Monday, June 9, 2014

Vajazzling - The New Trend of Adorning Your Vagina and Making Yourself Feel Good

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Vajazzling is a form of vaginal adornment, and is combo word from bedazzle and vajayjay. I'm just finding out about it, but apparently, the trend exploded when actress Jennifer Love Hewitt announced that she vajazzles regularly to feel good about her privates, and she included a chapter on vajazzling in her book. Soon, blogs were posting about it, and every lady was getting in on the bandwagon.

To take us on a visual lesson of vajazzling, one blogger got called on by a beauty place that did it free for her. She made a video and posted about the process.Vajazzling in essence means removing your public hair and replacing it with crystal jewels.

It involves getting a full Brazilian public hair wax and then putting individual Swarovski crystals or other colorful jewels on the outside of the vagina area using glue. The spa where the blogger had it done, Completely Bare, apparently guarantees that they'll stay on for five days.

The blogger seemed very happy  with the outcome of her vajazzling. Jennifer Love Hewitt said it was like having a disco ball in her crotch. And it is just $50.

For the women, would you get one? For the guys, what do you think of this beauty trend, will you encourage your wife or girlfriend to get vajazzled?


  1. Lol. I dunno... I think the vagina ought to look like a vagina and not a disco ball. So it's a No for me.

  2.'s a no for me too :)

  3. Sounds good. Would love to do it just for FUN but I'll pass since I have to showcase my pussy to an outsider! No Way

  4. I have to ask if this will allow a couple to make love comfortably without

    a, the crystals getting into the woman inside, or

    b, scratching the hell out of the man, or

    c, getting entagled in the man's bush and yanking it or

    d, gumming you both together.

  5. when you think you have seen it all. Wonders. lol.

  6. I wonder who will fancy it when it is supposed to be under the dress. May be for those nude ladies. I can never encourage anyone to do it.


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