Thursday, July 3, 2014

Catholic Priest Found With 1555 Child Porn Images, Pleads Guilty and Wants Release From Vows

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A Catholic priest, Father Stanislaus Hogan, 63, who had 1555 child pornography images, (from 3 months to 16 years old pictures of children) in his bedroom at St Ignatius College in Adelaide where he worked has been charged to court after police found those images in his locked room at the college.

His main interest was in images of boys in the low-to-mid teens, the very age range of children at the school where he was employed.

But his lawyer wants the court to forgive him after pleading guilty, stating that he has done a lot of good in his life and he has also made clear his intention to apply to be released from his vows on August 14.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Man Gets 95-Year Jail Term for 'Knowingly' Infecting 15-Year-Old Virgin with HIV

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A 31-year-old man knew he had HIV when he had sex with a 15-year-old virgin he'd met on a chat line - but she didn't know until she became infected with the disease.

Reese met the girl, who is now 17, when she called a chat line in December 2012 and when her parents caught them talking on the phone, he assured them he was 18.

The two embarked on a seven-month relationship between 2012 and 2013 and after they met at a Dallas movie theater, Reese persuaded her to have sex with him in his car.

When she told him she was a virgin and had never had a boyfriend, he said it was probably because she'd never had sex. He said if she didn't have sex 'it would make a man want to cheat'. 'He told me he could see himself being with me,' she told Judge Pat McDowell in court. 'He was saying all the right things. He was telling me what I wanted to hear.'

Monday, May 19, 2014

Pamela Anderson Talks About Being Sexually Abused From Age 6

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Pamela Anderson spoke publicly for the first time about the sexual abuse she suffered as a child and an adolescent. Pamela Anderson says that from age six to 10, she was molested by a female babysitter and at 12, she was raped by the 25-year old older brother of a friend’s boyfriend. She was also gang raped by a boyfriend and six of his friends when they were in 9th grade.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

[Please Advice] How Do I Forgive The Man Who Sexually Abused Me?

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Dear Myne, I am a victim of sexual abuse, the thing is I can't seem to get over it even if I have moved on with my life. The thought that someone took advantage of me torments me. Each time I think of it I feel like doing something BAD to that guy. I feel like looking for him an hurting him. I feel real bad, don't know what to do, please I need your advice.

Monday, January 13, 2014

FIVE - Short Film

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Five is another short film entry in the Afrinolly competition. It is one of those stories you just never know how it'll go from how it begins. But when it clicks and you get it, you're like wow! I really loved this. If you do too, vote HERE.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chris Brown Says He Lost His Virginity at 8, It Sounds More Like Child Abuse

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Chris Brown, in an indepth and quite frank interview, admitted that he lost his virginity when he was just 8 years old. The unfortunate thing is that Chris Brown seems to be proud of that fact. Because, when you think about it, this is sexual molestation.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Aswad Ayinde's Daughter, Aziza Moving On After Being Raped and Impregnated By Her Father

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You may have heard about Aswad Ayinde, he is a former video producer for The Fugees, and was some weeks ago sentenced for raping and fathering children off his daughters, starting from before each was even 10 years old. Aswad is being tried separately for each of the five daughters he abused, and has received 90years thus far - 40 and 50 each for two daughters - now in their thirties.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Child Abuse and Rape Victims Should "Talk to Somebody"

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It's Child Abuse, Not Child's Play - Eva Alordia

It is some months before August, the dates running all the way back into the calendars of the early 90s. In a few months from this day, she will turn 7 years old, maybe even have a big school party like her friend Aisha had weeks back. But today, while she's still 6 years old and counting.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Help For Sexual Assault Victims in Lagos

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A new sexual assault referral center has just been opened in Lagos by an NGO called Partnership for Justice. Named, The Mirabel Centre, it is located at the Lagos State Teaching Hospital, Ikeja with tel: 0811 555 4877 or 0818 724 3468 or 01-295 7816. It is open every working day from 8 30am to 5 30pm. Please if you know anyone who is a victim, do share these details.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ariel Castro - Evil Confessions Of A Sexual Predator

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Ariel Castro reportedly wrote a note in 2004 which includes a chilling admission: "I am a sexual predator. I need help." Scott Taylor, an investigative reporter obtained this note from the police in Cleveland Ohio, and has posted excerpts from the letter on his Twitter feed.

According to Taylor's  tweets, Castro wrote, "They are here against their will because they made a mistake of getting in a car with a total stranger,", "I don't know why I kept looking for another. I already had 2 in my possession." and also "writes about wanting to kill himself and 'give all the money I saved to my victims.'"

Taylor tweeted that Castro wrote in the note that he was surprised to learn how young DeJesus was because "he thought she was a lot older." Taylor added, "Ariel Castro says in the letter he has no feeling for the bad things he has done." and that "Castro writes he treated the 3 women well and later writes he's sick."

Whether he was sick or not, probably mentally, he refused to get help, kept these women locked up for years, and treated them in evil ways. In addition to this note, more gruelling facts are emerging about the kidnap and captivity of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. According to Yahoo News;

Friday, June 29, 2012

Invisible Girl - Film Campaign Against Child Abuse

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Invisible Girl is a non-commercial and online campaign short film (9minutes) narrative to reach out to young females especially for those who have once been or are currently victims of sexual violence or abuse. I recently finished Yejide Kilanko's new book, Daughters Who Walk This Path, and I was filled all over again with anger at adults who molest innocent children. I thought about how as a society, we really have to put up the means to protect our children before, and sometimes, after abuse happens.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Where is our Safe Haven? Guest post by Chinwe Obi

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I wept as I listened to Chaz B’s Sharing Life Issues on Inspiration FM and the topic of discussion was “Incest”. I still shudder with goose bumps on my arms as I write this article. This is the kind of things that we read in the papers as they only happen in the western world “or maybe it used to happen here and people don’t speak much about it”. We are definitely not used to hearing of cousins, uncles, e.t.c sexually abusing the younger wards that they are responsible for protecting.

I remember growing up as a child in my family home; I felt so much peace, comfort and love from my parents, this is exactly how every child should feel, your home should be a safe haven for you, but the topic of discussion on the Chaz B show has shattered that belief for me.