Thursday, June 12, 2014

God Delivered My Birthday Gift To Me In My Own Home - Real Love Story

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This real love story is from one of the most dedicated readers of RML, and I believe her fiance reads the site too. The road to true love was paved with frogs, but let's just say all is well that ends well. I had a huge grin on my face reading her true love story, it was like something out of a book or movie :)

Enjoy, and check out more of their amazing pre-wedding photos at the end...

In July 2012, the guy I was dating left the country to study without informing me. He called me from the US to apologize. He said he did not tell me because he did not know how I would have handled the information.
I cried for days and swore off men. I stayed away from guys and their advances after that.

January 2013, I asked God to give me something unimaginable as a birthday gift because my last few birthdays had been clouded with memories of the loss of my dad.

I usually don’t have birthday parties but on March 22 the night before my birthday. My heart kept troubling me to have one.

I felt it was already too late to start planning anything or inviting people but I was just restless. I gave in and agreed. I sent an SMS to a few of my close friends at about 10pm inviting them to “come eat rice” at my house the next day. I had no idea how I was going to put it together. There was nothing in the house.

I also sent the text to a former colleague; don’t know why I sent it to him because we were no didn’t really keep in touch after I left the company. He was the first to respond to the text.

The next morning after I cooked everything I could get my hands on. My colleague was the first to arrive but he did not come alone.

After I hugged him and let him into the house, I was about to greet his friend when we both froze staring at each other for what seemed like forever.

My friend had to clear his throat to break off the stare.  We shook hands and he came in the house.
Since they were the first to arrive they had all my attention.

I asked if they wanted a taste of the Curry Sauce before I served  it and they said yes.  I dipped the spoon in the sauce and went on like someone in a spell to put it in my colleague's friend, now my fiancé’s mouth. ( I've barely known him for 45 mins)

We were both shocked and I was kinda embarrassed. Throughout the party we were glued together, chatting and laughing. He even helped me serve other guests. I gave him my number before he left to his surprise.

When they were leaving, I hugged him and shook my colleague’s hands. Didn’t realise this until he reminded me when we started dating. I didn’t take his calls for days after we met.  I was back to my reality of no boys allowed.

He never gave up. He kept calling. About 5 days later I decided to take his call. He was so happy and wanted to see me right away. He was leaving town that day and almost missed his flight but he didn’t care. He just had to see me like he said.

After that day we were inseparable. We talked for hours on the phone every day.

We became best friends and 5 months later he proposed to me.

It was definitely Love at first sight and now we’re best friends on top of that.

God delivered my birthday gift to me in my own home and I get to keep him forever.


  1. This is so beautiful
    A girl after my heart
    'If you see better ting, catch am quick'. No dulling. LOL
    I sincerely wish you all the best
    May God bless your union abundantly - with laughter, good health, peace, love and cute bambinos :)

  2. Awwww!!!! The story got me praying to God and asking for something beautiful as this to happen to me. At times I just feel like giving up. What is wrong with me that I don't seem to hook up with someone I love and who in turn genuinely loves me? There must be something wrong isn't it RML readers? I've got a guy who head over heels in "love' with me but frankly I FEEL NOTHING for him. A friend tried to match make me with someone in the US and when we started off, it was ok though I was constantly appalled at his terrible use of the English language(both written and oral) and he is supposedly doing his Master. I insisted he comes see and guess what dear RML, I was soo dissappointed. He looked nothing like what I saw in the pictures. I just knew I could not settle with him because I guess I will not be happy.
    I keep trusting the Lord for my love, the man I will love and accept and he too vice versa. At times I'm sad/jealous when I see couples and I wonder WHAT AM I DOING WRONG????

    1. Your own will surely come. Keep believeing God and don't settle for less than you deserve.

      Myne post this on the front page.

  3. And to the couple, congrats to you both, and may your love last forever. You both look so gorgoeous and in love!

  4. Aww this is a beautiful story! May God bless their marriage in Jesus name

  5. Beautiful, just beautiful. Many don't believe in love at first sight but I always insist it happens, I just love this story. God Bless you both and increase your marriage.

  6. I love hearing stories like this, they make me smile. I can understand what the Anon above is saying but in my own case I'm still filled with so much hope and I know that at God's own time He will bless me with his perfect gift. No matter how lonely or tempted I may get sometimes I won't rush God.
    To the beautiful couple, I wish you both successful marriage ceremonies (traditional and white) and a very happy married life. Amen.

  7. Thanks everyone for your love

    1. So happy for both of you dear!!! God is soooooo good.
      I remember feeling helpless and so down and I asked Him to do it for me like He had done it for others, He didnt dissapoint. For me I didn't even have many friends so I hardly went out and as such didnt get to meet people. Those I met, the less said the better. I just got so frustrated . Then out of nowhere God brought my own to me. Praise His name!

  8. Awwww!!!!!!!!!! Nice. First Photo-shoot i am totally loving. So copying it.

  9. God is indeed wonderful!!! Praise His name!!!

    He also did it for me o. He will definitely supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ


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