Thursday, January 18, 2018

3 Herbs and 3 Supplements Good for a Healthier Lifestyle

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A healthy lifestyle doesn't always look like heavyweights and a whole fridge of leafy vegetables. It can also look like little herbs and capsules.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Is Vaping Bad for You? Common Health Concerns in Vaping

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Vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking, with Public Health England pegging e-cigarettes as about 95 percent safer than traditional cigarettes. While vaping is certainly the safer option, that doesn’t mean it’s totally risk-free. A few health concerns have come up with regard to vaping, although most can be avoided.

Friday, December 22, 2017

4 Supplements That Will Help Your Body Adapt to Stress

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Stress is one of the most difficult physical conditions to conquer. Whether you are an athlete, driver, office worker or just somebody who wants to stay fit, you have definitely encountered this problem. Fortunately there are some all natural supplements that you can use to counter the symptoms of stress and fatigue so that you can move on with your day productively and effectively. The 4 effective supplements mentioned in this guide will not only reduce your tension and stress levels significantly, but will also allow you to do what needs to be done effectively!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

4 Ways to Keep Your Skin Moisturized in the Winter

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A long, cold winter can mean that your skin is about to feel drier than usual. Winter is right around the corner, which means you can take a few steps to ward off the frustration of dry hands and skin. Here are four ways to keep your skin moisturized and healthy throughout the winter season:

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

7 Foods To Eat After A Tiring Workout

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There is honestly nothing like getting a good workout in. Can really lift your spirits, and make you feel so much better about the direction your life is heading. This is why millions of people head to the gym or get out on the open road and start working out each and every day.

Monday, November 27, 2017

6 Top Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle

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Good Health is one of most essential element for living great life without any problems for long, but drenched in our work so much with our mind heading in all direction to seek out some creative ideas for getting best work done in less time ,we forget about getting proper diet, going to gym etc. to keep our body fit and fine ,that’s the one of the main reason which provoked me to come up with some of the key components of one’s life which you can inculcate in your life without doing much effort to make your lifestyle better and body healthy .

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Call a Doctor Immediately You See These 5 Bad Signs of Your Baby's Colds

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My baby keeps on sneezing, and I am getting worried. She finds it hard to breathe so I asked my friends what to do when my baby has nasal congestion. They say to try your best in making your baby sneeze and do it the right way. I agree with them since it helps decongest my baby’s nose. But, I am bothered that her condition may be more than a typical congestion.

When is the right time to call a doctor when babies have colds? I want to know the signs, so I am sure that I am not overreacting or becoming negligent of my baby.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Five Ways Students Can Live a Healthier Lifestyle

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Staying healthy is one of the primary goals of today’s students, as, unlike thirty years ago, they consider it an indelible part of their future. Smoking and drinking alcohol is not in trend, while eating healthy and tracking your sleep are. There are a lot of things, however, that students forget to do or do wrong. Here, we’ve listed the most fundamental ones.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Top 5 Celebrities Who Use Medical Marijuana

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By Michale Ben
Medical marijuana has been getting a lot of attention lately, mainly because there are a lot of things that you can do with cannabis to keep your health in order. That being said, have you ever looked at the celebrities that have made the choice to utilize medical marijuana as part of their health and wellness routine? Here is a quick look at 5 of the most prominent celebrities that do.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Does Marijuana Affect Your Social and Personal Life?

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New research suggests that at midlife, heavy marijuana smokers are more likely to have problems economically and socially. Those who smoke frequently for years and have dependency issues are more at risk than those who smoke occasionally or never at all. Furthermore, there are even higher chances of these troubles the longer regular use continues.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

4 Signs Your Partner Might be Hiding an Addiction

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Victor Uhlman

It’s never a situation someone wants to be in. Suspecting someone you love with all your heart of abusing drugs is not a conclusion one comes to easily. However, if you’re reading this article, it likely means you’ve noticed something’s off about your partner, and you want to get to the bottom of it. Even if you’re not suspicious, these are some things to keep an eye out for in any relationship, as knowledge of addiction can help stop it before it gets too serious, or prevent it altogether. Here are four things to look out for if you believe your partner is hiding a serious addiction.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Significance of STI Screening – Infographic

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Every year in America, 10 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are diagnosed in people aged 15-24, while more than 1.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with chlamydia. This is just in the U.S., not worldwide. Those figures lay bare just how easily STIs can spread, with any form of skin-on-skin contact potentially transferring an infection from one person to another.

Friday, February 24, 2017

How to Be Kind to Yourself as You Cope With Loss

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By Jennifer Scott

Grief can be devastating. When you lose a cherished loved one, you’re left to wrangle with a range of emotions that you may have never experienced before, and it can be a challenging, isolating, and tiring process. When you’re grieving, it’s more important than ever to treat yourself with kindness and patience. Here are a few ways you can care for yourself as you cope with loss.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Immune System: Your Inner Balancing Act

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By Scarlett Hilton

Today we'll explore some of the things we can do with diet, lifestyle and mental attitude to positively support our immune defenses. We can literally eat our way into the first immune system supporter because it's good old fashioned FOOD! Two factors guide how we can eat for immunity; (1) Good variety, and (2) toxin-free, minimum chemical content foods.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Coupons for Good: 4 Ways for Couples to Get in Better Shape

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If you feel as if you've gained weight since entering a serious relationship, you're not alone. Many couples gain weight after they get together. Even though you may have put on some weight recently, you can still create some lifestyle changes that will make you and your partner healthier. Start by trying the following four ways to get in better shape together.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Funny Video Raises Awareness For Testicular Cancer

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Testicular cancer is technically a men's issue, but it affects us all when it affects the men we love, because a diagnosis can affect the entire family. For this reason, I love this video which is raising awareness, and doing it in such a fun and real way too. If you're a woman reading this, feel free to share to the men in your life, and remind them to go for screening too. Men may be procrastinators, but they do listen to the women they love.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Dealing with Stress - How not to Get Overwhelmed

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By Tolulope Olaifa
In Nigeria, we find ourselves facing stress on all sides- economic decline, power shortage, fuel price increase, even the “common” tomatoes we took for granted have started showing themselves. Believe it or not, accumulated stress is one of the major reasons why there has been an alarming increase in the death rate of young and middle-aged adults in Nigeria.  Unfortunately, Nigerians do not seem to understand the need to take a step back and relax for a while. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Things You Should Know Before Turning to Fresh Juice for Weight Loss

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By Sophie Addison

Weight gain is still a global health issue that requires concerted efforts to avert it. There are various healthy weight loss methods and one of them is juicing. As it were, juicing is currently one of the best options when it comes choosing the right weight loss diet plan.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Depression More Common in Daughters of Older Mothers - Study Reveals

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Depression affects millions of people out there, particularly women. Scientists have already associated it with a wide range of factors that contribute to its development, but the new study could change the way we perceive depression and its causes. According to this study, depression is more common in daughter, but not in sons, of older mothers. Keep reading this article to find out why daughters of older mothers have increased risk of depression.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

7 Tips To Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

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By Sophie Addison

According to available statistic, most women suffer back pains at the period of pregnancy. Sometimes it is normal. It is vital to take care of yourself during this period. There is no pointy in putting yourself in misery for the nine months. There are ways you can prevent these pains and also reduce them. There are methods that most doctors recommend to pregnant women for use to ease the back pains to provide complete relieve. Learn these methods from the points below.