrodisiac in a deserted place with dimmed lights while watching a romantic movie with your crush?! All I know is that I was already getting crushed by the end of the movie and the end result...

The memories fell out of my mind as we walked to the altar. Ranti began his vows and I glanced over at Max again. He looked like he was facing death itself. I could still hear him pleading with my dada to let him marry me regardless but my dada refused, saying he did not want matters to be any more complicated than they already were.

I presented my hand for Ranti to slip the ring on...


Left to me I would say, don't do it. In as much a child deserves his father, the home he grows up in is very important too. What if the couple never hit it off, it's either a sad/abusive marriage, and/or divorce down the line. Not worth it to save face. SMH...

This is a short story by Evon Pink, and she blogs at Maxi Express! If you have any stories or articles you want to share here, contact me.


  1. Ha.....what is Ranti's take on this marriage? Was it something he wanted or did he also feel like it was the honorable thing to do considering the situation? So what then happens if she has a miscarriage?
    Well oh Well!

  2. @ Honey Dame: spot on. For me too i'll say don't do it. And Max was even willing to marry her. How come the parents have the last say like they'll live in the house with you and the man?

  3. Intriguing story. If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't marry Ranti!

  4. Ill say "dont marry him" too. Theres more to marriage than a baby. I think its better to have a "bastard" than live the rest of ur life in sorrow

  5. Thanks all for the comments.

    @Honeydame, that's true, I didn't even think on that, just assumed he was ready to carry his load since he's there for the wedding. Marriage should never be a burden.

  6. No!! She's making a horrible mistake. I mean her guy still loves her,baby'n all. Does this Ranti really love her?? She'll spend the rest of her life wondering 'what if'...

  7. This story is just sad. So much unfinished business. It has the potential to be even messier than what her parents are trying to avoid.

  8. @anthia-ofo, and you know what they say about living with regret.

    @MsBuki, Sometimes our parents think they know it best but it's not always so.

  9. Crush, pregnancy, marriage? bad combination all round. A name for the child isnt worth a lifetime of regrets abeg.

    Good writing by Evon

  10. i've always jokingly said that if i were to ever turn up pregnant that i would force that guy to marry me sharp sharp before my tummy gets round(er) lol but i doubt i'd do that seriously. I'm only trying to get married once and i definitely don't want to have to deal with being married to someone by force cuz i know eventually cheating, lying, hostility and all that will likely be our future. Its way more important to raise a child in a loving household than one where everyone has the same DNA (if the 2 can't be the same)

  11. Eya...God help us single people oh..Who know, ranti might just be the right guy for her.ha well, the story isnt complete, I wonder what ranti has to say..

  12. :( nooooooooo... y marry the one you don't love??? why choose a loveless marriage? :( :(

  13. LoL. I hear a lot of ladies on this subject.
    Does that mean guys have no issues with the separation of marriage and parenthood?
    I, personally, have no issue with that.

  14. Def sad situatiom particularly since max was willing to take her back; baby & all. But seriously, how many guys would forgive a lady for cheating, particularly with a life-time reminder souvenir like a baby?

  15. for me I think she should not marry the baby daddy. A loveless marriage is the worst thing that can happen to any woman. The child will grow better in a marriage filled with love than a marriage where there is no love.

  16. Nicely written. I like how the view stays on her thoughts. Not sure what I'd do in her situation, though.

  17. Evon Pink is a good writer. I don't think i would marry the guy though. kind of sad :(

  18. So the foundation of the marriage is the child she's carrying. Not a good enough foundation, in my opinion.

  19. Not a good decision she is about to make. And to think that Max was willing to marry her, even with her baby.

  20. You couldn't make me marry a guy just because i was pregnant
    If my boo accepted the baby and forgave me, i would marry my boo instead
    and deal with the complications.

  21. She made the biggest mistake of her life and she'll live to regret it everyday.


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