Thursday, September 5, 2013

Will You Buy and Eat Ugly Fruit From the Market?

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Some of us are amateur gardeners, we grow fruits and vegetables in our backyards or allotments and take pride in what we're able to harvest at the end of the season, no matter what it looks like. But the rest of us buy everything we eat from the markets and we have become used to all our fruits and vegetables looking a certain way.

I always marvel how all the cucumbers are almost the same size and length, same with the carrots and tomatoes, the bananas are all yellow and fat and the oranges, orange. Because my family had a garden and later a farm as I was growing up, I know that's not how it always is. But other than some part of my brain wondering if how genetically modified my seedless grapes are, I'm used to it and may even turn my nose up at misshapen or skinny, call them ugly fruits.

That was what some students in Germany called them in a campaign to get supermarkets to start carrying such fruits and vegetables. Check out their ugly fruit images published in Des Spiegel and tell me if you would buy any of the fruits pictured.

Images via

1 comment:

  1. those fruits in the german ads look very interesting, such a shame that supermarkets just throw them out without thinking if the customers will actually enjoy experiencing weirdly-shaped fruit (i certainly would!).


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