Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Funke Akindele, Alibaba, Dakore Olumide, Julius Agwu and More at Kate Henshaw's Book Launch

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Kate Henshaw [see here] launched her book yesterday, and to support her were her fellow actors and actresses, and other industry mavens. Some guests were Funke Akindele, Alibaba, Julius Agwu, Susan Peters, Dakore Olumide, Joke Silva, Adesua Onyenokwe, and more. See pics below...

Kate Henshaw Looks Radiant at the Launch of Her Book 'The World of an Actress, My Story'

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Kate Henshaw, had  her book launch yesterday, September 17 at MUSON Center, Lagos. The Book is titled 'Kate Henshaw -The world of an actress, My story. The book chronicles the actress's almost 18 years in the Nigerian Movie industry. More pictures below...

New Biography of Kate Middleton Covers Her Life From Childhood Till Motherhood

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Kate Middleton has fascinated many people for as long as her romance with Prince William lasted, and it went into a frenzy after they got engaged and then married. Over that more than 10 years, Kate has gradually come into her own as a princess and more recently as a mother.

Americanah by Chimamanda Adichie Now on OkadaBooks!

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Americanah by Chimamanda Adichie is the story of love and race centered around a young man and woman from Nigeria who face difficult choices and challenges in the countries they come to call home. You can now get the book from the Okadabooks app. Download this app now for your mobile android device today at Play Store

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Got the Very Inspiring Blogger Award

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I was nominated by Nana Prah, author and blogger at Loving Romance, Loving Life. Nana is also a member of the Romance Writers of West Africa and the author Love through time, a romance novel to be released later this year by Black Opal Books. I really enjoy Nana's writing and it's always great to be recognized. Thank you, Nana.

So the rule of the award is to state 7 things about me.

1. Since moving to the United States, I have visited 12 states, about 6 of them during our road trip in 2011. America is a very big country, and it has been a great experience seeing what I have of it.

2. I love taking photographs, and writing, but I think you can guess that from this blog.

3. I started wearing my hair unrelaxed a couple of years ago. Though I call it natural most times, I feel funny doing that when I use shampoo and hair creams I know not what goes into them.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm #10 in the Top 100 Relationship Blogs To Follow In 2013

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Coupon Audit is a site known for putting together infographics that can be useful to people who use the interwebs regularly to know who to follow on social media and the top blogs and websites that are worth their time to read. Recently, they made one for the Top 100 relationship blogs to follow in 2013, and I showed up at #10!

Thanks to Coupon Audit for including me.

I also see some of the sites I visit on the list, along with a few that made me go huh? LOL... there’s definitely something here for everyone. Check it out below...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Talking to the Men Who Rape Syndicated on BlogHer

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Some of you may remember this post, "Let's Talk to the Men Who Rape, Shall we?", where I talked about how we can reduce incidences of rape by talking to men also and not just to women. That post went on to get a response from Kenechi Uzochukwu, published on Ynaija, which in turn spawned a host of articles and conversation on the topic of rape in Nigeria. It remains one of the best articles on this blog, and was recently picked up by BlogHer for syndication on their website.

"BlogHer is the largest community of women who blog: 55 million unique visitors per month (January 2013, Nielsen Site Census). Engaged, influential and info-savvy, these women come to BlogHer to seek and share advice, opinions and recommendations. BlogHer’s team works hard to bring you the best and brightest conversations, writers and speakers – online and in person."

I'm so excited to have been featured among the "best and brightest" of women blogging around the world, and to have my work read by that many people? WOW! I also work with BlogHer's Publishing and Ad Network to promote this site and get revenue, as well as reading their amazing site daily for news, posts, and topics that affect women in America and globally. If you've not visited them before, I recommend you do so today.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Talking to Indie Author Land about A Love Rekindled

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This interview was done with David Njoku who wanted to know more about my last book and what's coming next
Tell us about A Love Rekindled
When Efe Sagay receives a transfer to the branch of a prestigious hotel chain in the Nigerian capital, she accepts it, happy to return home to family after years in the United States. Also, Nigeria is a big place, right? There should be nothing about her new city, Abuja, to remind her of the heartbreak of her relationship with ex-fiancé, Kevwe Mukoro.
However, Efe is facing Kevwe across an office seven months later, swamped by emotions she’d thought were dead. When Kevwe claims he’s never stopped loving her, and asks why she abandoned him, Efe stomps off, incensed. It was the other way around! 
But they are unable to stay away from each other, and buried desire flares. Ultimately, passion is no match for the bitter memories of broken promises. Efe and Kevwe have to resolve the traumatic events of the past before love can be rekindled.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Interview With The African Street Writer on Style

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Like I told Chizitere Ojiaka who conducted the interview, I'm probably the last person to ask about style, but she insisted and I obliged. Enjoy...
When it comes to fashion and lifestyle, many writers are branded with the stereotype of being very eccentric and untrendy. Most people say it’s just how writers are built, while others think it’s one of the rules to making it as a writer, you must have a weird or signature style.

In other beliefs, some say that having to juggle many characters at once makes them stay simple so it’s easier to build theirs without too much influence from they, the creators. The theories and explanations are numerous but that’s not what we’re here to discuss anyway.

Today, we’ll be taking a sneak peak at the life of one of the hottest best selling names in the world of romance writing. She goes by the pen name Myne Whitman.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Latest Review of A Heart to Mend

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I get a little thrill like a little kid whenever google alerts me to reviews of any of my books and when it is a thorough review, and unexpected, it is doubly exciting. The icing on the cake is when it is as positive as this one by Bookshy, 4 out of 5 stars. Yay!

Gladys, twenty-something, has just moved to Lagos after completing her compulsory one-year National Youth Service in Enugu. She has secured an interview and test with a company in Lagos and has been invited by her estranged aunt to live with her. Edward, thirty-something self-made business tycoon, is instantly attracted to Gladys the first time he sets eyes on her. But there's a problem, Mr. Ice does not give his heart to anyone - he's had a bad past and doesn't trust anyone with his heart - but his attraction to Gladys makes him want to be around her, and have her.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Short Clip from an Interview on TV

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So Afronuts was able to make a small recording of the show yesterday. It is not much and not of the best quality but I was very happy to see it. Some friends on Twitter also saw it, and gave me a shout out. Thanks to you all, and thank God it's Friday.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

See me on the Heart of the Matter TV Show Today

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While I was in Nigeria last summer, producers of the Heart of the Matter TV show invited me as a guest on one of the episodes on Season 5 of their show. Brand new episodes of the show are now airing on Thursdays, 9:30am on STV (also on channel 131 on DSTV) and today's episode features my appearence where I talk about my books, creativity, blogging and other aspects of social media.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

For The Love of Books, Blogging And Meeting Bloggers

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With reporter for Moment News - Afoke

I will be speaking at two events today in Lagos. At BookN'Gauge I'll be discussing my love of books and my "undying passion for promoting literary arts." LOL...that is directly from the press release by the organizers. I do love books. I also love blogging and meeting bloggers. So, I will use the opportunity after this event to interact with those interested in blogging. Book discussion is between 2 - 5 and from then to 6.30pm, I will be answering questions about blogging.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Sunday Sun Feature - Author Q&A

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I had this interview some months ago with Sola Ojikutu and it has just been published on the Sunday Sun newspaper (June 17, Pg 46). Two of my friends gave me the pleasant surprise of getting pictures and uploading them on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you guys, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday, everyone.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Woman's Essence Features me in their April Issue

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Woman’s Essence Magazine is an an online magazine that aims to combine quality educational information in a fun way, writing on subjects [women] care about. In a new segment, Women who love to Write, they featured me in an interview titled, "Myne Whitman is Africa’s Romance Queen"

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Worldreader Demos A Heart to Mend in new Book App

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Worldreader is a charity whose mission is to make digital books available to all in the developing world, enabling millions of people to improve their lives. First focusing on distributing Kindle e-readers to rural schools in some African countries, Worldreader is now moving into providing reading content to feature phones through the BiNu phone app.

Worldreader also partners with authors to make international books available to those who use their apps and readers and that is where I work with them. I have accepted to make my books accessible to the Worldreader audience for free. In the video above, Elizabeth is demoing the BiNu app, and you can see how A Heart to Mend appears on it. I hope those who read it enjoy!

Monday, March 26, 2012

I Won $1000 to promote the Naijastories Anthology

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Who remembers this post about World of Betters? Yes, the Naija Stories idea won $1000! is the leading community for Nigerian writers and book lovers, combining elements of a writing critique website and a social networking site. Of Tears and Kisses, Heroes and Villains is Volume 1 of the 'Best of NaijaStories' series. The 30 stories featured in the anthology were all originally published on the website between March 2010 and March 2011.


Buy Paperback from the NaijaStories Createspace Store

Buy in Kindle format and Print from

Buy the NOOK version from Barnes&Noble online

Buy various eBook formats from

**If you live in Nigeria and want the ebook delivered as a PDF file to your email inbox, please contact for payment details (via Zenith Bank and GTBank).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stand a chance to win A Heart to Mend from RWOWA

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Romance Writers of West Africa (RWOWA) is a group dedicated to the growth of African romantic fiction worldwide and I am one of the founding members, YAY! We have set up our website, and will be rewarding our subscribers each month with a book from the published members. For October, the group will be giving away a free copy of my bestselling debut novel, “A Heart to Mend.*

How to enter:
- Subscribe to RWOWA. The email form is on the right lower corner of the website.**

- Follow @RWOWA on twitter

- Like the RWOWA page on Facebook.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Love Rekindled reviewed in Sleek Magazine

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I think this is an old issue but pick it up if you see it, ALR is reviewed in the book section.

... the strength of the novel is the emotional journey that the author takes the reader on. She creates a sympathetic picture of both Kevwe and Efe, showing their innermost feelings as they interact with each other and with others who are not so favorably disposed towards their relationship. She deftly weaves both stories together, showing them alternately falling in love by gentle degrees, and then struggling desperately to regain that love they once had. And ultimately, in the final third of the novel, she brings the narratives to a dramatic crescendo as she shows not only the searing heartbreak that betrayal can bring, but more importantly, for hearts torn apart by such heartbreak, the power of love to heal.

The magazine is available in various countries including Angola, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, UAE and the UK.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and watch out for my post coming up soon. :)