Saturday, June 28, 2014

Game of Thrones Gets World Cup Kits - Which House Would You Play For?

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For her latest project, Spanish designer Nerea Palacios' has taken inspiration from HBO's Game of Thrones - taking into account family history, colours, and legacy, of course. 

Palacios also wants to work for Nike. She says so in her Twitter bio, and her website, I Want To Work For Nike, couldn't make her intentions more clear. For years, she's been crafting concepts for athletic wear, showing off her talents with the help of Photoshop. So this was a double resume.

Check out the jerseys and Palacious also answers some questions for Guardian Sports;

First: why Game of Thrones, and why soccer uniforms?

I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones and of football, and I had done all the World Cup kits and was looking for something fresh that hasn't been done before. So if allowed me some freedom.

How did you channel the Game of Thrones vibe into athletic wear? How did characters impact design?

I think it's really easy: they have the crest, the House colours, and even the motivational phrase – it's practically a sport to reach the throne.

But I tried to focus on the Houses and not in the characters. Maybe the Baratheons are more complicated since every one of them seem to be really creative with the Crests and family colours.

Which House would you align yourself with?

So hard! I don't want to die yet. Maybe the Lannisters. I come from a really particular family so it would be like home. And it would be nice to hang out with Jaime and Tyrion and never owe anyone nothing. [Though] I'd rather not comment about Cersei.

Which Game of Thrones character do you think would be the biggest asset to the World Cup?

Daenerys seems to be well prepared, so she's have quite a team. On the other hand, Sansa and John look like they know how to play – maybe they will be the surprise.

What is it about Game of Thrones that seems to universally apply to everything? There seems to be a place for it in everything: food, fashion, music, and in your case, sports.

It's the most expensive TV show! and one of the longest "history" books, so they have place for everything! As long as they keep improving the team, they are doing an amazing job.

Your love of Nike is pretty profound, but if you had a choice between working for Nike and appearing on Game of Thrones, what would it be?

I'm sorry but I will choose Nike. I can use my imagination to appear on GOT.

Perfect choice. And we can all agree that Joffrey wasn't worthy to wear any of these uniforms, right?

Maybe I can create [uniforms for the dead characters] – we can tell them that was your idea. His will be the creepy one. I will try to catch his essence.

A Lannister always hits his nets.

Definitely their away kit, as temperatures around Winterfell probably require long sleeves most of the year.

Arguably the strongest squad but differences over the captaincy and pay have caused internal divisions in the locker room which sometimes spill out onto the field.

Hopefully fireproof, as Drogon has been known to get overexcited when the Targaryens get into the final third.

Most consistent home wins record although has been known to squander leads late in games.

Refusing to play in the Seven Kingdoms league, the all black kit helps the team in matches against Wildling FC, who never bother to wear the same colours.

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