Tuesday, March 12, 2013

15 Things I Love About My Nigerian Husband

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By Nkem Akinsoto

I didn't set out to marry a Nigerian man. It was a preference, but after I moved to the UK, I knew it was up in the air. In Edinburgh where I lived, Nigerian men were less than 5 percent of the entire male population. However, for most of my years there, my primary social group were the other Nigerians in the area, so of the people I met, Nigerian men were up to 30 percent.

Needless to say, I socialized with a lot of non-Nigerians and actually dated outside the Nationality, and even the race for a while. I confess that I had different measures for each category of people I dated or seriously considered for a romantic, and possibly long term relationship.

For instance, if the guy was British, it was less likely that speaking good English would be one of his weak points. But for my Nigerian brothers, especially if they were not students like I was, it could be an issue. Are you surprised a good command of English was among my requirements, wait till you hear the rest :)

In the end, I did meet and marry a Nigerian. The other day we were talking about the things I saw in him that made me say yes, and the things today that continue to make me glad I did. I decided to list them out, and also to share.

1. He is not a tribal jingoist. I consider myself to be from one of the minority ethnic groups and any one who carries their majority tribe arrogantly on their shoulders turn me off pretty quickly.

2. He has a job and can manage money. He is not a millionaire but we get by on a regular income.

3. He can cook, and often does, with me or alone.

4. He loves his family and has a good rapport with them.

5. He is hardworking, and in different helpful ways

6. He is well educated, but more than that reads widely and continues to learn and grow.

7. He respects me, knows the things important to me, and esteems them too, like my family.

8. He is kind and generous, to me, friends and family, and to most people around us.

9. He is chivalrous, yes, and accepts it graciously when I reciprocate

10. He is handsome and well built, a lot taller than me, but not too much

11. He keeps himself and surroundings neat and clean

12. He loves travelling.

13. He speaks good English.

14. We share a lot of values, and interests.

15. We also disagree on some stuff, and that keeps me from getting bored.

I could continue but I'll stop here :)

What about you guys? What do you love in your significant others, or what do you hope to get in your partner for life?


  1. Nice. You are blessed. You got me laughing @ he is a lot taller but not too much, lol. He is "much ,much more" taller than you mine :-)

    1. Thank you, dear. I once dated a six footer so you better believe that :)

  2. This is lovely. Your husband is so much taller than u. I love the fact that he is not tribalistic at all and number one really puts me off in anybody. www.secretlilies.blogspot.com

  3. Interesting. I like a man who can cook and does it well. Good one.

    1. He has his specialties, but that was quite important for me.

  4. Please does he have unmarried brothers/cousins with similar qualities? Asking for a friend:)

  5. Waoo! All these qualities in one man. Girl, you are lucky.

    1. Thank you Nena, and Anon, there is plenty to love :)

  6. Myne, we didn't ask you, you just let us in due to your generous nature. Now, you ask us to complete the list.
    I like everything you listed about your husband. Me, I'll be general dear. Mine can never be taken unawares when it comes to public speaking. I love his wonderful diction, he is AN ORATOR. Gbam. Very forgiving too.

    1. Oh, that's so nice. For most of us women, I think we want someone who'll make a good ambassador and speaker for the family. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thanks Myne for sharing such beautiful qualities in your man and I love all the qualities. I love the fact that my man can cook.....traditional foods..some meals better than I do, He can baby-sit (even when its a new born baby), He can dance (win competitions) aaahahaha and most importantly......in bed! Lol

    1. Ahh...that one is important o, LOL...

      As we inch closer to parenting, baby-sitting is becoming even more so for us.

  8. I had a suitor who has a heavy Igbo accent, and abbreviates terribly when he send me messages. Call me choosy, but I couldn't stand that. My friends and my younger sister thought I was being ridiculous. Especially since he was quite generous and caring. What made them back down was the age difference, he's 19yrs my elder.
    Current beau speaks and writes quite well, but unfortunately, isn't a book lover like I am. He has lots of other qualities that covers that so :-)
    It's alwaiz nice to read your love story Myne. You're one favored female!


    1. Thank you DrLily, life is not a bed of roses but I am learning to always count my blessings :)

  9. Nice to know you have such a loveing and caring husband. I am not yet married but my guy is the best ever known. Smart, cleans up, cooks well, kind hearted, loving, understanding etc. The list goes on o! But I have to stop here. By the way Myne, I love your books. I'm also an author with interesting books. http://jadejay090.wix.com/karooforofuo, http://www.karosbulletin.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you Karo, and wish you all the best in your relationship too. Let me go check out your books.

  10. Lovely! Makes me look forward to getting married to my own Nigerian man *wink*

    Good English is also VERY important to me.. The way a man speaks can break the deal for me oh lol xx

    1. It was also a deal breaker for me, especially when it was just too bad.

    2. funny how we all place priorities on english diction when it comes to marrrying a nigerian but not when its a french person or spaniard or even a scouser...my hubby is one of the best guys ever...hes got a yoruba accent but i wouldnt have given up on any of his other characteristics just because he spoke like a yoruba man....no myne....rather his accent than marry a wife beater whose diction was perfect...so english for me isnt a deal breaker and shouldnt be for any woman...many marriages are breaking up today and english isnt one of the reasons.....so there...

    3. I totally concur, my better half is an edo man n reminds every1 he meets. He also cannot speak in correct English in 10mins straight but has other qualities dat sorts dat out and he is open to corrections n willing to learn fast.

  11. I loved this....so cute....:)

    What I love about my hubby....:
    My 'deep side' says:
    - He lets me be me. Doesnt try to change me or my little quirks
    - He fears God and has a strong moral core
    - He puts our home (me and the kids) first

    My 'shallow side' says:
    - He is very easy on the eye and that means my kids are too LOL

    1. Hahaha...all sides requires to have their way biko :)

  12. This is so sweet and special. Myne, I think you are even taller than him (hahahaha, too cute).

    Where do I start:
    He is super supportive
    He challenges me to reach heights
    He values family and understands my love for mine
    He is as disciplined as it gets and loves God
    He is tall and handsome (good gosh!!), sometimes I wonder how I struck gold
    His intelligence astounds me
    He is a 21st Century African man (in a good way)
    He loves kids and they love him too
    He is kind
    He eats whatever I cook (all the experiments, na him be my guinea pig)
    I can go on and on...overall I thank God for my Nigerian man.

    1. LOL...now you're teasing my short self :)

      And as for guinea pig for cooking experiments, oh yes! Your man sounds so cute :)

  13. OMG!!! "God fearing and moral core" ? "discipline and loves the things of God" ? I tap and claim such a husband by the mercy of God, in Jesus name , Amen

    1. Yes o, quite important. All the best!

    2. Myne, funny how u didn't reply to dis. "funny how we all place priorities on english diction when it comes to marrrying a nigerian but not when its a french person or spaniard or even a scouser...my hubby is one of the best guys ever...hes got a yoruba accent but i wouldnt have given up on any of his other characteristics just because he spoke like a yoruba man....no myne....rather his accent than marry a wife beater whose diction was perfect...so english for me isnt a deal breaker and shouldnt be for any woman...many marriages are breaking up today and english isnt one of the reasons.....so there..."
      But u make efforts to reply to all dat r sucking up

  14. Awwww this is so lovely...You got the entire package. Am happy ur happy.

  15. Sound amazing Myne. Happy you are happy

  16. Awww, Myne, you got me dreaming of Future Hubby! He's got to have ALL your hubby's qualities and then some: he should know how to give great massages...or be ready to learn! :) and of course I wants me some God-loving man, who'll take me to church and REALLY be the bishop of our home...ain't too much to ask from a strong Nigerian man...

    1. Not too much to ask o, this is the rest of our lives we're talking about. I pray you gt your heart's desires.

  17. I think two things I really love about my hubby are that he is considerate and thoughtful

    1. That is so important, especially on those days when it seems the love-bank is going to red.

  18. Ok I am a bit off topic but you look GREAT in that pic!!

  19. Your post has got me all mushy. For me, i love that my husband is focused, considerate, God fearing and very supportive. The icing on the cake is that he is tall, dark and handsome and his delivery is always on point.

  20. I know men could be good. But should all learn to prepare for war during this time of peace. You get what I am saying

  21. It all sounds good for every one here,are you sure you all are "REAL"?well for me, my husband is short,although handsome,good command of English,not family friendly,very rude,very rich,we bore each other out,cos he got noting to talk about most times,his not confidential,no humor,always keeps a straight face,gosh!my relative are scared to visit,lucky enough he is just a wonderful father to our daughter,he won twice best daddy of the year in my daughters school ward,she seem to be the only one that exist in his life.Well the good news is, we've gone separate ways 8yrs ago,my daughter lives with him,and she's having the best time of her life,traveling all over the world with a dad that rock!"smiles".

    1. I knw rite? Every1 is happy n their husbands r perfect n dat is soooo unreal , but ur man , reminds me of an English man I dated in d , he is English n speaks well but can't write correctly to save his life looool.

  22. Lovely post Myne. This is great and reminds us to increase our standards when it comes to choosing a man to live with for the rest of our lives. Marriage aint no joke and it feels good when you marry the one that God made for you.

  23. I've yet to add "cooking" to my own list of capabilities even though the wife claimed it was a dealbreaker. I think I must have tricked her into thinking the pot of rice I made for her once was a sign of good things to come.

  24. why have you not adopted your husband name

    1. Is adopting your husbands name a priority for marriage? How important is it? I have been married for 17 years and have known my husband for 23 years. We have two children. I have never changed my surname. There are so many people like me. Get over it, it's really not an issue.


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