Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cheeky! Cinema Buys Plastic Seat Covers For '50 Shades of Grey' Movie Screenings

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A cinema chain in America is reportedly taking measures to safeguard the upholstery of the seats in their screens in anticipation of Friday's release of 50 Shades Of Grey ahead of Valentine's day. The management of each cinema have begun fitting wipeable plastic covers to theatre seating where the raunchy new movie will be shown. This they say is in a bid to curb an expensive cleanup following each screening.

The 50 Shades Of Grey movie is based on the best-selling book of the same name by British author E.L. James. The x-rated novel tells the story of a young woman’s journey into the world of kinky sex after she begins dating bondage master Christian Grey. The book sold billions of copies worldwide.

READ ALSO - Australian TV Anchor Really Says 50 Shades Worst Movie Ever!

Given the popularity of the book amongst women, cinema owners are expecting a huge turnout on opening weekend, mostly women who will be excited to see the erotically charged pages of their favourite novel come to life onscreen. And we know what happens when women get excited, right?

Steven Brennan, spokesperson for the OmniScreen chain of cinemas, says;

“We went out and we bought up thousands of seat covers at a discounted price. It’ll cut down on the amount of time we have to spend shampooing the seats after each viewing, and having to wait for them to dry. Our teams will be able to run in with a couple of chamois cloths and have the screen ready for the next showing in minutes”. 

The $40 million movie which stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan will be released on Friday, the 13th of February, 2015. See the 50 Shades movie trailer HERE


  1. Are you freaking kidding me? This has to be the most obsurd thing I have heard in a long time. A theater full of women that get so wet the chairs have to be shampooed and cleaned? yea in your dreams.

    1. was supposed to read 'absurd'.. not able to edit the previous post however..


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