Friday, May 31, 2013

Magazine Covers - Omawumi on Motherhood Instyle

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I like this cover of Omawumi on Motherhood Instyle.  I salute Omawumi for keeping her head up, I know a lot of people can't get over the fact that she's a single and unmarried mother, and for the brands that continue to keep her front and center on their covers and campaigns.

That said, I think this cover could have been done better. Is it Omawumi on the cover or is it Mortein? She's carrying a can of the insecticide, and not only is there a another can and logo in the foreground, the brand is watermarked all over the cover. Yeah, I know Omawumi is talking about Mortein's work against Malaria which is a major killer of infants, and sometimes mothers, still...


  1. Omowumi is wearing spanx in the picture.

  2. I quite agree wit you myne wen you use people for a cover you are making then the focus in this case I dont understand I Hope mortein also paid her cos it just seems like they tried to cheat her or someting and say ohh you're going to be on our cover but you will be holding a

  3. I thinks she's the brand ambassador for Mortein. I've seen her on a couple of their ads. Maybe Mortein also sponsored this issue of the mag. That said, I have no problem with the entire concept. My opinion.


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