Wednesday, February 11, 2015

6 Things To Do On Valentine's Day If You Are Single

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Bonang Matheba came to my attention as Dbanj's rumored girlfriend but it later turned out they just met up and shared the photos for publicity. The South African TV presenter is single and the above picture she shared recently and the caption she put on it makes for a good idea for what you can do for Valentine's day if you're single. Bonang wrote that she had bought herself the white Mercedes, ‘….bought myself a Valentine’s Day gift. Single girl problems’.

If you're single, giving yourself a gift is just one way of pampering yourself this February 14th, and even if you're married, the following tips will also be useful for ideas on how to celebrate the day of love...

Via Tallestyl on Nairaland

1. Cook Yourself a Nice Meal. After spending hours at a voting center, putting together a nice meal for yourself is the next thing to do. It's practically impossible not to feel good afterward.

2. Head To a Club. There are nice clubs out there that you can go to. Most of them are best decorated on February and their service is always at its best. Go there and enjoy your life.

3. Get yourself together. It may sound strange, but when was the last time you woke up feeling totally put together? Instead of moping about being single, use the free time you have on Valentine's Day evening to get yourself organized. Clean up your calendar, catch up on laundry, plan ahead for major things, and get a head start on those works you've been avoiding. Use the day to finish (or start) something you've been meaning to tackle. It may sound lame at first, but you might be surprised at how good you feel after you're done.

4. Send Love Someone Else's Way. Studies show that kindness spreads like epidemic, so start the epidemic. Do something nice for another person. Open a door for someone who needs it, visit an elderly person, spend time with him/her, help them arrange the house. buy a rose and give it to someone random on the street, whatever you do, will make you feel full of love inside.

5. Throw a Party. If you have the money then invite your friends over to celebrate being fabulous.

6. Love Your Singleness. Think about all the marvelous benefits of being single, from not fighting over minor issues to being able to keep your living space as clean or as messy as you'd like. No unnecessary question like where are you, where have you been.

And remember, Valentine's day is just one day in the year, but nothing stops you from showing love to yourself all day, every day, all the year round!

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