Wednesday, March 15, 2017

4 Fantastic Ways to Bring Your Family Closer Together

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Everyone seems to be incredibly busy these days—even kids, with their school and extra-curricular activities. Men and women often struggle to find the archetypal work-life balance. Children, meanwhile, sometimes find it hard to relate to their parents.

But it doesn’t have to be all bleak on the family front. Even the simplest things can bring you closer together. All you need is to set aside a little time, flex your creativity, and commit to some family bonding time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

5 Ways to Dress Your Kids Well Without Going Broke

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Spending a lot of money on children's clothes while they're still growing is like shoveling snow in a blizzard; they outgrow everything faster than you can replace it. How can you keep your kids looking presentable without spending a fortune on clothes every few months? Here are five strategies that will help you achieve this goal.

Monday, December 19, 2016

5 Activities All Kids Should Try Before They're 10

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As all parents know, there's no manual for raising kids. But experts and other parents have found that kids benefit in a big way when they try lots of things before they turn 10. These activities give kids a chance to explore their talents, their interests, and the things they don't end up liking much. You'll find opportunities to do these things even in small towns, so help your kids pick a few that they would like to do.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Deal With a Move

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By Stephanie Lynch

Moving sucks. Packing up your stuff, saying goodbye to the people you love and leaving behind a place you're comfortable in is difficult. Even the most well-rounded adults struggle with moving to a new place. For a child, moving can be even tougher. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Avoiding Sports Related Injuries For Children In Winter

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It’s that time of year again. The kids are back in school, and after-school activities are starting to pick up. Maintaining an active lifestyle full of fun and challenging physical activities is important for fitness and physical development and also aids learning and concentration in other disciplines as well. The teamwork, social skills, self-control, and practice that goes into organized sporting activities also translates into more focused and dedicated students in the classroom as well.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

6 Trauma-free Tips For Traveling With Children

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Traveling with children doesn’t have to be a hassle: in fact, it can be a smooth-sailing adventure with the proper preparations. The experts have said that the most important thing to keep in mind when traveling is to pack light, leave extra room for hiccups and emergencies, and over prepare for any scenario. Here are six tips to make your next family travel adventure as fun as possible.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

All-Natural Ways to Protect Your Family’s Skin from Pool Chemicals

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Via Flickr - by Jerald Jackson

You’re probably well aware of how much damage the sun can do to you and your family members’ skin. So, you’ve probably spent a fair amount of time thinking over which SPF will work best for each person.

But your summer skincare shouldn’t stop there. The chemicals in the pools you’ll swim in this season can also damage your skin. Here are a few all-natural ways to minimize the harm these chemicals can do:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Academic Reward Opportunity For School Children of Enugu Parents In MD/DC/VA

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The Enugu State Association of Washington DC wishes to formally recognize the  academic efforts of children born to Enugu State indigenes that are living in the Washington DC metro area (DC, MD, VA). To this end, entries are being solicited for candidates who meet the eligibility criteria for the Enugu State Academic Recognition Ceremony which will hold on Saturday, June 20th, 2015.

This Award Recognition Ceremony will honor school-age children that excelled in Academics in the Spring, 2015 semester, and recent high school graduates that will be heading off to college in Fall, 2015.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pope Francis Slams Couples Who Choose Not To Have Children

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Pope Francis may not want Roman Catholic church members breeding like rabbits, but at the same time he's not happy with couples who choose not to have children at all. The pope was recently quoted to have said that couples who refuse to have children are selfish.

Pope Francis  caused quite a stir after he  branded such couples who choose not to have children as part of a 'greedy generation.' He made the remarks in front of a large crowd during his weekly general audience in St Peter's Square, Rome.'

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Barber Offers 'Old Man' Haircuts for Children Who Disrespect Parents

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This photo of a bald haircut on a little boy has been going viral for a while now. Supposedly he's a kid who is acting out and out of control and this is a way to teach him a lesson. There's a barbershop in Snellville which offers the free haircut called the "Benjamin Button Special" three days a week.

A picture of the haircut which will make any misbehaving child look like an elderly person was posted to Instagram by Russell Fredrick. He owns A-1 Kutz in Snellville and goes by the name Master Barber Rusty Fred.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

3-Year-Old Says A Special Prayer For Nigeria - For Safe Parks To Play In

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Three year old MissyMissy loves her country, and wants it to become a better place. She also asks for a little, the chance to dream. What are her dreams? Safe parks to play in, and the ability to travel and vacation in Nigeria. In the new video shared on Youtube by Missy's mom, she prays;

Hello ever body, my name is missimissy and I am 3 years old. I have a dream that Nigeria will be a better place. I have a dream that my friends and I will have safe parks to play in. I have a dream that my sister and I will be happy to do holiday in Nigeria. God bless Nigeria. I love Nigeria.

Missy cannot vote yet but she doesn't forget to remind everyone to vote wisely at the coming elections that her dreams may be fulfilled. I say Amen to her prayers. Watch the video below...

Friday, January 9, 2015

Woman Kills Herself And Two Daughters After Finding Out Her Partner Was Cheating

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Carlos Pinto, 33, needed to be sedated after his partner Lucia Brum Padilla grabbed their two little daughters and jumped off the balcony of their flat, killing herself and the girls. This happened in Santiago, Chile.

The woman and her two children died after she jumped from the 30th floor of their apartment building while holding her daughters, aged one and two. The woman committed the murder-suicide following a row with her boyfriend, who is also the father of the two girls.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

More Than 130 Dead After Taliban Attack Pakistani School Kill Over 100 Children [Photos]

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A candle light vigil in Islamabad, for the victims of the school attack in Pesharwar Photograph: Anjum Naveed/AP

More than 130 people, and over 100 of them children, have been killed in a Pakistani Taliban attack at an army school in Peshawar, according to local officials.

Six or more attackers, dressed in army uniform, mounted the assault on the school for the children of army personnel shortly after 11am. Hundreds were in the school at the time, the Guardian reports.

The attackers, some of them wearing suicide vests, managed to get into the school from the roof of a van parked next to a wall that abuts a graveyard, according to local police. They began firing at random. Another blew himself up as security guards approached.

Friday, November 21, 2014

‪#‎ThanksMichelleObama‬ - Students Unhappy With Healthy School Lunches Or Political Gimmicks?

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#ThanksMichelleObama is the sarcastic hashtag that young students are using to set Twitter on fire as they blame first lady Michelle Obama for their school lunches might obey new food regulations she championed, but which they say looks bad and tastes worse.

First lady Michelle Obama has made one of her personal campaigns that of getting childhood obesity down using healthy eating as an option. The other avenue is getting children to move more by being more physically active. But it all starts with what goes in the mouth so the first lady has worked with those in education to get the food served in schools healthier.

But the children seem not to be liking their modified menus for their school lunches. Those old enough to tweet are speaking out on social media and calling their food all manner of awful.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

9 Year Old Charged In Robbery Attack Along With Three Teenagers

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A 9-year-old from Providence along with two 13-year-olds and a 14-year-old have been charged for an attack on a 45-year-old man. The four of them are now being kept at a youth facility while they await their trials.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

BET Apologizes For Blue Ivy Hair Joke, Fires 106 & Park Producers As Show Goes On Break

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Less than one day after Blue Ivy was mocked on BET's 106 and Park by Karrueche Tran, who read out a rude joke via teleprompter, the whole show has gone on break.

The joke was along the lines of Blue Ivy saying she woke up with messy hair because her parents never combed her hair. 

BET yesterday issued a public apology in which they said necessary reprimands have been handed out to those involved. Now it appears the punishment included the producers of the show being fired leading to the whole show being shut down.

The BET President of Music Programming and Specials, Stephen Hill, had mentioned punitive actions in his apology posted on Twitter; but no one thought it would be so extreme. He wrote;

Monday, June 9, 2014

Daughter Stabs Mom With Knife in Another Attack Influenced by Slender Man

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Another stabbing is being blamed on Slender Man, after two 12-year-olds were arrested last week for stabbing their friend 19 times in an effort to prove Slenderman was real [read here]. In this new attack, a 13-year-old girl stabbed her mother with a knife for the same reason.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Two 12-Year-Old Girls Charged as Adults for Brutally Stabbing Classmate 19 Times

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Two 12-year-old girls have been charged with attempted homicide and will be tried as adults, after allegedly stabbing their classmate 19 times all over the body. The victim, another twelve year old, is in stable condition in the hospital though some of the stab wounds hit vital organs. The three girls all went to the same school, and were friends, the victim called one of her attackers, her best friend. *shivers*

Father Refused Entry Back Home After Toddler Defaces Passport With Scribbles While Traveling

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I saw this picture on Facebook and couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. I know for sure if I were the father, I wouldn't be laughing. A Chinese father took his family on a trip to North Korea but on their way back, he refused entry into China because his four year old child had defaced the identity page of his passport.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Child Marriage Vs Islamic Law - Stella Damasus and Senator Yerima on #AJStream Network

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Stella Damasus and Senator Ahmed yerima went toe to toe on the Al-Jazeera show THE STREAM tackling the Underage Marriage issue in Nigeria. Not surprisingly, they went round in circles with none the wiser. One of the other guests, a lawyer named Aminu made the most sense.