Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"Don't Get Fat" - Proposed Prenup by Sherri Shephard's Estranged Husband

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Prenups are usually drawn up and signed by an engaged couple before they sign on the dotted lines. However it seems that Sherri Shepherd’s estranged husband Lamar Sally had asked to add an amendment to the couple’s prenup after they were married and started having problems. He wanted Sherri to sign up to maintain a certain weight, have more sex with him, and submit to him always as the head of the marriage.

Some of the clauses Lamar Sally wanted to be added to the prenup include the following;

- “It is my joy to submit to my husband as a way to honor God. Even if my husband doesn’t respond the way I’d like, I will respect him and be loyal to him. I will walk in his shoes and seek to understand his perspective.”

- “I respect my husband’s opinions and recognize him as the leader of our home.  I will always speak well of my husband.”

- “I enjoy having sex with my husband. I crave intimacy with him and want to be uninhibited and free in our lovemaking.”


The estranged couple are expecting a baby together via surrogate, for which Sally is seeking full custody. He filed for separation earlier this month, read here, where he asks for their initial prenup to be nullified. Meanwhile Sherri Shepherd has filed for divorce, their prenup grants her custody of any children from the marriage.

I know there are marriages where the wife willingly submits to the husband’s authority as the head of the household. In fact, I doubt you need to add such things in a prenup, these are things to have found out about each other and agreed to before the marriage. And then let's not talk about the issue of not getting fat or granting sex on tap. If you're not doing these things willingly, how valuable can they be?

Would you sign such a contract if you're a woman? And for the men, do you think these conditions should be an explicit part of the marriage contract?


  1. He is sounding like a 'joker'

  2. i like the last word you used, contract. this sounds more like a business partnership than a marriage, only thing is he wanted to be the only captain the that business ship (calling it a marriage insults the very essence of it). he is so selfish he wants the initial prenup which grants Sheri custody of their kid nullify.Anyway, any man that says these to me wouldn't see my brake lights, i'ld be long gone. that is slavery.

  3. I actually think he should be the one exercising 3x a day..

  4. ummmmmm.......
    am struggling to keep myself together here, pinned in by the "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything?"
    Two questions: Has he looked in the mirror lately? Does he own a mirror?


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