Friday, September 27, 2013

[Web Series] Waiting... Episode 1

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It was 4:23 pm on a Thursday evening and all I could think about was leaving the office so I could get to the spa as quickly as possible. My friends and I were going on a vacation to Cozumel, Mexico and I couldn’t stop thinking of how much fun we were going to have.

I left the office at exactly five and by exactly five, I mean I was already downstairs walking into the busy street at five pm. I quickly hustle my way through the crowd so that I could get to the train station before I missed the next train that was arriving in 3 minutes. A quick swipe of my transit card and I got to the train tracks just as soon as the train was pulling up. Before I got into the train and lost all network service, I sent a quick group text to my two best friends; On my Way!

I get to the Salon 33 minutes later after a 28 minutes train ride and a 5 minute walk that should have taken 7 but my excitement didn’t let me walk at a regular pace.

“Hi, I have a group waiting for me” I said to the receptionist as I pulled out my phone and started texting Lola so she could find her way to the front desk to come get me.
“Yes ma’am, follow me”. She said before she ushered me into this room that was heaven on earth. It looked like the size of my current apartment except it was made solely for relaxation purposes. There was a shower that had no doors, a massage section that had be prepared with three massage tables, a mud bath, pedicure and manicure station and another section for facials and body wrapping materials. Lola said she found this place on Yelp and since I’m always the planner of most activities we find ourselves doing, I was glad to give the pass to someone else for a change.
“Your friends are in the back picking out nail polish colors” the young attendant said to me. She must have noticed I was looking for the other two ladies in my group. I quickly undressed and changed into the plush robes that were neatly hung in the corner.
“Hey hey” Lola shouted as they walked into the room, shouting and dancing with a cocktail in hand, that just confirmed that this place was heaven. We had decided to use our groupon deal before we went on the vacation because we wanted to take loads of pictures and we didn’t want the stress from work and life in general showing on our faces. This spa was the perfect oasis for us.

We all hurdled into Tayo’s car and headed to my apartment after spending about 4 hours at the spa. The airport we were flying from was only 15 minutes away from my cozy one bedroom apartment and taxis offered standard rates because of the short distance so it made sense to leave from my apartment. She dropped us off at the front of my apartment with her luggage and went to look for parking on the next street.
“I swear, I can’t wait to just be on the plane so that I know that I am truly unreachable. I wonder what my boss would do without me then.” Lola said as we headed up the elevator. Lola’s boss was one of those bosses that had decided that he would get to the top but once there decided he didn’t want to lift a finger to work anymore. She was always constantly doing her work plus his hence the hatred. Her boyfriend had broken up with her because he said she didn’t have time for their relationship which in all honesty she didn’t. She was always exhausted, tired or angry or all three at the same time. She still blames her boss for her lack of relationship. Her 2 year contract with her company was about to be over which would give her an opportunity to seek managerial positions in other companies.

We could barely sleep from all the excitement of this vacation. We had all graduated from our individual masters programs a year and half ago and were fully pushed into the adult living too fast. You don’t realize how much you actually spend on yourself until you’re responsible for all your bills. All the Hermes bags and Louboutin shoes we thought we would be able to afford have still not manifested. We had not taken a vacation since we graduated which was why this vacation was so important to us.
“Tayo, did you pack your acne cream, I think I might have left mine” Lola said while already closing her eyes to sleep.
“Yea, I brought the one that has almost finished though but it should be enough for both of us.

I woke up at exactly at 4am and decided to say my prayers before I woke the girls up. 10 minutes later, everyone was up; Lola was showering, I was wrapping up my packing and Tayo was on the phone trying to call a taxi to take us to the airport. 45 minutes after that we were headed to the airport for our 6:55am flight that was about 3 hours. Checking in was a lot easier than I assumed because traveling from the Dallas airport was always a drag. After checking in, we had over an hour before boarding
“I’m hungry oh, I think I’m going to McDonalds to get something.” I stood and started fishing through my purse for my wallet.
“So with all the salad you’ve eaten for the past month, McDonalds is what you want to eat for breakfast” Tayo said without even looking at me.
“Abeg, I have assumed vacation mode so free me and what I eat, do you want anything jo, fitness expert”
“Certainly not McDonalds” She said while still reading her romantic novels.

I walk away from our gate in hopes of finding somewhere else to get breakfast other than McDonalds. I had starved and cried to lose the 10 pounds I wanted to for this trip, if I was going to ruin my clean eating, McDonalds was not worth it. I found a café opposite the shoe shine station and was instantly grateful to the gods of food. I ordered a turkey and cheese croissant and as I waited for the attendant to toast it up, I quickly got in line at the Jamba juice right next to the café to get a yummy green tea smoothie.

“Please can you get me a bagel” Text from Lola, it’s now when I had gotten off the line that she wants a bagel I thought to myself. Maybe I can ask the girl to get me a bagel when she hands me croissant.

I went up to the front of the line to see if I could get the girls attention to see maybe she could sell me a bagel without having to stand in line. She quickly apologized and said in order for me to make another purchase; I’d have to get back in line. After I got my food, I was looking around to see if there was somewhere else I could buy something for Lola because I didn’t want to share my food when I heard someone behind me.

“I think you left your juice at the café counter” he said and flashed his 32.

I was enthralled by this 6”2 man who was standing right in front of me smiling as if he just won a million dollars. His smile was so amazing, it almost brought me to my knees.


Hi, I'm Moriam. I'm curious and I love cooking. I also like to write short stories. If you haven't check out Part one and two of Love's Pain. If you love recipes, check out my blog too.


  1. Ok watch out for typos but I look forward to enjoying this. Lola sounds like me.

  2. I hope you won't keep us waiting too long for more of this. Nice one.

  3. Good start. When is the next episode?


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