Monday, March 18, 2013

Justice is Served in Steubenville High School Rape Case

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They might have been young, Trent Mays, 17, and Ma'lik Richmond, 16, but they weren't stupid, they certainly knew what they were doing. And in my opinion, if you do the crime, you do the time. I hope the other people involved also learn a thing or two from the case. Via Yahoo News;

The boys drank. They drove around. They went to each other's houses until 2, 3, 4 in the morning. They exploited permissive parents who let the party continue. They, according to so many locals, knew there were bars that would serve them, liquor stores that would supply them and adults who would look the other way. They were football players being football players.
They slept wherever and whenever they crashed, preferably with some girl. Any girl.
They were allowed the freedoms of young adults, yet lacked the maturity to handle that freedom.

It's a pity their parents and the culture they grew up in did not teach them enough to know how to behave, but at the end of the day, we each have to answer personally to our actions. One of them actually apologized to the parents of the girl they raped, and hopefully by the time they complete their sentence [one year], they would have become more mature.


  1. I do not care if they are too young, they should have been put in a juvenile centre till they are old to be tried as adults. I don't believe they are sorry bout the act. The girl was assaulted and her assailants and others took pictures, recorded the act and had the guts to post it on the interne. The people of that town even tried to cover it up instead of letting those involved face the music. If not for the outcry on the social media, it would have been a different case. And they get ONE YEAR??!! she has to live with the ordeal for the rest of her life.

    I am not even letting her off the hook, she should have been more responsible, apparently the wild parties, sleeping around and what not is the norm in that town, she should have been more careful. Its her life for crying out loud. But in the end rape is rape.

    Arrogance and Ignorance was a major trait of the town and more people need to held responsible for this act, from the actual assailants to the other team mates, coaches and more.

    One year isn't good enough

  2. IMO a year is just a pat on the back. They should have been given more time to reflect on their hideous actions. They are semi adults and have just a few yrs to be referred to as full grown adults. What rubbish!

    So so sad!

  3. The was drunk & in a very vulnerable state, she she should got help from them instead of being violated. May we parents take better of our children and may they listen & behave honourably


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